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Luzly Quotes

Posted: 22 May 2014, 08:00
by ola small dickie
Fxhd » Wed May 21, 2014 4:55 pm wrote:Sincer nu ma mai intereseaza de nimic, sunt obez de 8 ani, m-am saturat.
Scuze dar am ras la asta, era sa-mi sara si cafeaua pe nas. Oricum, succes la slabit!

am facut o inversare: Sincer nu ma mai satura nimic, sunt obez de 8 ani, m-am interesat. Am ras iar.

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 07:44
by ola small dickie
SnipeRulz » Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:31 am wrote:oh god yes.
La urmatorul salariu-> pre order instant

Sniperulz nu era prietenul copil de 14 ani al copilului de 14 ani chelly? Ce lucrezi? S-ar putea sa fie un caz de exploatarea copilului aici.

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 08:43
by ola small dickie
Soarecu » Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:58 pm wrote:Doar ce am terminat Codul lui Da Vinci, naucitoare cartea, desi relativ scurta.
LE: Ceva recomandari de carti asemanatoare cu cea de mai sus, la capitolul "tresa-ti pui mintea la contributie"?

only in naucitorul level forum!

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 20 Aug 2015, 13:32
by Mafio
A uitat lumea de topicul ăsta sau care-i faza?

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 20 Aug 2015, 13:40
by Fular
Forumul nu mai e o sursă inepuizabilă de lulz, să-i fie cu iertare.

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 00:02
by McWilliams
Pe vremuri, cand Level exista si ca revista, si ca forum, stiam ca "tampenii de pe forum" si "lulzy quotes de pe forum" era un topic amalgamat. Intre timp... am si uitat sa scriem corect un titlu.

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 28 Aug 2015, 13:41
by ola small dickie
Al singing: Old Mc Bundy had a farm, B-U-N-D-Y. And on this farm there was no wife, B-U-N-D-Y. With-a no wife here and a-no kids there. A hooker coming over on Friday nights. With big luscious hooters, a pizza, and a beer there. Old Mc Bundy had a farm, B-U-N-D-Y.

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 28 Aug 2015, 13:56
by .chester
Tobias: Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over— an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.

Lindsay: Yes, and you were almost arrested for those business cards.

Tobias: Yes. No, it did not look good on paper but I didn’t stop because of the police inquiries, I stopped to raise our little daughter.



Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 31 Aug 2015, 10:12
by .chester
reblog if u remember when apple was a FRUIT, kids played OUTSIDE not on their ipads, and decomposing VICTIMS of the BUBONIC plague LITTERED the STREETS

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 6 Sep 2015, 23:56
by Mărar
- Nu te supara draga, cat e ceasul? [in timp ce vorbea la telefon cu un client]
- 12 fara 10
- Si nu vrei sa se faca 2 alaturi de mine?


Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 12 Feb 2016, 19:08
by ola small dickie
Doc wrote:Ce mi-e Uwe Boll, ce mi-a astia care se uita la gauri negre degeaba...
topicul de la stiinta atinge culmi nebanuite as we speak

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 17:35
by ola small dickie
"I've been lying about my income for a few years. I figured I could afford a fake house in the Hamptons." - George Costanza


Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 07:36
by ola small dickie
"And I burned for her. Much like the burning during urination that I would experience soon afterwards."


Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 09:58
by .chester

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 4 Nov 2016, 12:13
by ola small dickie
ma gandeam azi la un citat din vadim: "NU FACI TU ORDINE LA MINE IN BIROU! ESCROACA! SOMALTOACA ESCROACA!" - urla la o doamna executor cand a venit sa-l evacueze din biroul lui - e pe youtube

si ma gandeam ca ar fi amuzant ca in momentul cand vine femeia de serviciu in birou sa faca curat sa urli la ea: NU FACI TU ORDINE LA MINE IN BIROU! ESCROACA! SOMALTOACA ESCROACA!



Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 14:26
by Ferrrrrrrrrdinand
The heels of Agent 47's shoes clicked as he walked towards a McDonald's. He would have preferred a more authentic burger joint such as Red Robin or Fuddrucker's, however 47 was on a mission and he didn't feel like sitting down in one of those booths by himself because it made him feel really lonely. As 47 opened the front door to the McDonald's, the bell above the door rang and the worker behind the counter gave him a cursory glance. 47 inconspicuously placed himself in the back of the incredibly long line, and began to consider whether he should order himself a Big Mac or a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese. As 47 mulled over his options in his head, a man wearing a pink shirt that said "Douchebags wear pink" on it placed himself behind 47 in the line.
"What's up with the barcode on your head, brah?" The man quipped. 47's feelings were slightly hurt, but he had to remember that he was a tough hitman and this type of stuff shouldn't faze him.
"It's very sentimental" 47 replied. Internally, 47 smiled because he thought that the wiseguy behind him wouldn't be able to hurt his feelings any more.
"What's the sentiment?" was the surprise reply that came from the man behind him. Sweat started to pour down 47's face. He knew he had to come up with a convincing excuse, and he was afraid that if he answered wrong, the man behind him would make fun of him somehow.
"It's really personal, and i'd prefer to not talk about it." 47 knew there was no way this man could respond.
"Then why do you have it tattooed on you if you don't want people to ask you about it?" 47 was about to say something but then it was his turn to order.
"I would like 1 Big Mac, a large fries, and a large coca-cola."
"That will be $10.98, please" 47 handed her a ten dollar bill and ninety-eight cents exactly.
"Thank you. Here's your reciept. You are order number 145." 47 looked up at the TV screen where the order numbers were displayed. The words "Now serving number 130" were proudly displayed across the screen, as if they were there to mock him. After waiting for 10 minutes, his order was finally ready. 47 walked up to the counter and grabbed his tray. 47 meticulously unwrapped his hamburger, being extra careful to avoid spilling any condiments on his designer suit or his leather gloves. After enjoying his subpar hamburger, 47 threw away all of his trash and left the McDonalds.
Un comment de pe youtube

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 3 Jan 2017, 17:00
by Apollyon
Quoting from epic thread
Mahdi wrote:Cine alege primul Planescape câștigă draftul.
Waaagh! wrote:Ala parca era un nonjoc in care gameplayul se reducea la citit mormane despre nimic.

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 4 Jan 2017, 06:41
by Waaagh!
Yup. That's us. Grumlok & Gazbag. csf ncsf.

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 6 Jan 2017, 13:10
by Ferrrrrrrrrdinand

Re: Luzly Quotes

Posted: 19 Jan 2017, 10:24
by ola small dickie
Jerry: So you’re having sex and then all of a sudden you blurt out “I’m giving you a raise”?
George: Yeah.
Jerry: Just a quick sidebar here -- are you in anyway authorized to give raises?
George: Not that I’m aware of, no.
Jerry: So you're so grateful to have sex, that you'll just shout out
anything that comes into your head.
George: I didn’t think ahead.
Jerry: Well maybe she'll just think it was bawdy talk.
George: I didn’t say any other bawdy things.
Jerry: Maybe you could have sex with her again and then take it back.
George: All right, you know you're not any help at all here. I don't
know what even the point is of talking to you anymore.