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Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 04:06
by zme-ul
Interview: Hideo Kojima on darker themes and phantom cigars

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 04:22
by zme-ul
se poate sa aiba legatura cu viewtopic.php?f=4&t=46&start=100#p6869

Cheezus - Producer of GT.TV:
Great people @GameTrailers will be looking for jobs, we have editorial, video editors, tech managers & more looking for work. #gamejobs
@GameTrailers not shutting down, site was purchased.
Defy Media wrote:New York, June 9, 2014 – DEFY Media, LLC. (DEFY), a leading creator and distributor of digital content, and Viacom Inc. (Nasdaq: VIAB, VIA) today announced that DEFY has acquired Viacom’s gaming focused digital properties Addicting Games, GameTrailers and Shockwave, extending the Company’s portfolio of digital properties and further strengthening its reach to 13-34 year old consumers. In consideration for the digital properties, Viacom will receive a minority interest in DEFY (formed by the Alloy Digital and Break Media “merger of equals”). The two companies have also entered into marketing and content syndication agreements that will draw on their respective scale and expertise in developing and distributing entertainment to influential audiences.

The addition of Viacom’s digital gaming properties significantly expands and deepens DEFY’s gaming and entertainment portfolio, which now includes GameTrailers, SMOSH Games, ranked among YouTube’s fastest growing channels ever, award-winning The Escapist, and Gamefront, along with other digital properties and premium partners focused on the interests of gaming enthusiasts. The transaction adds new revenue streams for DEFY, including subscription based platforms, while also greatly expanding the Company’s targeted offerings for advertisers.
acum am inteles, Viacom primeste scaun contra GT, Addicting Games si Shockwave

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 04:35
by zme-ul
silenzio stampa!

Digital Content Consumer Rights Legislation comes in effect from TODAY

Under the new EU rules (see the factsheet on the new rules), EU consumers can now rely on (see Annex for more information):
  • Enhanced price transparency;
  • The end of unjustified surcharges for the use of credit cards and hotlines;
  • A ban on pre-ticked boxes on the internet, as for example when they buy plane tickets;
  • An extension of the period to change their minds from 7 days to a uniform 14 days across the EU;
  • Stronger refund rights, within 14 days of the consumer's cancellation of a purchase;
  • Rules banning online traps, like offers on the internet that advertise something as free when in reality it is not;
  • Better protection in relation to digital content, especially regarding information on the software and hardware the products work with.
hooray madafaka's :evil:

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 19:29
by zme-ul
Destiny on PC is a heavy point of discussion at Activision
"Again, no announcements, but it's something that's a heavy point of discussion. And you asked how are we dealing with the complexity of developing for so many platforms, how about one more on top of that?" he continued.

"You know, developing on PC is a different animal than developing for consoles and so we just want to make sure that we're putting one foot in front of the other and getting it right, and that it's of the highest possible quality. But obviously I see the same things about the natural fit."

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 11:26
by zme-ul
DICE Considering Early Access For Battlefield
In an interview with Game Informer, DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson stated that the beta process for future Battlefield titles may resemble an Early Access release. “We have nothing to announce, but we are having discussions when it comes to [early access]…It comes not from a business perspective, but more from a perspective of if it would help us have a stable launch of the game.” The joke writes itself, of course, given the many complaints about Battlefield 4′s various issues at launch. Is this just a branding exercise that aims to legitamise the unstable first months of a game’s existence or would it be a useful learning experience for the developers. Probably a bit of both.

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 21:00
by zme-ul
Dev showcases Steam security exploit, gets 1 year community ban and loses partner rights

deci asa .. nea ala trebuie sa recurga la masuri extreme (publicarea exploitului) ca sa-i faca pe astia de la VALVe sa-si miste curu' :?
exploitul fiind marcat initial ca "NOTABUG"

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 11:31
by TG

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 11:41
by KINGdmn
There was a time when Electronic Arts was literally the worst company in America.
Nu cred ca inca pot vorbi la trecut :)) EA sucks so bad that they make Activision look good :))

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 12:11
by ola small dickie
Pe mine ma amuza ca majoritatea acestui forum suge la greu cu 5 paie orice aparitie blockbuster fie ea EA, Activision, Ubisoft etc.. Dar aceeasi majoritate devine in alte momente cool hipster fag injurand EA, Activision, Ubisoft. Hotarati-va la un moment dat...

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 12:21
by cg1700
Nu te uita la mine, eu joc doar kawaii pantsu games.

