Arctic Monkeys

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

am poate o sa-i dau o sansa candva. al doilea meu baiat preferat din muzica dupa alex turner e richard hawley. dar ala are si voce tati

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

Ha, deci din reclama a furat aia! Nice!

"al doilea meu baiat preferat din muzica dupa alex turner e richard hawley. dar ala are si voce tati"

la mine e caz special Turner, e o aglomerare de multe lucruri misto in AM, pe langa Turner, e Helders, etc. Nu ma omor cu crooneri prea tare, dar Hawley e misto, are ceva de anii 50 in piesele lui. Dar prefer sa merg si mai la sursa, un pic de Sinatra, un pic de Elvis Presley. Da' rar. In 99% din cazuri ma ghideaza toba ce sa ascult, ascult trupe, pop mai diy, rock alternativ, pop rock; am descoperit super de curand o trupa se chiama Pale Waves, au ceva din anii 80 in productie, ceva din trupa aia 1975 daca ai ascultat vreodata (nu prea-l suport pe fandositu' ala la microfon!), da' au o tobosarita foarte interesanta, desi la inceput de drum foarte dezghetata cu idei de toba pop. Ascult si mult pop cu female vocalists, indiferent de productie, un pic de metal, un pic de extreme metal, din ce in ce mai rar insa.

E un trend aiurea zilele astea, nu mai pune nimeni mana pe toba, (si mai rarut pe chitara de asemenea), e dificila, pe langa ca trebuie sa studiezi pana nu mai poti, e galagie multa, trebuie spatiu, in sfarsit, e criminal de greu de captat in microfoane, etc.; generatia asta prefera (sau n-au incotro, s-au mai schimbat si urechile la ascultatori) productia electronica. Am pierdut numarul la artistii pe care i-as fi ascultat cu mult mai multa placere daca ar fi avut si ceva toba acustica, dar idea de trupa clasica e cam moarta.

De-asta sunt super fericit cand mai apare de te miri unde cate cineva si mai canta si cu instrumente pe bune. De-asta si cu Arctic Monkeys nu prea am avut cum sa-i ignor, sa-i dau la o parte, chit ca la inceput nu eram fan Turner. Oricum te-ai uita la ei, nu sunt o trupa usor de inghitit, iti ia un pic sa prinzi drag de ei. E pop ce fac ei, dar nu a fost niciodata pop pentru toata lumea, cu ultimul asta album probabil cel mai greu de inghitit de pana acum. Noroc la inceput cu Helders ca m-a captat, dupa aia a avut si Turner timp sa ma capteze in ecuatie. Si chit ca au evoluat monstruos de mult, in doar 3 albume, sunt totusi aceleasi elemente primordiale in cei fac ei, care sunt de o sinceritate maxima, de o posibilitate de schimbare, de suflet, de viata maxima live - canta la instrumente si la voce, si nu la instrumente electronice, predefinite, moarte, ci la instrumente care-ti cer respect si atentie maxima sa le stapanesti.

Numai toba lui Helders, poti sa-i citesti personalitatea, poti sa-i citesti atitudinea in momentul cantarii; cu o toba electronica, indiferent cum e delivered, oricat de sofisticata, toata lumea e la fel, redusa scheletic. La fel si cu chitara electrica, chiar si muzicieni care nu-s extraordinari, tot poti sa citesti ceva din ei, atitudini, personalitate, etc.

In ultima vreme - ultimii trei patru ani, am descoperit bine jazz-ul. L-am descoperit pe Buddy Rich, care banuiesc ca nu era fiinta umana in totalitate, desi sunt tobosari de jazz mai.. sofisticati zilele astea, dar cred ca Buddy a fost cel mai energetic, on point, no bullshit, tobosar de jazz. Iti recomand sa asculti daca nu ai prins inca drag de jazz (instrumental), o sa fie o muzica extraterestra o perioada, dar cand incepi sa o "vezi" o sa fie foarte misto.

Iti recomand cel mai usor de recomandat album de jazz ever - Kind of Blue - Miles Davis,

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sau daca te simti +x% more jazz inclined, like you could handle a deluge of bright awesomeness, my personal favorite ever Buddy Rich live concert - "At the Hague", 1978, avea Buddy in 78 .. 60 de ani, si energie si pasiune cat n-are toata generatia asta de jazz drummers - ultimii 20 de ani. insane classic big band shit, gotta watch it.

