Game Draft Hall of Fame

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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft XIII: Beautiful (Virtual) Places
DescriereTop 10+1 Destinaţii Virtuale
Perioadaaugust - octombrie 2015
LinkuriThread discuţii
Thread alegeri
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)• Wildcard secret;
• Losers' rumble pentru al 4-lea loc in semifinală
Game MasterCristan
Număr participanţi9
ParticipanţiPătrunjelu', Mahdi, marvas, McWilliams, Michilangelo, ola small dickie, TG, Cristan, Mafio
Clasament1. Cristan
2. Michilangelo
3-4. TG, Mahdi
5-6. marvas, McWilliams
7-9. ola small dickie, Pătrunjelu', Mafio
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1. Skellige - Ard Skellig (Witcher 3)
2. Flotsam (Witcher 2)
3. The Bastion (Bastion)
4. Arkham City (Batman: Arkham City)
5. Castle Karstaag (Bloodmoon)
6. Venice (at night while afloat) (Assassin's Creed 2)
7. The City (Thief)
8. Rook Islands (Far Cry 3)
9. Persephone's Realm (any island) (Sacrifice)
10. Arx (Arx Fatalis)
11. Morthal (Skyrim)
1. Anor Londo (Dark Souls)
2. Loc Muinne (Witcher 2)
3. The City (Thief: The Dark Project)
4. Wyrm's Tooth Glacier (Icewind Dale)
5. Lost Armada (Dear Esther)
6. Marquez Farmhouse (Kentucky Route Zero)
7. Castle Nali (Unreal)
8. Lady Boyle's Mansion (Dishonored)
9. Ust Natha (Baldur's Gate 2)
10. The Dam (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter)
11. Majula (Dark Souls 2)
1. Padurea (Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood)
2. Ierusalim (Assassin's Creed)
3. Acoperisurile (Mirror's Edge)
4. Andergast (The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav)
5. Plunder Island (The Curse of Monkey Island)
6. Baloane si mori de vant (Prince of Persia)
7. Satul Dyrford (Pillars of Eternity)
8. Centrul orasului (Machinarium)
9. Neo Paris (Remember Me)
10. Londra (The Order 1886)
11. Wasteland (Mad Max)
1. Castle of the Valley of Mines (Gothic 2)
2. Church (Metro Last Light Redux)
3. X-COM HQ (X-COM Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within)
4. The rooftops of Dubai (Spec Ops: The Line)
5. Pillars of Nosgoth (Legacy of Kain: Defiance)
6. Roscoe Street Station (Max Payne)
7. Order of the Sword HQ (Devil May Cry 4)
8. London Nautica (Wolfenstein The New Order)
9. Town of Chapter 7 (Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood)
10. Crystal Cruiser, Layout A (FTL: Faster Than Light)
11. Space Hulk Map (Warhammer 40'000: Space Marine, Exterminatus mode)
1. Rubacava (Grim Fandango)
2. Planet (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri)
3. Our Shelter (This War of Mine)
4. The Mountains and the Castle (Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons)
5. Trapper's Homestead (The Long Dark)
6. Castle in the Mist (Ico)
7. Snake Pass (Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive)
8. Cloudy Isles (Trine 2: Goblin Menace)
9. Cabin in the Woods (Knock-knock)
10. Café Ankh (Discworld Noir)
11. Christ Church (Gray Matter)
ola small dickie
1. Nontoonyt Island (Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places))
2. Trynton (Wizardry 8)
3. Edison Mansion (Day Of The Tentacle)
4. Paris in Autumn (Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars)
5. Frosty Pass Ski Resort (Carmageddon)
6. Worlds Largest Ball Of Twine (Sam & Max Hit the Road)
7. The Innocent Abandoned (Sanitarium)
8. La Costa Lotta Health Spa (Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!)
9. The White House (Zork I: The Great Underground Empire, Zork Grand Inquisitor)
10. Wizard's Castle (Heroes of Might and Magic II)
11. Winter Nights in New York (Blackwell Epiphany)
1. Old Mine (Gothic)
2. Lakeside (The Witcher)
3. Rapture (Bioshock)
4. Valadilene (Syberia)
5. Flint County (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)
