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Mage’s Initiation: Reign of the Elements

Posted: 2 Feb 2019, 09:49
by ola small dickie
"Himalaya's long-awaited genre hybrid may water down its RPG elements, but in most respects it's a tower of strength as an adventure."


The Good:

Incredibly beautiful pixel art
Well-written dialogue and observations throughout
Succeeds in telling a classic fantasy story and creating a genuinely interesting new world
Voice acting is generally excellent, especially considering the diversity of characters

The Bad:

Battle mechanics are clumsy and simplistic
RPG elements are de-emphasized too much
Protagonist’s voice is a bit too sincere at times

Our Verdict:

Mage’s Initiation is like a modern-day Sierra On-Line gem, an extraordinarily polished adventure game. If the battle sections were improved and the RPG elements better integrated, this would be a near-perfect experience, but it’s still a game that should cast a spell on any genre fan.




Image ... e_elements

Re: Mage’s Initiation: Reign of the Elements

Posted: 16 May 2019, 20:39
by ola small dickie

Am intrat in el.

Re: Mage’s Initiation: Reign of the Elements

Posted: 16 Jun 2019, 15:04
by ola small dickie
ete ca joc adventureuri si fac si eu level-up


Re: Mage’s Initiation: Reign of the Elements

Posted: 20 Jun 2019, 07:40
by ola small dickie
L-am terminat.

Daca e vreo boala care sa-ti dea simptom un chef subit de a juca vechi aventuri Sierra, in special seria Quest For Glory, atunci pot sa recomand ca tratament imediat Mage’s Initiation: Reign of the Elements. Jocul e un omagiu pentru Sierra si Quest For Glory dar in acelasi timp reuseste sa fie in sinea lui un adventure cu cateva condimente RPG foarte reusit. M-a tinut lipit si interesat de la inceput pana la sfarsit, am fost un tanar Water Mage intr-un setting fantasy simpatic si desenat foarte frumos. Se vede ca autorii (Himalaya Studios - cei care sub denumirea AGD Interactive au scos niste remake-uri King`s Quest 1,2,3 si Quest For Glory 2) au pus multa pasiune si mult timp (jocul a fost in productie multi ani) in acest joc. Foarte multe hotspots in fiecare ecran al jocului, fiecare cu raspunsuri diferite in functie de actiunea pe care o pui peste el, la fel si in interactiunea cu personajele, fiecare are un raspuns diferit de exemplu pentru fiecare obiect al tau pe care i-l prezinti. Toate raspunsurile fiind si audio - au inregistrat audio o gramada.. Din punct de vedere al dificultatii este reglat fin, nici prea dificil, nici prea usor, e intuitiv, cam stii tot timpul ce trebuie sa faci si unde.


Re: Mage’s Initiation: Reign of the Elements

Posted: 20 Jun 2019, 09:56
by ola small dickie
A si am uitat sa zic. La sfarsitul jocului ai optiunea de a salva personajul pe harddisk pt a l folosi in viitoare jocuri. Exact ca la Quest For Glory. Sweeeeeeet