Zoria: Age of Shattering

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Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Cristan »

de Tiny Trinket Games
A story-driven, party-based RPG with strong tactical elements, base and follower management that takes place in the expansive Fantasy world of Zoria, a world filled with magic, ancient history, tumultuous politics, and countless mysteries.
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Spoiler for Features:
  • Explore a rich, immersive and diverse world: beautifully crafted environments, featuring dense forests, haunting dungeons, golden deserts and many more.
  • An epic story driving your experience, with rich and expansive lore. Discover the hidden tales and stories that live on through the people of Zoria and your own companions;
  • Tactical, turn-based combat. Encounters vary from the easily manageable to the ones that require a little more care and wise management of the available abilities. The combat itself is a mix of old and new, as it is turn-based but not grid-based, allowing for a greater freedom of movement and gameplay speed.
  • Plan your moves or just enjoy the ride - a game experience suited both for players eager to just explore and adventure, as well as for those who want a challenging combat with a strong emphasis on strategic thinking and planning.
  • Survival system - resource management and, yes … hunger. Making camp and resting will restore health, vital resources and even cleanse a few negative effects. But resting is only available if the party has the necessary supplies. So, keep an eye for items around you that could provide supplies.
  • Environment-specific abilities: in Zoria, some places are only accessible by using some of your follower’s abilities and each class has a different environment-specific ability. Depending on the party, some areas may not be accessible and only returning with a different setup can ensure all areas are explored.
  • Easy to learn crafting system with dozens of unique potions, epic weapons and other curious recipes that can be found throughout the world.
  • Elaborate character management: class and character upgrade system, unique skills both in combat, and during exploration. A wide array of character builds for each class will allow you to approach an encounter in your own way.
  • Complex base management: build new facilities, upgrade buildings, manage resources and expand your base;
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Apare în toamnă, dar tocmai au lansat un demo.
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Global Belit
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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Magicake »

Acum vorbim!
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Cristan »

Nu s-a lansat încă, dar oamenii lucrează la el și doar ce-au încheiat o campanie Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/an ... shattering. Lansarea e la anul.
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Global Belit
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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Magicake »

Vad ca acum sunt backed de un publisher din Polonia (ei au pornit si kickstarter-ul).
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Cristan »

Preview pe Rock Paper Shotgun: With 50 playable heroes, indie RPG Zoria: Age Of Shattering wants to "marry XCOM to Baldur's Gate"
Expectations are high, but Tiny Trinket Games' co-founder Stefan Nitescu remains unfazed as his three-strong team prepare to release Zoria: Age Of Shattering on March 7th. Zoria is carving an altogether different path through the RPG landscape, fusing isometric exploration with XCOM-like combat and 50 playable characters who are more like unit classes than personalities. The latter is a decision that comes with its own "repercussions", says Nitescu, but he's confident that it will help Zoria stand apart, with character abilities being unusually central to exploration.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Cristan »

Se lansează diseară la ora 8.

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Global Belit
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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Magicake »

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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Magicake »

Am intrat in el.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Cristan »

Și? Impresii? Îl am și eu, dar n-am intrat în el.

Are review și pe RPS: Zoria: Age Of Shattering review: a systems-heavy RPG that punches above its weight
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Global Belit
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Re: Zoria: Age of Shattering

Post by Magicake »

L-am lasat pe mai tarziu, cat am jucat din el nu am gasit nimic ce as putea sa zic ca-i rau, dar nu e nimic care sa-mi starneasca interesul.

Se vede de la o posta ca au avut ambitii cu mult peste bugetul lor, ceea ce e laudabil intr-un fel, dar de ce au ales cel mai generic setting posibil cu cea mai generica intriga posibila, nu stiu. Fix la partea la care puteau cel mai usor sa te atraga in ciuda bugetului redus, au dat cu bata-n balta.

Grafica, animatiile, vocile sunt cam ce te astepti, cu iz de asset store. Daca ignori toate astea, raman mecanicile, care probabil ca-s ok, dar sunt atatea alte RPG-uri mai mult sau mai putin generice, cu grafica, animatii si voci mai ok, incat nu prea pot sa-i dau prioritate lui Zoria.

Poate alta data.
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