6. Scumm Bar (The Secret of Monkey Island)
7. Midgar (Final Fantasy VII)
8. Hengsha (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)
9. Boneyard of Myrkul (NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer)
10. World 2: Time and Forgiveness (Braid)
11. Kingdom End (X3: Reunion)
1. Citadel (Half-Life 2)
2. Ascadian Isles (Morrowind)
3. Xen (Half-Life)
4. Pripyat (STALKER: Call of Pripyat)
5. Citadel Presidium (Mass Effect)
6. Columbia Town Center (Bioshock Infinite)
7. Milkman Conspiracy Level (Psychonauts)
8. Halstedom (Zeno Clash)
9. Nagrand (WoW Warlords of Draenor)
10. Aralbad (Syberia)
11. Luna (Lunar Flight)
1. Vice City (GTA Vice City)
2. Taris (Knights of The Old Republic)
3. Hell's Kitchen (Deus Ex)
4. Undead Burg (Dark Souls)
5. Venice (Metro Last Light)
6. Town (Darkest Dungeon)
7. Mona Sax Fun House (Max Payne 2)
8. Santa Monica (Vampire the Masquerade Bloodines)
9. The House (Gone Home)
10. Heide's Tower of Flame (Dark Souls II)
11. Omega Station (Mass Effect 2)
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[2nd Chance Rumble]
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Runda III
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Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft XIV: The Hate Draft
DescriereDraft cu jocurile pe care le urâm, din diferite motive.
Perioadadecembrie 2016 - februarie 2017
LinkuriThread discuţii
Thread alegeri
Alte discuţii
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)Primele 3 alegeri wildcard
Game MasterTG
Număr participanţi12 (13)
Participanţimarvas, Mahdi, ola small dickie, TG, chestr0ny, ne0lith, Stokkolm, juve3332, DarthZombie, Foxman, Caleb, sebas, Mafio
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
1. Mahdi
2. TG
3. Foxman
4. Zombie
5. juve
6. caleb
7. chester
8. marvas (5 voturi)
9. ola small dickie (5 voturi)
10. sebas
11. ne0lith
12. Stokkolm
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1. MX vs ATV Supercross Encore
2. Battletoads
3. Nosferatu - The Wrath of Malachi
4. Minecraft
5. Duck Hunt
6. Clicker Heroes
7. Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
8. Guitar Hero 5
9. Watch Dogs 2
10. Misterele Laurei
1. Diablo III
2. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
3. Thi4f
4. Neverwinter Nights
5. Alien: Isolation
6. Heroes of Might and Magic IV
7. Icewind Dale 2
8. Game of Thrones (A Telltale Game)
9. Rusty Hearts
10. Game Draft
ola small dickie
1. Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude
2. Jocul McDonald's
3. Diablo
4. Dota 2
5. Need for Speed: Underground (2003)
6. StarCraft
7. World of Warcraft
8. FarmVille
9. No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
10. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
1. Diablo II (anul diavolului 2000)
2. The Elders Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006)
3. Mass Effect 2 (2010)
4. Defense of the Ancients (2003)
5. Borderlands 2 (2012)
6. Arcania – Gothic 4
7. Zeno Clash (2009)
8. Test Drive Unlimited 2 (2011)
9. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)
10. The Banner Saga (2014)
1. Super Mario Bros.
2. Duke Nukem Forever
3. Far Cry Blood Dragon
4. Saints Row the Third
5. Braid
6. Quake 3 Arena
7. Undertale
8. Guitar Hero
9. Ass Creed Black Flag
10. Mu Online
1. Bioshock Infinite
2. Dark Souls
3. Half Life 2
4. Dear Esther
6. Trespasser
7. Rainbow Six Vegas
8. Hearthstone
9. Witcher 2
10. Portal 2
1. Halo: Combat Evolved (2001)
2. Day of the Tentacle (1993)
3. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2005)
4. World of Goo (2008)
5. Sanitarium (1998)
6. Final Fantasy VI
7. Gears of War
8. Beyond Divinity (2004)
9. Crysis 2
10. Overwatch (2016)
1. Unreal 2: The Awakening
2.Serious Sam: The First Encounter
3. Black & White
4. Worms 3D (2003)
