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Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 15 Jan 2017, 20:41
by Jaunty
zme-ul wrote:altceva: daca Open Whisper Systems au supraveghreat implementarea si au avut la cunostinta problema sunt la fel de vinovati ca FaceBook
nu pot sa zica ca nu exista din moment ce a fost documentata - ceea ce ma face sa cred ca OWS stiau si au tacut
Știa multă lume, era destul de evidentă pentru specialiștii în domeniu. Cei de la The Guardian au aflat târziu. Uite, de exemplu, un post din aprilie 2016 care descrie aceeași chestie: ... erability/

A fost o decizie de design, un sacrificiu adus securității pentru a face aplicația cât mai idiot-friendly (probabil a fost una din cerințe, având în vedere că e folosită de peste un miliard de oameni). Am dat mai sus niște link-uri cu justificarea lui Moxie, care e legitimă, cu toate că nu mă satisface. Deci continui să-l consider pe Moxie de bună credință. Cu toate astea, implementarea acelui protocol într-o aplicație neliberă n-ar trebui să inspire nimănui prea multă încredere. Păcat că o face.

Also, what vulp said. Pentru un telefon cu pretenții mari de securitate, e nevoie de Replicant sau CyanogenMod / LineageOS fără Google apps instalate.

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 15 Jan 2017, 22:28
by zme-ul
Jaunty wrote:Știa multă lume, era destul de evidentă pentru specialiștii în domeniu. Cei de la The Guardian au aflat târziu. Uite, de exemplu, un post din aprilie 2016 care descrie aceeași chestie: ... erability/
pai din 2016 nenea ala a comunicat cu FaceBook
Also, what vulp said. Pentru un telefon cu pretenții mari de securitate, e nevoie de Replicant sau CyanogenMod / LineageOS fără Google apps instalate.
teoretic da, in practica nu prea
sa zicem ca vrei Signal Messenger, e disponibil doar pe Google Play sau iOS
pana si aplicatia desktop e disponibila doar in Chrome

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 23 Feb 2017, 11:12
by Magicake
Humble Book Bundle: Arduino & Raspberry Pi ... spberry-pi

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 23 Feb 2017, 15:49
by vulp
sunt singurul care a observat ca vor iar sa schimbe interfata youtube? si e atat de utterly broken incat singura optiune de feedback pe care puteam s-o las cand am revenit la interfata veche era "eu sunt prostul" (sau, ma rog, p-acolo, ultima optiune, la care n-aveai de scris). la restul daca am completat si am dat next, dadea refresh si ma ducea inapoia la interfaca brokenata. wtf man wtf

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 16 Mar 2017, 07:30
by zme-ul
MicroSoft is actively blocking W7/8/8.1 Windows Updates on KabyLake and Ryzen systems
When you try to scan or download updates through Windows Update, you receive the following error message:

Unsupported Hardware
Your PC uses a processor that isn’t supported on this version of Windows and you won’t receive updates.

Additionally, you may see an error message on the Windows Update window that resembles the following:

Windows could not search for new updates
An error occurred while checking for new updates for your computer.
Error(s) found:
Code 80240037 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 11 May 2017, 16:57
by sebas
HP is shipping audio drivers with a built-in keylogger ... keylogger/

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 23 May 2017, 10:50
by Aaron11
Nu stiu daca e offtopic, e totusi hardware dar nu pentru PC :D

A inceput caldura rau si vreau sa-mi iau un aer conditionat doar ca nu stiu nimic despre ele si sunt destul de scumpe, nu vreau sa iau ceva gresit.

Aveti idee ce as putea alege de aici ?

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 23 May 2017, 11:13
by .chester
Aaron11 wrote:Nu stiu daca e offtopic, e totusi hardware dar nu pentru PC :D

A inceput caldura rau si vreau sa-mi iau un aer conditionat doar ca nu stiu nimic despre ele si sunt destul de scumpe, nu vreau sa iau ceva gresit.

Aveti idee ce as putea alege de aici ? ... re-gratuit

Eu tocmai l-am primit pe asta.

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 23 May 2017, 17:10
by stef
Aaron11 wrote:Nu stiu daca e offtopic, e totusi hardware dar nu pentru PC :D
Nu este, ai ajuns unde trebuie: aici este o comunitate in care userii se ajuta intre ei. Daca iti vei lua aer conditionat, te va ajuta foarte mult la mentinerea unui ambient foarte benefic pentru hardware-ul PC-ului tau.

