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Articole interesante

Post by Apollyon »

As the title said. Puteti posta aici orice articole/editoriale care vi se par interesante. Subiectele pot fi variate.

Me first: ... aults.html
Germany’s welcoming euphoria at receiving 1.1 million asylum seekers in 2015 may have just turned a similarly dark corner.

More than 120 criminal complaints have been filed by women in Cologne who say they were subjected to public sexual assault or robbery, including at least two alleged street rapes, all in one night. The 400 men accused of being behind this mass attack formed coordinated rings around the women.

Though this all occurred on New Year’s Eve, the absolute scandal is that we only found out about it five days later. Amid accusations that it deliberately covered the incident up in order not to spark panic, the public broadcaster ZDF was forced to issue an apology for failing to include the assaults in its main evening news broadcast. It appears that, as the authorities and the media were choosing between stirring up racial tension and these women’s rights, we were faced with a conspiracy of silence.

Eventually, this was bound to happen. Recent mass migration patterns across Europe have meant that misogyny has finally come head to head with anti-racism, multiculturalism is facing off against feminism, and progressive values are wrestling with cultural tolerance.

Yes, it is racist to suspect that all brown men who look like me are rapists. It is bigoted to presume that all Muslim men who share my faith advocate religiously justified rape. It is xenophobic to assume that all male refugees are sexual predators awaiting their chance to rape. But let me be absolutely clear: What will feed this racism, bigotry, and xenophobia even more is deliberately failing to report the facts as they stand. Doing so only encourages the populist right’s rallying cry against “the establishment.”
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Europe’s Man Problem
The recent surge of migration into Europe has been unprecedented in scope, with an estimated 1 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa this past year alone, making for a massive humanitarian crisis, as well as a political and moral dilemma for European governments. But one crucial dimension of this crisis has gone little-noticed: sex or, more technically, sex ratios.

According to official counts, a disproportionate number of these migrants are young, unmarried, unaccompanied males. In fact, the sex ratios among migrants are so one-sided—we’re talking worse than those in China, in some cases—that they could radically change the gender balance in European countries in certain age cohorts.

To see how these overall figures affect specific countries—and why there is reason for concern—consider the case of Sweden, which has been especially transparent about its migration statistics and whose ratios mirror the broader trend in Europe in many respects.

According to Swedish government statistics, as of the end of November, 71 percent of all applicants for asylum to Sweden in 2015 were male. More than 21 percent of all migrants to Sweden were classified as unaccompanied minors, representing more than half of all minor migrants to the country. For accompanied minors, the sex ratio was about 1.16 boys for every one girl. But for unaccompanied minors, the ratio was 11.3 boys for every one girl. In other words, the Swedish case confirms IOM’s statistic that more than 90 percent of unaccompanied minors are male. Indeed, on average, approximately 90 unaccompanied boys entered Sweden every single day in 2015, compared with eight unaccompanied girls.

Those numbers are a recipe for striking imbalances within Sweden. Consider that more than half of these unaccompanied minors entering Sweden are 16 or 17 years old, or at least claim to be. (There are no medical checks of age for Swedish asylum-seekers, and applicants who say they’re under 18 receive special consideration in the asylum process.) In this age group more than three-quarters are unaccompanied, meaning they are overwhelmingly male. According to calculations based on the Swedish government’s figures, a total of 18,615 males aged 16 and 17 entered Sweden over the course of the past year, compared with 2,555 females of the same age. Sure enough, when those figures are added to the existing counts of 16- and 17-year-old boys and girls in Sweden—103,299 and 96,524, respectively, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s International Database—you end up with a total of 121,914 males in Sweden aged 16 or 17 and 99,079 females of the same age. The resulting ratio is astonishing: These calculations suggest that as of the end of 2015, there were 123 16- and 17-year-old boys in Sweden for every 100 girls of that age.

There are also clearly negative effects for women in male-dominated populations. Crimes such as rape and sexual harassment become more common in highly masculinized societies, and women’s ability to move about freely and without fear within society is curtailed. In addition, demand for prostitution soars; that would create a deeply ironic outcome for Sweden, which invented the path-breaking Swedish abolitionist approach to prostitution.