5. Counter-strike
6. Carmageddon 2 (1998)
7. Doom 3 (2004)
8. Commandos 3 (2003)
9. Runaway (2004)
10. Postal 2 (2003)
1. Bioshock Infinite (2013)
2. Fallout 3 (2008)
3. Spore (2008)
4. Rage (2011)
5. Planescape: Torment
6. Dungeon Keeper (2014)
7. Carmageddon TDR 2000 (2000)
8. Call of Juarez: The Cartel (2011)
9. Starcraft 2 (2010)
10. Chaser (2003)
1. EVE Online
2. Dwarf Fortress
3. Heroes of the Storm
4. Gothic 3
5. Pokemon GO
6. Warhammer Online
7. Darkest Dungeon
8. Sunless Sea
9. Dragon Age 2
10. Mass Effect 3
1. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
2. Gears of War 2
3. The Talos Principle
4. X-COM: Enemy Unknown
5. Dead Island
6. Wing Commander
7. Curiosity
8. Heavy Rain
9. Metro 2033
10. Dark Souls II
1. Kalonline (2004)
2. Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands (1997)
3. Might and Magic IX (2002)
4. Counter Strike: Global Offensive (2012)
5. Bioshock Remastered (2016)
6. Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)
7. Ultra Street Fighter IV (2015)
8. Dragon Age: Origins (2009)
9. X: Rebirth (2013)
10. King's Bounty: Warriors of the North (2012)
1. Skyrim
2. Half Life 2
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Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Music Draft III - Songs
Perioadafebruarie - mai 2015
LinkuriThread discuţii
Thread alegeri
Lista alegerilor (Google Docs)
Playlist cu alegerile (courtesy of Mărar)
Playlist cu alegerile pe Google Music (courtesy of sebas)
Altă listă cu alegerile (courtesy of Stokkolm)
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)10 alegeri, dupa fiecare runda se mai alege o melodie, nu se poate alege mai mult de o melodie apartinand aceluiasi artist, nu se pot alege melodii de la draftul anterior
Game MasterTG
Număr participanţi22 (+2)
Participanţijuve3332, ne0lith, cg1700, ola small dickie, Stokkolm, marius, McWilliams, joonior_bmf, Foxman, marvas, Anne, rdo, caleb, Azad, Fular, Iavo, sebas, Ferrrrrrrrrdinand, Michilangelo, Mahdi, Mărar, TG, vulp, .chester
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
1. juve3332 (35)
2. TG (31)
3. ne0lith (27)
4. Michilangelo (24)
5. Fular (20)
6. sebas (18)
7. Foxman (17)
8. caleb (14), Anne (14)
9. Iavo (13)
10. Stokkolm (11)
11. ola small dickie (10)
12. McWIlliams (6), Azad (6)
13. rdo (5), marvas (5), Marar (5)
14. cg1700 (4), Ferdinand (4)
15. marius (3), Mahdi (3)
16. joonior (2)
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1. The Morning Jacket - Dondante (Z, 2005)
2.Replikas - Akis (Köledoyuran, 2000)
3.Todd Terje feat. Bryan Ferry - Johnny & Mary (It's Album Time, 2015)
4. Les Negresses Vertes - Face a la mer - Massive Attack remix (EP, 1993)
5. Maria Raducanu Quartet - Trenule, masina mica (Mezzo recording, 2013)
6.Suicide - Ghost Rider (Suicide, 1977)
7.Nils Frahm - Says (Spaces, 2013)
8.Blue Planet Corporation - Midian (Overbloody Flood, 1993)
9.Tindersticks - Friday Night (Across Six Leap Years, 2013)
10. Future Islands - Fall from Grace
11. The xx - Infinity (xx, 2009)
12.Young Men Dead - The Black Angels (Passover, 2006)
13. Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Painless Steel (Sunset Mission, 2000)
14.Benjamine Clementine - Adios (At Least For Now, 2015)
1. Alice In Chains - Would
2. If These Trees Could Talk - Malabar Front
3. Grimes - Realiti
4. The Glitch Mob - Drive It Like You Stole It
5. Koan - Dance Of Nereids
6. Low - Lullaby
7. Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds
8. Tycho - Awake
9. God Is An Astronaut - Forever Lost
10. Chvrches - Leave A Trace
11. Lilium - Sleep Inside
12. Mazzy Star - Fade Into You
13. Tei Shi - Basically
1. JAM Project - Gong
2. David Bowie - Space Oddity
3. Megurine Luka - Double Lariat
4. Susumu Hirasawa - Forces
5.Akiko Shikata - METHOD_METAFALICA/.
