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Resurse pentru Steam Wrappere

Posted: 1 Aug 2016, 17:39
by vulp
Scopul este, desigur, ca jocul sa fie acceptat prin Greenlight si dezvoltatorul sa ia o gramada de $$$. Deocamdata am pus doar resurse pentru HTML5 (gen pentru jocuri HTML Canvas+JS+HTML5 Audio sau Web Audio API) deoarece e singura platforma pe care dezvoltarea merge destul de repede*
I have a game that runs in a web browser – can I submit it to Steam Greenlight?

Games distributed by Steam must be able to launch and run as stand-alone applications. If you have a browser-based game, you will need to create a version that can operate as a stand-alone executable and not require use of the customer's web browser.
NW.js (vechiul node-webkit, ruleaza chromium cu V8, nu stiu alternative)
site oficial:
github: (include construirea de aplicatii pt. Windows, Mac si linux)
greenworks: (pentru integrare cu Steamworks)
tutorial oficial, tutorial simplu

*exista varianta de python/stackless python cu bindinguri OpenGL prin PyOpenGL... eventual PyGame/pyglet... exportat prin Py2Exe... poate intr-o alta zi