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Post by Mahdi »

De la developerii lui Serpent in the Staglands: ... escription
We’re so excited to be back on Kickstarter with our new game, Copper Dreams! It's an isometric, party-based, turn-based, pen-and-paper-inspired game in a dystopian cyberpunk setting. Think an isometric Escape from New York, or Deus Ex.

As an Agent of Asset Inquiries that syndicates hire to gather items, intel and citizens of value, you'll often be put through sensitive situations not to win but to minimize your level of failure and tackle conflicts with clever stealth (or lots of bullets).


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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by Magicake »

Misto, I need me some Underrail 2 :D
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by Mahdi »

Tu nu l-ai terminat nici pe primul. :D

(nici eu de altfel)
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by Magicake »

Yeah, cand l-am inceput eram blocat pe un laptop pe care Underrail era the best option. De cand m-am intors la desktop mi-e greu sa aleg intre jocuri :-( E inca instalat, presimt ca in viitorul apropiat o sa-l continui.
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by sebas »

Nu știu ce să zic, dar nu-mi place deloc ce au făcut developerii cu SitS. Sunt doar doi oameni care au scos un joc ok, care ar putea deveni însă foarte bun după ceva updateuri/expansion..

În loc să-și crească copilul, ei însă anunță un expansion într-un engine complet nou, mai degrabă un joc nou adică. Și la câteva luni după încă un joc nou, de data asta stealth cyperpunk. O să fie half-arsed și ăsta, la fel ca și SitS.
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by Stokkolm »

Dunno man, pe vremea mea jucam jocurile pentru gameplay, poveste, nu pentru patch notes si DLC-uri.
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by Doc »

Stokkolm wrote:Dunno man, pe vremea mea jucam jocurile pentru gameplay, poveste, nu pentru patch notes si DLC-uri.
Pe vremea noastra aka internet-aproape-canci jocurile nu erau lansate la jumatatea dezvoltarii, in principiu erau terminate, pentru ca patchurile ajungeau destul de greu la end-useri. Acum lumea s-a culcat pe ureche ca orice ar face, trantesc patchuri si DLCuri si aia e, pot sa lanseze orice prostie neterminata si nefinisata.
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by TG »

În principiu da. Pe de alta parte, erau jocurile terminate pentru că nu mai puteau fi reparate la fel ca acum. Adică, și dacă aveau probleme, tot așa le-ai fi numit, nu e ca și cum puteai aștepta cele 2 patch-uri de 500 de MB. Lansările cu bug-uri erau ceva obișnuit și înainte ca toată lumea să aibă broadband, însă patch-urile consistente mai puțin, așa că lumea nu judeca jocurile chiar atât de rapid ca acum.

Nu cred însă că la asta se referea sebas, pentru niște producători noi e în general o idee mai bună să-și aducă jocul într-un stadiu cât mai ok înainte să înceapă alte proiecte, altfel s-ar putea ca jocurile următoare să nu mai fie primite la fel de bine. Mă rog, nu știu dacă se aplică sau nu pentru că nu am jucat SitS.

Iar problema DLC-urilor nu prea mai e de actualitate, singurii care mai fac măgării cu tăiat conținut sunt producători AAA cu jocuri mediocre, care oricum au făcut scârbe dintotdeauna. Indiferent că sunt DLC-uri, pre-order bonuses, DRM-uri, găsesc ei o cale.
"Screams of a billion murdered stars give life to the night's peace. While we cling in desperation to the few spinning stones we call worlds."

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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by sebas »

Stokkolm wrote:Dunno man, pe vremea mea jucam jocurile pentru gameplay, poveste, nu pentru patch notes si DLC-uri.
Da moșule, dar pe atunci apăreau 25 de jocuri pe an. Acum apar tot atâtea indie-uri și kickstartere cât de duci până la baie să-ți speli proteza. Apoi, cum ar fi arătat un joc Troika sau alde Daikatana cu post-release support? Parcă mai puțin falimentar, nu?