6.Waveshaper - Future Vision
7. Dai - Tomorrow
8.Yuki Kajiura & Revo - Sand Dream (Dream Port)
9.Dead Astronauts - Unhappy Woman
10. Takayuki Aihara - First Chapter ~ In the Sky
ola small dickie
1. The Smiths - Well I Wonder
2. The Last Shadow Puppets - Sweet Dreams, TN
3. Chvrches - Do I Wanna Know?
4. The Stone Roses - Waterfall
5. Jim Ford - Love on My Brain
6. Richard Hawley - Run For Me
7. Arctic Monkeys - No.1 Party Anthem
8. Azealia Banks featuring Lazy Jay - 212
9. Iggy Pop - Sunday
10. Bran Van 3000 - Drinking in L.A.
11. Robot Koch - Hard to Find
(1) 10. Clepsydra - Fade
(2) 9. †HR33ΔM - Millenium
(3) 8. BLVCK CEILING - VOID 1984
(4) 7. Sidewalks and Skeletons - Dose
(5) 6. King Plague - Ave Plague
(6) 5. † CΛIN † - RVN the MOON
(7) 4. Bow Church - Winter Falls (ɱ ɪ ʟ κ ƴVVΛY remix) (2015)
(8) 3. Crystal Castles - Suffocation (2010)
9) 2. CRIM3S - Still Goin
1. Fraunhofer Diffraction - Asphyxia (2014)
11. Dita Redrum - VI
1. The Sound - I Can't Escape Myself (1980)
2. The The - Perfect
3. The Chameleons - Don't Fall
4. Pink Turns Blue - If Two Worlds Kiss
5. The Snake Corps - In Flux
6. Scratch Acid - Cannibal
7. Cocteau Twins - Pearly Dewdrops' Drops
8. Flowers for Agatha - Through the Ceiling
9. Baths - Rain Smell
10. Nicolas Jaar - Too Many Kids Finding Rain In The Dust
1. Jimi Hendrix - All along the watchtower
2. Styx - Mr Roboto
3. Miike Snow - Genghis Khan
4. Sabaton - Rorke's Drift
5. Poets of the Fall - Carnival of rust
6. Kamelot - Centre of the universe
7. Of Monsters and Men - Empire
8. Paul Engemann - Scarface (Push it to the limit)
9. Travis - 3 miles high
10. ROA - Se aude muzica
1. Massive Attack feat. Young Fathers - Voodoo in my blood
2. Tame Impala - The less I know the better
3. Yoko Kanno feat. Arnor Dan - Von
4. Chelsea Wolfe - Grey days
5. Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Necessary evil
6. Lords of Acid - The Crablouse
7. Sigur Ros - Brennisteinn
8. Leagues - Walking Backwards
9. Gogol Bordello - Lost Innocent World
10. The Uncluded - The Aquarium
1. Agoria - Scala
2. Ten Walls - Italo
3. Orbital - Beelzedub (Live on KEXP)
4. Numbernin6 - Four
5. Skream - Rutten
6. Koan - Odysseus Under The Old Tree
7. Infected Mushroom - saeed
8. Mantis - Gods (Bass boosted)
9. Nigel John Stanford - Deep Space
10. Puissance - Resorting to War
11. Qtier - Set Me On (David August Remix)
1. Arms and Sleepers - Swim Team
2. Napoleon - My Heart Tells Me
3. Grand National - Talk Among Yourselves
4. Andrew Bayer - From the Earth
Analogue Sound Department - Greetings
6. ATB feat. Enigma - Enigmatic Encounter
7. Röyksopp - You don't have a clue
8. Tycho - A Walk
9. Sticky Fingers - Liquorlip Loaded Gun
10. Jidenna - Long Live The Chief
1. David Gilmour - Rattle That Lock
2. Testament - Return to Serenity
3. Röyksopp feat. Robyn - Monument (The Inevitable End Version)
4. Silversun Pickups - Panic Switch
5. Elsiane - Paranoia
6. Eivør - Verð Mín
7. Dabeull - New Order (feat. Holybrune)
8. Looptroop Rockers - Professional Dreamers
9. Stomacher - Police
The Amazons - Black Magic
Dance for Me Wallis - W/E. Soundtrack
1. Susanne Vega - Tom's Diner
2. Daughter - Get lucky (Daft Punk cover)
3. SG - Shivers (Live at Abbey Road Studios ft. JP Cooper)
4. ODESZA - It's Only (feat. Zyra)
5. Gavin Degraw - Mountains to move
6. Bon Iver - The Wolves (Act 1 & 2)
7. Bonobo - Between the Lines
8. Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche
9. Rodriguez - Cause
10. Moby - Porcelain
1. Electric Six - Devil Nights
2. Savatage - Handful of Rain
3. Roy Harper - Hope
4. Flower Fairy & DubFX - Sunny Daze
5. Porcupine Tree Piano Lessons
6. 16 Horsepower - Black Soul Choir
7. Kingston Wall - And I Hear You Call
8. Veteran of the Psychic Wars - Blue Oyster Cult