Nu e off-topic, everybody, ca zicea Turner ca tac-su canta pian de jazz, so..., there you go, makes sense, leave me be!! :)))

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ola small dickie
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

Nu prea am ascultat eu jazz dar albumul ala al lui Miles Davis l-am avut pe repeat multe zile acum mai multi ani. De Buddy Rich nici n-am auzit, o sa-l incerc.

The Smiths ai ascultat?

Apropo de faptul ca esti pasionat de toba - ai ascultat The Stone Roses (una din formatiile mele preferate, la fel ca The Smiths) ? Stiu ca tobosarul lor, Reni, e laudat.


"His laid-back style of complex, off-beat rhythms was influential in bringing about the blend of indie and dance music which formed much of the Manchester (or Madchester) sound of the day. He is considered by many industry insiders to be the best drummer of his generation and one renowned for his virtuoso abilities.

In his early years with the band, whose songs at the time were inspired by punk and post-punk, Reni's drumming style was characterised by the energy from evident influences such as Keith Moon - Andy Couzens mentioned he was "like ten Keith Moons in one." Due to his showmanship and natural flair, Manchester music scene regulars such as Martin Hannett noted many people were attending the band's early gigs just to see Reni play. Howard Jones, a director at Factory Records, said of a performance on 15 November 1984: "Reni was out of this world. The way he played, his facial expressions, his finishing, how he'd kill a cymbal once he'd hit it, he'd got total natural technique."[13]

As the band's music progressed, marked by the release of the second single Sally Cinnamon in 1987, his playing style became renowned for the use of a three-piece kit and the additional complement of his backing vocals on the majority of new songs. His minimalised kit consisted of "a mixture of Ludwig, vintage, and a big expensive Sonor snare drum"[14], which were all painted with Squire's Jackson Pollock inspired art style. Reni's use of a smaller kit did not limit his range, with a new focus on a jazz-tinged, but ultimately rock-based, playing style. His busy use of the high-hat, snare, and solitary tom-tom created a unique, highly complex sound which helped to define the band's significant musical shift.

Elephant Stone, released in 1988 as the band's third single, was viewed as an ideal opportunity to highlight Reni's talent, as Brown later said: "We wanted people to hear what he could do."[15] The drummer's focus on a propulsive tom-tom beat showcased his ability to create innovative drum rhythms, but was also in line with the burgeoning dance music scene of the day. Peter Hook of New Order produced the song in Cheadle Hulme, Stockport and has since acknowledged Reni remains one of the best rock drummers he ever worked with: "Reni's drumming lent such a character and identity to the songs. Ian and John had got it with the melodies and lyrics but they were lucky to get Reni because he took them from being a traditional, normal rock band into the stratosphere with other great groups."[16]

By the time of the Second Coming rehearsals, in the early 1990s, Reni adapted his style further. Guitarist John Squire, becoming increasingly inspired by Led Zeppelin, led the band in a new musical direction, prompting Reni to adopt a blues-rock approach, adding in extra tom-toms for a style analogous to John Bonham. Ian Brown said of early studio time: "When we started recording we had Reni playing the drums for 40 minutes and it was out of this world. I remember John Leckie turning around with a big beam on his face and saying, 'Can't this be the album?'"[17] His playing on the songs Love Spreads and Daybreak were particularly praised for their high-quality and complexity, whilst his many long jamming sessions with Mani and Squire, plus several drum solos, also became available through bootlegs.

For the majority of his career, Reni has preferred the use of matched grip, although, circa 1990, in live television performances of One Love and Fools Gold he can be clearly seen using traditional grip. He can also be seen in rehearsal recordings following the band's reformation using the former and latter interchangeably.

Of his drumming style, in 2004 Rhythm Magazine commented Reni was: "funkier and more subtle than any drummer in the genre [indie] had ever been" and he was, "economical, soulful, and inventive". Rhythm Magazine labelled him a drummer hero, stating: "you know him best by his ability to always play it cooler than cool""
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

"De Buddy Rich nici n-am auzit, o sa-l incerc." Constanteanule, te astept in scara blocului, te reperez, si te bat mar! N-a auzit de Buddy Rich! Lumeeeee! Ia si asculta, tiparu' si maracinii si streptomicina..
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

:lol: aici la noi constanta doar harry tavitian si corneliu stroe

Harry tavitian mi a cantat si in sufrageria mea :lol:

O sa pun clipul
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

hehehehe! Sa vars apa minerala pe tastatura! hehehehe jesus on a holy stick! :)
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »


din pacate nu m-a dus bibilica sa filmez de la inceput, mi-am dat seama pe parcurs ca ar trebui sa fac asta
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »


"it’s completely devoid of indie disco anthems, guitars take a back seat, choruses are at a premium, lyrics are everything, and James Ford’s impeccable production job places the record in some imaginary sci-fi 1970s; it’s an odd, sad, funny, compelling and absolutely fascinating record, and a brave, ambitious move for such a successful (and still youthful) band to make.

