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Pathologic 2 (aka Feverish Feeling)

Posted: 9 Aug 2014, 19:24
by Jaunty
inb4 RPS:

phpBB [video]

Pagina conține un secret. Se pare că vom avea parte de un alternate reality game. Vedeți thread-ul ăsta. Și ăsta.

Kickstarter incoming.

Also, wrote:Dybowskiy explained the situation in several interviews, but they has not been translated yet.
The story was that after they successfully launched The Void it was decided that IPL will work now on game that is somewhat similar to Pathologic (but not remake/sequel, they didn't have rights to it at the time) and were promised a budget around 2 million euro (for comparison, Pathologic budget was 360.000 $). So, they wrote The Frost that spans across several generations, 200 characters and takes 70 in-game years. But then Atari bankrupt and they were left with no money and huge script. So they made Knock-Knock to see what can be done with crowdfunding basically (and some other things irrelevant to this tread).
And now when all opportunities to recreate Pathologic are presented it would be a waste not to do it. First game differed drastically from what was planned originally to do and they also turned out to be not experienced enough to create core of the game - AI for the Plague, that would actually act cunning and extremely intelligent (and some other things obviously). But that was just what game wanted to look like at the time. It's not about technological side, it's just turned out to be completely different story (which is no surprise considering how many times script was rewritten).
So, basically, remake will not be just renewing graphics and gameplay, it promises to be a whole new game. Even if from the start it will go along the lines of original concept we all know how much IPL games tend to change during developing, so end result could be something absolutely new. Besides, if they will not do it now they will probably never be able to do it. IPL create games when there is time for them to be created and now is just time has come for Pathologic to reborn.

P.S. Dybowskiy mentioned several times that they did not closed The Frost completely, it was just put on hold. But if/when they will be able to make actual game it will probably use technique that is similar to one used in Knock-Knock, not 3D models.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 9 Aug 2014, 19:48
by ne0lith
So, basically, remake will not be just renewing graphics and gameplay, it promises to be a whole new game. Even if from the start it will go along the lines of original concept we all know how much IPL games tend to change during developing, so end result could be something absolutely new.
Oh, no :( Pathologic e o capodopera care nu trebuie schimbata in nici un fel in afara de a ii rezolva problemele tehnice. Pe cat de mult ii apreciez eu, nici IPL insisi n-au reusit sa creeze vreun joc care sa il egaleze de atunci. Sper totusi sa-i faca dreptate originalului si sa-mi fac griji degeaba.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 4 Sep 2014, 22:24
by ne0lith
Oh, well, here you go.

Si kickstarter-ul. E printre putinele jocuri care pot duce la evolutia jocurilor ca mediu artistic daca i se acorda atentie, this needs to happen.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 5 Sep 2014, 10:56
by Zaorish
Sunt eu chior ? Nu e tier cu physical copy ?

TIER 2: IN FLESH AND SPIRIT (PHYSICAL) parea cu physical copy, dar vad doar physical copy de la soundtrack. Dissapoint.

Edit: nu, nu sunt chior. Rewarduri physical sunt doar la maps, postere, masti, tabletop games.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 1 Oct 2014, 13:48
by Polistiren
phpBB [video]

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 2 Oct 2014, 11:14
by Mahdi
Ok, hai c-am sărit şi eu cu banul. Mi-am propus ca pentru fiecare kickstarter (la care am donat) dus la capăt cu succes să fac o contribuţie la unul nou. Pare interesant proiectul; sper să nu iasă la fel de clunky precum am auzit că e predecesorul.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 8 Oct 2014, 18:22
by Jaunty
This project was successfully funded. $333,127 pledged of $250,000 goal.

O, da! ... ts/1009106
Nikolay Dybowski wrote:There is a principle lying beneath all those multidirectional wills and opinions—a principle that any decision we make, from grand concepts to minor details, is based upon. Telling truth from lies. And I’m not only talking about professional fidelity and being honest with yourself. I’m talking about being honest with the game.

There is an peculiar axiom underlying everything we do. An assumption we treat as a fact. We believe that the people, the events, the space presented in Pathologic are not our fancy’s children. They’re real.


Every quest, every character, every building is an enigma for us. When starting to work on any element of the game, we’ll ask ourselves: “How did it really look or happen—keeping in mind that the creators of the original Pathologic saw it like this?” This challenge becomes a bit less tough if you keep in mind that we actually know the creators of the original Pathologic quite well. We can remember our own younger selves and confirm that there were false details (because we didn’t know what we know now) and placeholders (because we were in a hurry).


