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Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 14:10
by Fular
(...) It had seen the lark go up, and had circled to gain height before making and attack. From behind, the merlin's wings looked very straight. They seemed to move up and down with a shallow flicking action, a febrile pulsation, much faster than any other falcon's. It reached the lark in a few seconds, and they fell away towards the west, jerking and twisting together, the lark still singing. It looked like a swallow chasing a bee. They rushed down the sky in zigzags and I lost them in the green of the distant fields.

Their rapid, shifting, dancing motion had been so deft and graceful that it was difficult to belive that hunger was the cause of it and death the end. The killing that follows the hunting flight of hawks comes with shocking force, as though the hawk had suddenly gone mad and had killed the thing it loved. The striving of birds to kill, or to save themselves from death, is beautiful to see. The greater the beauty the more terrible the death.
The Peregrine, J. A. Baker

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 23:09
by Iavo
Am ajuns la jumatate cu Nemangaiatii. Ryder, lung si intortocheat somn ai mai dormit.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 11:52
by juve3332
Trebuia sa o citesti in engleza. Nu punea probleme. Ai gasit pana la urma Sub vulcan?!

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 12:36
by Iavo
Pe romana nu, am cautat-o si pe si nu e :| Am inceput-o pe engleza dar o sa ma ocup de ea dupa ce termin toate chestiile incepute si mai am multe.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 12:52
by juve3332
Ti-o imprumutam eu, in ultima instanta.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 13:01
by Mahdi ... carti.html

Pentru ediția în română. Nici eu nu o am. Încă.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 13:08
by juve3332
E alta versiune decat am citit si folosit eu. La Univers e tradusa de Ion Caraion, iar la Polirom (a mea) de Florin Slapac.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 23:37
by Iavo
Heh, mersi de intentie Juve, esti prea generos cu bunurile tale si cu increderea in necunoscuti :P O sa o citesc pe engleza acum si daca o sa imi placa o sa dau pana la urma si de hardcover si o mai citesc o data.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 08:38
by juve3332
Am parghiile mele pentru necunoscutii nerecunoscatori.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 09:32
by ola small dickie
ma cheama pe mine

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 13:25
by juve3332
Nu stiu de ce, dar simt ca mai am reviste la tine.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 13:53
by ola small dickie
nu ai cum sa le recuperezi pt ca eu sunt singurul tau recuperator. si nu ma ocup de mine insumi. nu in sensul asta

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 09:13
by Fular
Am terminat ieri Patimile după G.H. al Claricei Lispector. Tot respectul pentru doamna Lispector datorită Inimii vijelioase a lumii din care am rămas cu sentimente ambigue, dar fratele meu, un discurs mai incoerent, delirant și masturbator ca Patimile nu cred că mi-a fost dat să citesc. 144 de pagini de labă intelectuală în care G.H. își justifică alegerea de a mânca jumătatea de gândac prins în ușă.

Aparent cea mai bună scriere a sa. S-ar putea să fiu complet plebeu.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 14:58
by Magicake
Pasting my review for Outliers:
An excellent read that digs deeper and offers a new perspective into something that is rather often superficially analysed: what it takes to be successful. I did learn new things and I consider this book to be a must have. The lack of that final star is due to the tendency of some chapters, in particular the one on Korean pilots, to drag on seemingly forever.
Really amazing book, nu aveam habar de nici unul din subiectele abordate. Afli interesting stuff, de la motivul pentru care in anumite ligi sportive pentru juniori majoritatea jucatorilor sunt nascuti in aceleasi 3 luni din an si cum iti poate afecta copilul in scoala, la modul in care o cultura axata pe scara ierarhica cum este cea din Korea poate duce la accidente de aviatie. Sau cum te ajuta sa ai un IQ mediu sau usor peste medie, si cum nu te mai ajuta mai deloc unul genius-level, in problemele ce tin de succes.

Next read: ... _Virginity

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 16:50
by Apollyon
Malcolm Gladwell? I don't trust that guy.
Gladwell's critics have described him as prone to oversimplification. The New Republic called the final chapter of Outliers, "impervious to all forms of critical thinking" and said Gladwell believes "a perfect anecdote proves a fatuous rule". Gladwell has also been criticized for his emphasis on anecdotal evidence over research to support his conclusions. Maureen Tkacik and Steven Pinker have challenged the integrity of Gladwell's approach. Even while praising Gladwell's writing style and content, Pinker summed up Gladwell as "a minor genius who unwittingly demonstrates the hazards of statistical reasoning", while accusing him of "cherry-picked anecdotes, post-hoc sophistry and false dichotomies" in his book Outliers. Referencing a Gladwell reporting mistake in which Gladwell refers to "eigenvalue" as "Igon Value", Pinker criticizes his lack of expertise: "I will call this the Igon Value Problem: when a writer's education on a topic consists in interviewing an expert, he is apt to offer generalizations that are banal, obtuse or flat wrong." A writer in The Independent accused Gladwell of posing "obvious" insights. The Register has accused Gladwell of making arguments by weak analogy and commented Gladwell has an "aversion for fact", adding: "Gladwell has made a career out of handing simple, vacuous truths to people and dressing them up with flowery language and an impressionistic take on the scientific method." In that regard, The New Republic has called him "America's Best-Paid Fairy-Tale Writer". His approach was satirized by the online site "The Malcolm Gladwell Book Generator".

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 17:11
by Magicake
Heck, daca niste criticism ar invalida complet un autor, nimeni n-ar fi de incredere. I don't "trust" him either. Nu stiu cat la suta din ce a scris in Outliers e adevar pur, nu m-am apucat si nici nu am rabdarea fara un motiv clar sa trec prin fiecare sursa mentionata de el si sa verific research-ul facut. Pana nu ma voi lovi de o problema similara in viata reala, nici nu o voi face. Important pentru mine e ca am invatat cateva perspective noi din care sa abordez astfel de probleme i.e. leads that one can follow. Si cateva probleme care nici nu stiam ca exista :lol:

Referitor la ultimul capitol, in legatura cu el am fost din start cel mai sceptic, mainly pentru ca e despre familia autorului. L-am ignorat more or less, pentru ca a avut oricum mult mai putin impact ca restul. Nu am citit alte carti de el.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 18:14
by Soarecu
Dupa ce prin iunie am terminat ~90% din proza lui Camus, de curand m-am apucat de eseuri. Fata si reversul (doar pe asta l-am citit pe tot pana acum) e un amestec de eseu cu proza si se muleaza putin prea bine pe caracterul meu. Gut stuff.

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 18:30
by Iavo
Soarecu', nu pot decat sa iti ofer acelasi sfat pe care l-am primit si eu cand eram mai mic de la ceva matusa foarte lucida: "Nu mai citi asa mult, ce, vrei sa ajungi Ceausescu?".

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 18:40
by ola small dickie
Sau mai rau, elena

Re: Ce cititi momentan?

Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 20:51
by Soarecu
Iavo wrote:Soarecu', nu pot decat sa iti ofer acelasi sfat pe care l-am primit si eu cand eram mai mic de la ceva matusa foarte lucida: "Nu mai citi asa mult, ce, vrei sa ajungi Ceausescu?".
Sau reactia unei colege cand a citit primele 2 randuri din Pe culmile disperarii: "NU MAI CITI ASA CEVA CA TE STRICA DE CAP" :lol: