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Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 3 Feb 2016, 14:49
by Cristi
Esett wrote: Care GOTY? Nu a castigat GOTY de la nimeni.
De fapt a castigat 51 de GOTY'uri, fiind pe locul 2 dupa Witcher la acest capitol.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 237

Fallout 4 - 51

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - 29

Bloodborne - 29

Life Is Strange - 12

Super Mario Maker - 8

Undertale - 8

Rocket League - 7

Batman: Arkham Knight - 4

Rise of the Tomb Raider - 4 ... -year.html

Skyrim a avut 226 si editia completa s-a numit Legendary nu GOTY, asa ca nu are rost sa ne cramponam de un nume.

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 3 Feb 2016, 14:50
by marvas
Cristi wrote:Rocket League - 7
+1 de la mine, deci 8!

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 16 Feb 2016, 18:32
by sebas
DLC plans info

Dacă mai era vreun dubiu că au trecut binișor de le RPG la Sandbox. :)

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 22:33
by sebas
Survival Mode key points:

Is the struggle of this world merely a pleasant game for you? Do you long for a more brutal take on a life lived post apocalypse?
If you answered "Yes and yes!", then Survival difficulty is for you!
Survival upends many of the rules of life in the Commonwealth for maximum challenge. For a full list of these changes, see below.
To enable Survival, press [Pause], select "Settings," then "Gameplay" and choose "Survival" from the "Difficulty" options.

Manual and quicksaving are disabled. To save your game, you'll need to find a bed and sleep for at least an hour.

Combat is more lethal for everyone. You now deal, but also take, more damage. You can increase the damage you deal even further with "Adrenaline" (see below).

Fast Travel
Fast Travel is disabled. If you wish to be somewhere, you'll have to physically travel there.

Weighted Ammo
Bullets and shells now all have a small amount of weight, which varies by caliber. Heavier items such as fusion cores, rockets, and mini-nukes can really drag you down.

Be sure to keep your eyes peeled, as enemies will no longer appear on your compass. As well, the distance at which locations of interest will appear has been significantly shortened.

Survival automatically grants the Adrenaline perk, which provides a bonus to your damage output. Unlike other perks, the only way to increase your rank of the Adrenaline perk is by getting kills (hostile or otherwise). The higher your Adrenaline rank, the higher the damage bonus. Sleeping for more than an hour, however, will cause your Adrenaline rank to lower. You can check your current Adrenaline rank at any time in the Perks section on the Stat tab in your Pip-Boy.

You'll find it difficult to survive without taking proper care of yourself. You must stay hydrated, fed, and rested to remain combat-ready. Going for extended periods of time without food, water, or sleep will begin to adversely affect your health, hurting your SPECIAL stats, adding to your Fatigue (see "Fatigue" below), lowering your immunity (see "Sickness" below), and eventually even dealing physical damage to you.

Fatigue works like radiation but affects your Action Points (AP) rather than your Hit Points (HP). The more Fatigue you've built up, the less AP you'll have for other actions. The amount of Fatigue you've accumulated is displayed in red on your AP bar.

A comprised immune system and a few questionable decisions can end up getting you killed. Eating uncooked meat, drinking unpurified water, taking damage from disease-ridden sources, such as ghouls and bugs, or using harmful Chems all put your body at increased risk for various ill effects. When you are afflicted with an illness, a message will appear onscreen. You can view specifics about your current illnesses by navigating to the Status section on your Pip-Boy's Data tab and pressing [RShoulder] to view your active effects.

Antibiotics, which can be crafted at Chem Stations or purchased from doctors, heal the various effects of sickness.

Bed Types
The type of bed you're sleeping in determines the length of time you are able to stay asleep. A sleeping bag will save your game and may help save your life when you're desperate, but it will never allow for a full night's rest and the benefits that come with it.

Crippled Limbs
Crippled limbs will no longer auto-heal after combat and will remain crippled until healed by a Stimpak.

Carry Weight
Exceeding your carry weight reduces your Endurance and Agility stats and periodically damages your legs and health. Think of your back!

Companions will no longer automatically get back up if downed during combat and will return home if abandoned without being healed.

Enemy and Loot Repopulation
Locations you've cleared will now repopulate enemies and loot at a significantly slower rate.

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 5 Mar 2016, 12:22
by Doc
M-a pus Necuratu' sa iau un scrib sa-l duc la mama dracu sa culeaga nush-ce informatie. Dumnezeule, ce frustrant. Se umfla pasatul in tembel, il omoara ORICE intalnim dintr-o lovitura... m-am chinuit pana sa chem un vertibird, printre blocuri, il sui, coboram intr-o poienita, prostul sare pe un Molerat care-l face praf... Reload, omor moleratul, face doi pasi, il omoara un Bloatfly. Nu face sneak, nu pot sa-l pun sa astepte... pur si simplu imi vine sa-l omor eu cu mana mea...

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 5 Mar 2016, 12:31
by sebas
Este vreun joc care a făcut escort quests fun? Eu mă regăsesc în ce zici tu acolo când îmi aduc aminte de orice joc cu escort quests.

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 5 Mar 2016, 12:37
by Mahdi
În general sunt stresante questurile de genul ăsta. Dar ca să nu fie total clusterfuck ca mai sus, ar fi bine să existe măcar opţiuni de genul "wait here", "hide". În MGSV era relativ ok implementat conceptul. But still not fun.

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 5 Mar 2016, 13:26
by Doc
La intoarcere chem iarasi un vertibird, dupa ce curat tot ce se vedea in jurul meu, ma sui, decolez, doar ca sa-l vad pe prost ca nu se suise si alerga dupa vertibird pe jos. A trebuit vreo 3 reloaduri, si sa inconjor vertibirdul ca un idiot ca sa-l fac sa urce... :) odata, de sanchi, ma dusai la seful lui sa-i zic "The moron didn't make it" si ma ia ala cu faze gen "Un scrib nu e moron, ba.". BA ESTE!! :D

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 9 Mar 2016, 15:37
by .chester
QUESTION: Am o problema de perceptie vizuala. Anume ca atunci cand misc din mouse sa ma uit incolo si incoace, simt un deranjament la ochi. Ca si cum miscarea nu ar fi lina, ci foarte choppy si "ascutita". Nu stiu exact cum sa explic, dar in New Vegas nu am avut problema asta - atunci cand miscam mouse-ul, era o miscare smooth, fara sa fie suparatoare deloc. Am citit ca s-ar chema microstuttering acest fenomen si ca o posibila rezolvare ar fi trecerea jocului din fullscreen in modul windowed borderless. Sau o alta rezolvare ar fi sa blochezi jocul in 30fps (nu stiu cum faci asta).

Voi ati intampinat problema asta? Si daca da, cum ati rezolvat?

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 9 Mar 2016, 15:40
by sekaba
N-am intampinat, dar eu sunt operat la ochi. In locul tau m-as opera la ochi.

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 9 Mar 2016, 15:51
by sebas
Eu am trebuit să limitez FPS în F4 din cauză că se bloca interacțiunea cu terminalele. Uite un tutorial scurt: ... -online__5

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 13:08
by .chester
So, care vrea sa apara in revista? Well, sort of. Mi-ar placea ca la review-ul pentru Fallout 4 sa am niste screenshot-uri cat mai variate, in care sa se poata vedea zone, arme customizate de voi si build-uri cat mai diferite, plus eventuale settlement-uri si constructii facute de mana voastra. Daca aveti screens frumoase/interesante, va astept cu un PM cu link si (daca aveti inclinatie) comentariu la poza. O sa fie ca la vechea rubrica Patch, doar ca vor fi screenshot-uri cool. :lol:

Deadline pana diseara, ca apoi pleaca revista la tipar.

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 14 Mar 2016, 20:39
by joonior_bmf
phpBB [video]

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 03:35
by Doc
Pe 25 decembrie Diamond City e impodobit de Craciun. Cat de tare mi s-a parut chestia asta :)

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 03:32
by Doc
KL-E-O = Colleen Delany = Lydia/Skyrim.
Sa dau in altele, mi se pareau cunoscute niste inflexiuni in voce...

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 4 May 2016, 17:45
by joonior_bmf
phpBB [video]

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 19 May 2016, 23:34
by KodrutZ
Ce trailer, da-l naibii de trailer. Dimineata cind m-am trezit vad ca Steam-ul risnea, ma uit cu atentie, imi facea update la Fallout 4. Pam-pam, Far Harbor. Intrat, incarcat save game-ul cu caracter de nivelul 60, plimbat un pic, luat quest-ul de la agentia de detectivi, ajuns la familia in chestiune, investigat pe acolo, plecat cu barca. De aici incepe treaba care se descrie prin "Wow, OMFG!!!"

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 29 May 2016, 17:45
by MC
Azi am terminat jocul...
Cand ma uit la timer-ul din steam vad ca am 111 ore jucate.------ > Vault 111 =>the end of the world is near folks. :P

Re: Fallout 4

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 19:44
by Semyaza
3 noi dlc-uri anuntate: wrote:Contraptions Workshop
Contraptions Workshop is the fourth add-on for Fallout 4 and the second workshop add-on. It will be released on June 21st 2016.

"Machines that sort! Machines that build! Machines that combine! With Fallout 4 Contraptions, use conveyer belts, scaffolding kits, track kits, even logic gates to construct crazy and complex gadgets to improve your Wasteland settlements. The Contraptions Workshop also includes all-new features like elevators, greenhouse kits, warehouse kits, fireworks, armor racks and more!"

Vault-Tec Workshop
Vault-Tec Workshop is the fifth add-on for Fallout 4 and the third workshop add-on. It will be released in July 2016.

"Build a brighter future underground with the all-new Vault-Tec Workshop. Create a massive Vault and attract new Dwellers using pre-war industrial kits complete with retro-nostalgic furniture, lighting, and art. Even change and customize the look of your inhabitants with new barbershops and cosmetic surgery stations. And like every good Overseer, run Vault-Tec approved experiments on your Dwellers to learn what makes an ideal citizen. Vault-Tec has given you the tools, the rest is up to you!"

Nuka World
Nuka-World is the sixth and final add-on for Fallout 4 and the second story add-on. It will be released in August 2016.

"Take a trip to Nuka-World, a vast amusement park now a lawless city of Raiders. Explore an all-new region with an open wasteland and park zones like Safari Adventure, Dry Rock Gulch, Kiddie Kingdom and the Galactic Zone. Nuka-World features new quests, Raiders, weapons, creatures and more. Enjoy the ride!"