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 7 Aug 2017, 18:58
by zme-ul
Institutul care gestioneaza domeniile de internet .ro a decis luna trecuta sa introduca o taxa anuala de mentenanta de 6 euro fara TVA, incepand cu 1 martie 2018 ... e-2018.htm

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 7 Aug 2017, 21:41
by Ferrrrrrrrrdinand
Are legatura cu ce s-a discutat apropo de net neutrality? Nu prea am vazut sa se faca mare valva prin presa desi am inteles ca s-au schimbat legile in US in ciuda opozitiei de pe net

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 7 Aug 2017, 23:47
by zme-ul
Ferrrrrrrrrdinand wrote:Are legatura cu ce s-a discutat apropo de net neutrality? Nu prea am vazut sa se faca mare valva prin presa desi am inteles ca s-au schimbat legile in US in ciuda opozitiei de pe net
aia e in US, asta e la noi
nu vad ce legatura sa aiba , plus ca sunt lucruri diferite :?

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 18:33
by Jaunty
Ad blocking is under attack
Yesterday a strange commit landed in the EasyList repo. The "" domain was removed with a comment "Removed due to DMCA takedown request".

An ad server was unblocked by all ad blockers due to a DMCA request. Let that sink in for a moment...


This might set a very important precedent of an advertising company exploiting DMCA to force people to see their ads, and can lead to ridiculous consequences if left unnoticed.

EasyList is a community project and may not be able to protect themselves from such an attack. I am calling on other ad blockers developers, you people and everybody else concerned about people's rights (EFF, please) to stand up to this threat and protect ad blocking.

UPD (11 Aug, 8:09GMT): EFF representative offered their help to EasyList maintainers.
EFF s-au pus pe treabă, să sperăm că rezolvă repede mizeria asta.

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 18 Sep 2017, 18:21
by Ferrrrrrrrrdinand
Avast! There’s malware in that CCleaner software update

Welp am ccleaner dar nu l-am mai deschis/updatat de mult. Cred ca o sa-l sterg
A software package update for a Windows utility product distributed by antivirus vendor Avast has been spreading an unsavory surprise: a malware package that could allow affected computers to be remotely accessed or controlled with what appears to be a legitimate signing certificate. The malware, which was distributed through the update server for the Windows cleanup utility CCleaner, was apparently inserted by an attacker who compromised the software "supply chain" of Piriform, which was acquired by Avast in July. There have been more than 2 billion downloads of CCleaner worldwide, so the potential impact of the malware is huge.

In a blog post this morning, Cisco Talos Intelligence's Edmund Brumaghin, Ross Gibb, Warren Mercer, Matthew Molyett, and Craig Williams reported that Talos had detected the malware during beta testing of a new exploit-detection technology. The malware was part of the signed installer for CCleaner v5.3 and included code that called back to a command-and-control server as well as a domain-generation algorithm intended to find a new C&C server if the hard-coded IP address of the primary server was lost. Copies of the malicious software installer were distributed to CCleaner users between August 15 and September 12, 2017, using a valid certificate issued to Piriform Ltd by Symantec.
Well shit s-ar putea sa ma fi infectat dar am scanat cu comodo folder-ul de ccleaner si nimic

Blog post-ul mentionat in articol are mai multe detalii ... lware.html

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 4 Dec 2017, 21:49
by zme-ul
HP stealthily installs new spyware called HP Touchpoint Analytics Client
HP is installing a telemetry client on its customers’ computers — and it isn’t offering any warning, or asking permission, before delivering the payload.

Dubbed “HP Touchpoint Analytics Service,” HP says it “harvests telemetry information that is used by HP Touchpoint’s analytical services.” Apparently, it’s HP Touchpoint Analytics Client version

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 22 Dec 2017, 09:18
by TG

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 22 Dec 2017, 15:02
by Waaagh!
Foloseste cineva de pe planeta asta Chrome?

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 22 Dec 2017, 15:07
by Ferrrrrrrrrdinand
Foloseam, am trecut pe firefox quantum de curiozitate. Pana acum n-am vazut nici o diferenta ba chiar imi pare mai incet

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 22 Dec 2017, 15:15
by Waaagh!
I-a mai pasat cuiva de viteza browserului in ultimii 20 de ani? In Romania, ca-n alte locuri stiu ca e nasol.

Re: Software/Hardware news

Posted: 22 Dec 2017, 15:52
by Magicake
Eu inca folosesc Chrome, mi-e prea lene sa set up firefox account si alea pt sync si apoi sa import stuff. Maybe some other day.