We’ll do our best to make sure anyone who plays Pathologic for the first time feels no falsehood. We’ll do our best to make sure anyone who’s already played the original Pathologic exclaims: “Now I know how it really happened.”

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 7 Oct 2015, 23:22
by ne0lith
Se pare ca la sfarsitul lui octombrie va fi lansat un remaster al originalului; jocul va fi acelasi ca in 2005, cu exceptia unor imbunanatitiri vizuale si a refacerii traducerii. Asta pentru ca producatorii sa isi poata lua libertatea unor schimbari mai mari in remake-ul finantat pe kickstarter. ... ts/1375394

I have mixed feelings about this, sunt convins ca remake-ul va fi foarte bun, insa primul a fost asa o capodopera incat orice modificare de natura non-tehnica mi se pare un risc :)

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 7 Oct 2015, 23:25
by ne0lith
ne0lith wrote:Se pare ca la sfarsitul lui octombrie va fi lansat un remaster al originalului; jocul va fi acelasi ca in 2005, cu exceptia unor imbunanatitiri vizuale si a refacerii traducerii. Asta pentru ca producatorii sa isi poata lua libertatea unor schimbari mai mari in remake-ul finantat pe kickstarter. ... ts/1375394

I have mixed feelings about this, sunt convins ca remake-ul va fi foarte bun, insa primul a fost asa o capodopera incat orice modificare de natura non-tehnica mi se pare un risc :)
Asa e.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 11:31
by ne0lith
Remasterul HD va aparea pe 29 octombrie. Pentru a nu crea confuzii printre numerosii fani infocati de pe forum, mai spun o data ca acest remaster e jocul original cu traducerile refacute si cateva mici update-uri grafice. Remake-ul de pe kickstarter e inca in lucru si va prezenta idei reimaginate, pe langa imbunatatirile tehnice majore. ... ore-323549

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 28 Jul 2016, 22:47
by ne0lith ... g-madness/

Noile screenshoturi din remake arata foarte bine, interviul este si el interesant. Pacat ca nu au mentionat o data aproximativa de lansare, astept jocul asta ca pe a doua venire a lui Iisus.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 29 Jul 2016, 11:13
by TG
E ok, you're gonna hate it anyway, ti-a placut prea mult Pathologic.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 29 Jul 2016, 11:47
by ne0lith
Sunt cateva motive pentru care am unele retineri. In principiu, muzica si dialogurile vor fi rescrise, iar la cat de aproape erau de perfectiune in original, e greu de crezut ca le-ar iesi mai bine a doua oara. Am vazut deja modificari ale textului o data cu update-ul HD si pot spune ca s-a pierdut un pic din unicitatea formularilor literare, a devenit mai putin poetic si suprarealist de dragul claritatii. Dar nu e rau per total si nu cred ca o urasc nici remake-ul. In cel mai rau caz o sa fiu usor dezamagit, e clar ca e ultima sansa ca jocul sa primeasca recunoasterea pe care o merita, iar pentru asta ar trebui sa fie cat mai fidel originalului, imo.

Oricum, stiu ca tie nu-ti pasa.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 16:27
by ne0lith

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 17:19
by Waaagh!
Mai au nevoie de timp ca sa implementeze quick time events si microtranzactiile.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 17:27
by cg1700
Nu uita de generarea procedurala a lumii.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 21:09
by McWilliams
Facem si noi niste amenintari cu moartea la adresa alora care au anuntat amanarea? Ori suntem golani, ori nu mai suntem?

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 22:29
by ne0lith
E ok, jurnalistii spun ca va iesi ceva bun.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 23:03
by McWilliams
Where and when had we heard that before, I wonder? :lol: Eh, atat timp cat nu este declarat GOTY inainte sa fie lansat, inca poate fi un joc foarte bun.

Re: Feverish Feeling (Pathologic remake)

Posted: 6 Dec 2016, 17:24
by Ferrrrrrrrrdinand
Pathologic: The Marble Nest (the First Playable)
The First Pathologic Playable Thing reached the backers who are eligible for alpha access today. You can download and play it right now.

The First Playable Things even has a separate name now, Pathologic: The Marble Nest. Which may be a bit odd, but this is the best way to highlight the fact that the thing that became available to you today is neither a demo (because it features a very limited number of mechanics), nor an alpha version of the real Pathologic (because it’s a separate story with its own self-contained plot). It’s almost like a small autonomous game that uses the assets, characters, and premise of Pathologic, but works on its own.