We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.4 "Bertie’s garden work". This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which adds support for WebP images, improves the wording in email templates, and resolves various issues reported in previous versions.
Changelog forum
Re: Changelog forum
Update la phpBB 3.3.4.
Re: Changelog forum
Update la phpBB 3.3.5.
We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.5 “Ich bin ein Bertie”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which introduces a new helper function lang_js() for twig templates and resolves various issues reported in previous versions.
The fixes include, among others, further improvements on PHP 8 compatibility as well as some issues with migrations when upgrading or converting a board to the latest version of phpBB. In addition to that, some issues with the database handling for PostgreSQL, e.g. during backups, were also resolved.
We also introduced a bit of hardening in the form of disallowing specific UTF8 whitespace characters with zero or near zero width in usernames. These characters could cause some usernames to be confused with each other and hence we decided to specifically filter these.
Re: Changelog forum
Update la phpBB 3.3.6.
We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.6 “The Book of Bertie”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which introduces support for SVG and WebP images in ranks, smilies, and topic icons, as well as improved performance of the phpBB native search engine. It also resolves various issues reported in previous versions.
The fixes include, among others, the topic selection not properly working on Moderator Control Panel (MCP) pages and resolved issues with double-escaping of config data inserted into the database.
We also introduced further hardening in the form of longer random strings for the activation keys and resetting the login keys after a password change.
Re: Changelog forum
Update la phpBB 3.3.7.
Am verificat tabelele, se pare că nu am fost afectați. Dar să-mi fie învățătură de minte: dacă un update nu e urgent (problemă serioasă de securitate), e mai bine să-l amân măcar vreo două săptămâni, în caz că s-au strecurat greșeli.We are sorry to announce the immediate release of phpBB 3.3.7 “The Book of Bertie, Part Two” to address an issue some users experienced when updating to 3.3.6. Unfortunately the issue wasn't noticed during testing and has only surfaced after the release of 3.3.6.
The fixed issue may have resulted in role-based group or user permissions being accidentally removed. As a result of that, some users were no longer able to see forums when visiting phpBB. If you have already updated to phpBB 3.3.6, please check your tables for phpbb_acl_groups and phpbb_acl_users tables for changes compared to before the update to 3.3.6 (replace the phpbb_ prefix with your table prefix).
Re: Changelog forum
În altă ordine de idei, acum în martie s-au împlinit 8 ani de forum.
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
Re: Changelog forum
Update la phpBB 3.3.9.
Am trecut direct de la 3.3.7 la 3.3.9. 3.3.8 n-a fost cine știe ce.We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.9 “Bertie’s lunar flyby”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which improves PHP 8.0 and 8.1 support and clarifies the message when using an unsupported PHP version. Multiple third party libraries like Guzzle were also updated to include their latest bug and security fixes. In addition to this, we have also resolved an issue that was preventing users from updating after having removed the default YouTube profile field. Furthermore, some issues with malformed emails due to special characters in usernames as well as differing behavior related to line endings in newer PHP versions were fixed.
Finally, more hardening was added in the form of ensuring that after a password reset through the “Forgot Password” functionality, all user sessions are also reset. This is now in line with the already existing behavior when changing one’s password.
Re: Changelog forum
Update la phpBB 3.3.10.
We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.10 “The Way of Bertie”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which improves support for PHP 8.2, and resolves various issues reported in previous versions.
Previous versions of phpBB started showing a “broken image” icon next to the browser’s fallback emoji due to the service of the Emoji Content Delivery Network (CDN) being shut down. In order to resolve this, the emoji CDN has been replaced alongside other fixes which include improved handling of errors while using the Spamhaus blocklist, and proper handling of emojis when adding feedback in the Moderator Control Panel (MCP).
In addition to this, we have improved support for the use of reCAPTCHA for countries where the main domain might not be accessible, and the explanation of the ACP setting for allowing the “usage of third party content delivery networks” has been improved.
Further hardening has been added to the cron redirect to prevent exceptions from being left unhandled.
Re: Changelog forum
Menționez și aici trecerea de la Debian 10 la Debian 12 pe care am făcut-o ieri. Azi am mai făcut două lucruri:
1. Update la phpBB 3.3.11.
1. Update la phpBB 3.3.11.
2. Am activat atașamentele. Detalii aici: viewtopic.php?p=125558#p125558We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.11 “Bertie’s trip to Zagreb”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which increases the minimum required PHP version, adds a new search index progress bar with added statistics, optimizes our support for PHP 8.2, and adds further security hardening.
Re: Changelog forum
Pentru înlesnirea inserarării link-urilor în postări, am adăugat un prompt care cere link-ul atunci când apăsați butonul "insert URL".
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Ne-a încurcat ani de zile chestia asta și abia acum am făcut ceva, la sugestia lui Cristan. Mă gândesc la paralela dintre game design și colacul de la WC din Cronicile Afantana...
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Ne-a încurcat ani de zile chestia asta și abia acum am făcut ceva, la sugestia lui Cristan. Mă gândesc la paralela dintre game design și colacul de la WC din Cronicile Afantana...
Re: Changelog forum
1. Update la phpBB 3.3.14.
2. Update la extensia Board Announcements 1.3.0.We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.14 “Bertie All Along”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which introduces a number of improvements aimed at enhancing the user experience and overall stability of the software and resolves some issues noticed in previous releases.
The improvements include the introduction of separate lists for disabled and not installed Extensions in the ACP as well as the addition of the ability to force reparsing BBCodes via the command line interface (CLI).
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