While the humanitarian needs of the refugees streaming into Europe must be foremost in our minds at this time, policymakers in Sweden and other countries should also think of the long-term consequences of an unprecedented alteration in the young adult sex ratios of their societies.

As anthropologist Barbara Miller has persuasively argued, a normal sex ratio is a “public good” and therefore deserves state protection. For Sweden—or any other European country—to wind up with the worst young adult sex ratios in the world would be a tragedy for European men and women alike.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by ola small dickie »

Dintre toate criticile si insultele pe care le-am auzit la adresa unor oameni care mai sunt si refugiati asta era ultima. Prea multi barbati. Ne dau peste cap balanta sexuala.

Eu zic sa nu ne mai dam dupa gutui. KILL THEM ALL! LAGARE! NEO_NAZISTE!

Apropo, s-a facut si o statistica a refugiatilor pe zodii? S-ar putea ca Europa sa se clatine ca o sa avem prea multi Capricorni veniti din Siria.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by cg1700 »

Probabil vei mai auzi critici de genul tinand cont cat de popular e sa fii SJW si feminist radical in ultima vreme.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Articolul nu mi se pare jignitor, semnaleaza o problema care n-ar trebui chiar neglijata.
In principiu sunt de acord cu primirea refugiatilor care fug de razboi, doar ca o buna parte din ei sunt imigranti economici care nu provin din Siria.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Stokkolm »

E cam exagerat tonul articolului, dar problema e una logica. Barbati -> o sa aiba nevoie de pasarica la un moment dat -> cu tenul tuciuriu, figura de Bercea mondialul si maniere de pastor de camile, o femeie nativa n-o sa vrea sa aiba de-a face cu ei. Bineinteles nu toti barbatii imigranti or fi asa, dar sunt si astfel de tipologii si nu stiu cum or sa se comporte pe termen lung.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Doc »

Stokkolm wrote:Barbati -> o sa aiba nevoie de pasarica la un moment dat -> cu tenul tuciuriu, figura de Bercea mondialul si maniere de pastor de camile, o femeie nativa n-o sa vrea sa aiba de-a face cu ei. Bineinteles nu toti barbatii imigranti or fi asa, dar sunt si astfel de tipologii si nu stiu cum or sa se comporte pe termen lung.
Nu stii cum or sa se comporte? Koln, Stuttgart samd. de anul nou? ziarista aia violata in strada in Egipt acum cativa ani? cam asa se vor comporta...
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Mafio »

:lol: Here we go again.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by .chester »

Maniere de pastor de camile cica :lol: That's messed up.

Oricum, multi dintre ei si-au luat si nevestele si copiii cu ei, deci teoretic n-ar avea de ce sa se incurce cu femeile native. Then again, nu se poate nega ca s-au intamplat evenimente naspa in noaptea de anul nou. Not sure how to feel about that.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Articolul se refera la cei care sunt necasatoriti si nu au copii, in principal minorii. Nu-i ia in calcul pe refugiatii care au familie si isi pot aduce sotia si copiii aici.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by MC »

Germania a cam facut-o de oaie cu criza refugiatilor sirieni.
N-au decat sa se spele cu ei pe cap.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Damn, iar nu pot sa editez.
Doc wrote:Koln, Stuttgart samd. de anul nou? ziarista aia violata in strada in Egipt acum cativa ani?
Incidente asemanatoare au fost semnalate si in Stockholm, Helsinki sau Rotherham. In majoritatea cazurilor autoritatile nu au facut publice informatiile.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Doc »

Asta e, cand vii din tinutul lapidarii pentru adulter in tinuturile femeilor bete care zac in umbra catedralelor si al pornacheului gratis, ti se cam zguduie hormonii.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by vulp »

Btw concluzia unui articol de pe VICE este:
Cea mai clară concluzie în urma evenimentelor din Koln e că Germania are o problemă cu sexismul și cu rasismul. Ambele fenomene au rădăcini adânci și n-au fost importate.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by marvas »

am citit articolul respectiv chiar azi. M-a iritat la fel de tare ca cel de pe adevarul legat de divizarea federatiei ruse: ... index.html