Sper să îmi demonstreze contrariul porumbacii ăștia de la Whalenought, dar deocamdată nu pot spune decât că îmi par împrăștiați, motiv pentru care nu văd bine noile lor proiecte.
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by TG »

Funded. ... ts/1600339
We're in the process of still trying to tweak gameplay and mechanics to get them feeling absolutely right. When you see the game again, hopefully soon, we should have something very special to show you! A key component for our current development schedule is spending all the time needed to make sure the ruleset and mechanics are implemented perfectly, as we plan on using (and adding to) these mechanics down the road for other games. Ideally, when you see that a game uses the Burning Candle ruleset, you'll have a very good idea of what that will play like, fantasy or sci-fi.
"Screams of a billion murdered stars give life to the night's peace. While we cling in desperation to the few spinning stones we call worlds."

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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by Mahdi »

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We’re working around the clock to get a build ready for you all, so expect some news on that final date shortly. For $35+ backers, we'll be sending out information about getting a key in late January. Everyone else, expect your beta keys in the next couple months!

The alpha build will have some varying options for you test out a raid on Block 24, a syndicate stronghold full of petrified civilians and hostile agents. There will be a normal, mission-oriented version, as well as more mechanics-focused ones to mess around with in the playground-like map:

• Golden-gun mode for one-hit kills
• Don't get caught mode
• Machine-gun mode
• A few super secret modes to unlock if you beat previous modes

They should give a range of options to test for balancing and how things feel. We'll be mainly looking for feedback on our 3 vertical slice tests, which we'll describe below. After further iteration on the alpha-mission with your feedback, our next milestone is updating the build of the game with the first of the main campaign maps to check out, which we’ll just be doing in chunks.

1 — Visualizing step-by-step actions within turns

Goal: The entire game-world is built with turns that are visualized with ticks (.25 sec intervals in gameplay). In combat your individual actions take a certain amount of time, and then dictate when your world stops for another turn.

Execution: Play cat and mouse noise with an enemy combatant with turns, get into a firefight, and then lose enemy and have them return to patrolling. This has most of these mechanics that can be telegraphed easily with in-game notifiers and the tick display.

2 — Gameplay impactful damage and resources

Goal: Character damage should encourage a change of tactics, and be mechanically as profound as the damage. This needs to be done in a fun way, not to impede gameplay.

Execution: Attacking an enemy in the legs results in slowing their move speed. Attacking in the arms reduces aim quality, attacking in head lowers sight and hearing. Enemies will react to this and change tactics appropriately.

3 — Accessible environments, movement, and tools

Goal: Moving around the world needs to be simple and intuitive and not require any hand-eye coordination. The interface bar needs to give easy access to any available player skills equally, to establish an equal importance between them during gameplay. Sensory mechanics for both NPCs and the player need to be easily visualized within the 3d maps and with height.

Execution: A combination of auto-movement changes and manual toggles to navigate around an environment by running, walking, and sneaking, then climbing, jumping across a gap, crawling through a vent, ascending a ladder, swimming, manually jumping over a trap, and then manually opening and closing a door. Get every skill a player can put character points in within a click away on a uniform dock-like interface.
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by joonior_bmf »

Am urmarit parcursul jocului in ultimii ani prin screenshots si gifs postate pe twitter. Se pare ca a trecut prin cateva iteratii vizuale inainte sa se decida pe ce au acum. Avea la un moment dat un aspect fain similar cu cell-shading, dar au revenit la clasicul pixel art. Insa cred ca va avea camera fixata izometric de data asta. Apropo, i-au schimbat numele in Mechajammer.

New trailer
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Re: Copper Dreams

Post by Mahdi »

lol wtf. parcă îmi plăcea mai mult direcția artistică inițială, de low-poly retro 3D. look-ul curent de pixel art e cam îmbâcsit. îmi aduce aminte de Serpent in the Staglands, care avea multe idei interesante, dar în cele din urmă era un clunky mess.
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Re: Mechajammer

Post by TG »

Da, îmi plăcea mult mai mult cum era inițial. :(
"Screams of a billion murdered stars give life to the night's peace. While we cling in desperation to the few spinning stones we call worlds."

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Re: Mechajammer

Post by MC »

Imo arata mai bine acum decat era initial.
Chiar daca sunt satul pana in gat de tonele de jocuri cu grafica pixel art, o prefer oricand in fata uneia care doreste sa emuleze o grafica low-poly specifica inceputului de deceniu '00.
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Re: Mechajammer

Post by joonior_bmf »

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