Anyone wanting to hear a sad, funny, wordy and imaginative album about paranoia and alienation, however, is in for a treat." ... no-domino/
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

"din pacate nu m-a dus bibilica sa filmez de la inceput, mi-am dat seama pe parcurs ca ar trebui sa fac asta" Awesome! btw - if you were wondering - that small thing played with a metal rod - that's either an orphan finger cymbal or a similarly fashioned bell; the drum is a frame drum. That whole scene is insane! hehe!

"Anyone wanting to hear a sad, funny, wordy and imaginative album about paranoia and alienation, however, is in for a treat." baietii astia au o intuitie buna! Nice find.
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

kostyka wrote: 21 May 2018, 14:12 "din pacate nu m-a dus bibilica sa filmez de la inceput, mi-am dat seama pe parcurs ca ar trebui sa fac asta" Awesome! btw - if you were wondering - that small thing played with a metal rod - that's either an orphan finger cymbal or a similarly fashioned bell; the drum is a frame drum. That whole scene is insane! hehe!

hehe thanks for the info drumboss!
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by Stokkolm »

Am vazut hype-ul de pe aici si ma tenta sa incerc si eu albumul. Dar am zis sa astept mai intai sa iasa review-ul Needledrop, sa nu risc sa-l ascult degeaba. Seems it was the right call.

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

asta e un retardat
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by Ferrrrrrrrrdinand »

to be fair, e o notă bună având în vedere ultimul lui review arctic monkeys oricum whatever people say I am e cel mai bun album al lor
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by TG »

Stokkolm wrote: 21 May 2018, 14:17 Am vazut hype-ul de pe aici si ma tenta sa incerc si eu albumul. Dar am zis sa astept mai intai sa iasa review-ul Needledrop, sa nu risc sa-l ascult degeaba. Seems it was the right call.
Eu zic să nu te iei după recenzii. De altfel, mi-e greu să îi înțeleg pe cei care iau Youtuberi în serios. Mie mi s-a părut nasol inițial, dar după ascultări ulterioare mi-am schimbat părerea. Îi înțeleg pe hateri într-o oarecare măsură dar apreciez ce au făcut AM, cred că un AM 2 ar fi fost cea mai boring chestie din existență.

This album was the right call.
"Screams of a billion murdered stars give life to the night's peace. While we cling in desperation to the few spinning stones we call worlds."

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

La multi ani kostyka!
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

"Am vazut hype-ul de pe aici si ma tenta sa incerc si eu albumul. Dar am zis sa astept mai intai sa iasa review-ul Needledrop, sa nu risc sa-l ascult degeaba. Seems it was the right call."

Stok, ala nici macar numele la piese nu le cunoaste cum trebuie. Vezi cum poceste "She Looks like Fun". Nu e un album pentru toata lumea, sigur, dar parerea lu' baietanu ala e fix sufletu', nu are un singur insight mai de doamne ajuta, i-a trecut albumu' asta pe langa chelie cu zero la suta intelegere.

"La multi ani kostyka!" Tnx mate!
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by Stokkolm »

Evident ca nu imi formez parerea despre album in functie de ce zice un reviewer, faceam o glumita acolo. Am ascultat albumul si mi-a placut, mai mult decat altele de la Arctic Monkeys.
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by TG »

Ai fost prea subtil.
"Screams of a billion murdered stars give life to the night's peace. While we cling in desperation to the few spinning stones we call worlds."

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

Cu pachetul comandat am primit si un cod cu care am downloadat si albumul original de pe site-ul Domino in format digital. E in 2 formate, mp3 si wav.

"MP3 format downloads are in 320kbit quality and will play on most devices. WAV files are 16-bit, 44.1KHz quality and therefore much larger in size - make sure you have enough disk space and a fast internet connection. "

Habar n-am daca sunt sau nu mai de calitate fata de flacurile de la Mahdi. Daca le vrea cineva sa-mi zica.
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

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