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 12:24
by KINGdmn
Eu unul tot ce astept de la EA e Dragon Age 3 iar de la Ubisoft Far Cry 4 si probabil le voi pirata caci nu-mi place nici Originul si nici Uplayul. A trebuit azi sa instalez Origin, sa vad si eu cum e Battlefield Hardline ca era picata reteaua la dota2, si mai bine n-o faceam:))

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 14:23
by TG
Din câte observ, sunt destul de puțini care joacă ultimele apariții, nu știu de unde ”majoritatea”. Oricum ar fi, ura față de companiile mari nu vine de obicei din jocurile propriu-zise, ci treburile periferice: DRM-uri, martketing fals, termene de lansare grăbite și mai ales modul în care sunt tratate studiourile producătoare după. Deși de cele mai multe ori deciziile publisher-ului duc la lansările cu probleme, producătorii sunt cei care plătesc. Ubisoft au avut destule jocuri decente în ultimii ani (chiar și vreo două idei bune), dar le-au nenorocit tot ei prin practici cretine. Până la urmă, nu ajungi să înjuri o companie dacă nu-i joci deloc jocurile.

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 14:23
by Stokkolm
ola small dickie » 19 Jun 2014, 11:11 wrote:Pe mine ma amuza ca majoritatea acestui forum suge la greu cu 5 paie orice aparitie blockbuster fie ea EA, Activision, Ubisoft etc.. Dar aceeasi majoritate devine in alte momente cool hipster fag injurand EA, Activision, Ubisoft. Hotarati-va la un moment dat...
Bine spus.

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 16:20
by DarthZombie
Pai na, aparent ca sa iti dai cu parerea despre ceva sau despre o companie, o poti face doar apartinand uneia din cele doua categorii:

1) Joci absolut tot ce scoate un publisher si esti fanboi declarat, tii pe desktop poza dev-ului tau preferat si nu accepti nici o critica la adresa acestuia. Nu uitati, daca il critici, insemna ca nu il iubesti suficient!

2) Nu joci nimic din ce scoate acel publisher si injuri virulent. Pentru ca ce mod mai bun de a-ti forma o opinie despre un joc, o serie sau despre ansamblul industriei decat sa nu stii despre ce vorbesti si sa repeti papagaliceste ceea ce ai auzit ca spun altii? Nu uitati, daca incerci sa vezi cu ochii tai ceva, risti sa iti creezi o opinie personala iar asa ceva este inacceptabil!

Nu exista cale de mijloc, nu exista alternativa. E inacceptabil sa te joci si, doamne-fereste, sa nu-ti placa! Sau mai grav, sa iti placa unele concepte de game design suficient de mult incat sa incerci jocul respectiv si pe urma sa concluzionezi ca experienta a fost nasoala pentru ca x, y, z!

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 16:31
by KINGdmn
Nu stiu daca trebuie neaparat sa fii in extrema ca fanboy sau ca hater, EA e publisher, unul de 2 lei dar BioWare ca developeri mai scot din cand in cand si ceva ce merita cumparat.

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 16:34
by DarthZombie
Daca DA3 va fi la nivelul primului si nu lui DA2, atunci poate ca da. Dar avand in vedere ce au scos in ultimii ani eu as fi sceptic, cu atat mai mult cu cat stim cum are grija EA e studiourile din subordinea sa :D

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 18:06
by MC
Eu de cativa ani (de prin facultate) de cand timpul meu a devenit din ce in ce mai pretios am cam incetat sa urmez un playlist (desi mi-am facut asa ceva la un moment dat).
Acum joc doar ce am pofta in acel moment indiferent ca e oldie sau blockbuster (care apoi, vorba lui Zombie se dovedeste a fi un rahat).
De exemplu acum alternez F.E.A.R E.P cu Watch dogs si cu Dark Souls 1. Ba, rar mai fac cate o instanta prin WoW.
Eu nu mai operez cu termeni de genul "Nu joc de la compania cutare ptr ca e de rahat" sau "eu joc doar indies si oldies", sau "e titlu AAA clar e gunoi". Ma atrage ideea jocului, il joc.

Știri din industrie

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 18:17
by joonior_bmf
>Nu urasc nici un developer
>Nu sunt fanboy al niciunui dev
Stiu doar ca, atunci cand EA a achizitionat Bioware si Phenomic, am simtit ca a murit o mica parte din mine :(

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 21:09
by cg1700

Re: Știri din industrie

Posted: 22 Jun 2014, 11:38
by zme-ul
Crytek In Deep Trouble – Adoption of CryEngine Not Good, Ryse Development Catastrophic original: ... krise.html (pay wall)
According to Gamestar, the adoption of CRYENGINE is not going well and the word-of-mouth at GDC was negative. Strangely enough, CRYENGINE is currently one of the most optimized engines, so Crytek should really look into its subscription prices otherwise this amazing engine may never be used by other triple-A developers.
For what is worth, Wargaming is listed as a possible buyer of Crytek. If Wargaming does buys Crytek, we can kiss goodbye to all of the studio’s single-player games (as Wargaming is best known for its Free-To-Play games). In short, this may be the end of the Crytek we knew.
WarGaming ... goood god! :(