Oameni care nu stiu cum sa propaganda.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by McWilliams »

E clar, de la Hitler li se trage. Ei zic ca "Nein!", cand de fapt e clar ca "Ja!".
Candva, pe aici, trecea un brutalistu...
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Doc »

marvas wrote: divizarea federatiei ruse
Vrabia malai viseaza, se destrama acum, cand petrolul e 40 USD/baril... Iti dai seama ca aia din Urali au citit articolasul moldoveanului si li s-a desteptat cheful de independenta, lol :lol:
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Apollyon » ... -besieged/
I hired a driver, was allocated a government minder (very handy at checkpoints), and booked into a hotel. Driving north from Damascus, we picked up a 22-year-old Syrian army lieutenant called Ali, returning to his unit after eight days’ leave with his family.

We drove through Homs — miles and miles of utter devastation — and then east on to the Raqqa road. Ali told me that he had been assigned to Kuweires military airport east of Aleppo, which was under siege for three years from Al Nusra and Islamic State forces. He spoke of daily firefights against Isis fighters. For long periods his unit was entirely cut off. When Ali was shot in the chest there was no question of being airlifted out. He convalesced in a field hospital. Eventually the siege was lifted and Ali could return home and see his parents for the first time in more than two years. ‘The secret behind Kuweires was the loyalty of the soldiers. We had no tanks. I lost 82 comrades,’ said Ali. Now his unit is mopping up Islamic State positions round Al-Bab to the East of Aleppo.

When we reached Aleppo there had been no electricity for 112 days and no water for almost two weeks. Improvised mortars — gas canisters explosive enough to bring down buildings — can fall anywhere. Seventeen of the giant student dormitory blocks at the university are now set aside for displaced families from rebel-held areas. All the families have terrifying stories to tell about intimidation and murder at the hands of fanatical Al Nusra, Isis or Free Syrian army forces.
At the education ministry I met a schoolmistress who had just made a five-day journey through endless Islamic State checkpoints to collect her pay cheque. She was about to return home, fully conscious of what lay ahead. Syrian Army troops are advancing on her town. ‘Islamic State will turn us into human shields,’ she told me.

My time in Aleppo coincided with the turning point in the Syrian civil war. Assad’s forces, with the help of Russian air power, cut off the line of supply from the Turkish border to the jihadist forces encircling the government-held areas of the city. Deprived of fresh fighters, guns and ammunition from their Turkish sponsors, Al Nusra and other groups encircling the city are, over the long term, doomed. Islamic State, which sells its oil through Turkey, will start to run short of money. Think of Stalingrad in 1942: the besiegers are now the besieged.

When I returned to London I read in the newspapers that this turn of events was regarded as a calamity. Of course, it does depend on your point of view. Government-held Aleppo was under siege from jihadi forces until late last year. That was never reported. Now the areas of Aleppo held by the rebels are coming under siege. That is reported in the western press as a catastrophe, and has brought a concerned response from the British Foreign Secretary.

Again and again I was asked: why is Britain supporting the terrorists? Western media rightly emphasise Assad’s atrocities. But the Aleppans I spoke to regularly pointed out that under Assad’s regime women can walk alone down the street and pursue a career; that a broadly liberal curriculum is taught in the schools; that Christians can worship at their churches and Muslims in their mosques. These Aleppans have lived under siege from groups hellbent on the imposition of a mutant version of Wahhabi Islam. They know that many of their fighters are foreigners whose ambition, encouraged by Turkish and Saudi sponsors, is to extinguish Aleppo’s tolerant culture and drive every last Christian out of the city. These Aleppans have a point. When the history of the Syrian civil war is finally written, historians will indeed have to confront the question: why has it been British government policy to turn the ancient city of Aleppo into present-day Kandahar?
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by Doc »

Sa se duca si prin partile unde a dat Assad cu gaze, de 30 de ani incoace, sa vada si aia ce zic...

Sa se duca prin Hama, de exemplu.
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Re: Articole interesante

Post by vulp »

This just in: Doc e agent sunni.
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