9. Yazoo - Don't Go (1982)
10. Devil Woman - Bruce Willis
11. Dead Can Dance - The Arcane
1. Mehmet Güreli - Kimse Bilmez
2. Soap Kills - Enta Fen
3. Riff Cohen - Marrakech
4. Conjunto Jardín - La Bruja
5. Camel - Sahara
6. Emel Mathlouthi - Ma Lkit
7. Accolade - Raskolnikov
8. Shantel & Areti Ketime - EastWest / Dysi Ki Anatoli
9. Natacha Atlas - I Put a Spell On You
10. Sława Przybylska - Trzy miłości
1. Slowdive - Star Roving
2. Franz Ferdinand - Stand on the Horizon
3. Lana Del Rey - Because of You
4. Cloud - Turning
5. Young Fathers - Shame
6. The Dø - The Wicked and The Blind
7. Lazerhawk - So Far Away
8. Lorn - Acid Rain
9. Chet Faker - Love and Feeling(Live Session)
10. Danger Mouse, Daniele Luppi and Norah Jones - Black
11. ††† (Crosses) - Bitches Brew
12. Benjamin Booker - Violent Shiver
1. The Kinks- Alcohol
2. Egdon Heath- Slightly In Despair
3.The Moody Blues- Melancholy Man
4. The National - Slipping Husband
5. The Doors- Yes, The River Knows
6. Glacier- Vendetta
7. Marius Matache- Carciuma
8. Chet Baker-Almost Blue
9. Tom Waits-The Part You Throw Away
10. Poisonblack - From Now-Here to Nowhere
11. Don McLean- Flight Of Dragons
1. Lust | Rodrigo Leao - Pasion
2. Gluttony | The Knife - Marble House
3. Greed | Eddie Vedder - Society
4. Sloth | Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay
5. Wrath | Gustav Holst - I. Mars, the Bringer of War
6. Envy | David Byrne - Glass, Concrete & Stone
7. Pride | Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
8. Enigma - Goodbye Milky Way
9. James - Getting away with it (All Messed Up)
10. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
11. Solar Fields - Insum
12. 65daysofstatic - Radio Protector
1. Radiohead - Climbing up the walls
2). Arthur Alexander - Anna (Go to Him)
3). SEL OP (Boa - Duvet)
4). Danzig - End of time
5). City of Caterpillar - And you're wondering how a top floor could replace heaven
6). Eminem - Mockingbird
Judas Priest - Stained Class
8. Vangelis - Rachel's Song (Bladerunner OST)
9). Genitorturers - Lecher bitch (vtmb last round ost)
Vaya con dios - Na neh nah
1. Big Head Todd & John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom
2. Father John Misty - Holy Shit
3. Iron Butterfly - Butterfly Bleu
4. Gotan Project - Paris, Texas
5. The Mamas and the Papas - California Dreamin'
6. Bijelo Dugme - Djurdjevdan
7. Damien Rice - Cheers Darlin'
8. Sébastien Tellier - Look
9. Flume & Chet Faker - Drop the Game
10. Apollo 440 - Love Is Evil
11. The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company
12. Quantic - Time Is The Enemy
13. Banks & Steelz - Wild Season (Feat. Florence Welch)
1. Uncle Sinner - Blow, Gabriel
2. Arcade Fire - My Body is a Cage
3. Chromatics - Looking for love
4. Esbjörn Svensson Trio - Inner City, City Lights
5. Courtney Barnett - Kim's Caravan
6. James Plotkin & Paal Nilssen-Love - Primateria
7. Soap & Skin - Voyage, Voyage
8. MONO - Com
9. The Doors - I can't see your face in my mind
10. Current 93 feat. Nick Cave - I Could Not Shift The Shadow
1. Kamasi Washington - The Rhythm Changes
2. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Déjà Vu
3. Akufen - Deck The House
4. Swans - The Glowing Man
5. Paul McCartney and Wings - Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five
6. Richard Wright - Breakthrough
7. Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan
8. Opeth - Reverie / Harlequin Forest
9. David Bowie with the Maria Schneider Orchestra - Sue (or In a Season of Crime)
10. Vid - Unindivid
1. Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil (Revolutionary Vol. 1, 2001)
2. The Black Keys - Too Afraid To Love You (Brothers, 2010)
3. Have A Nice Life - Bloodhail (Deathconsciousness, 2008)
4. Nine Inch Nails - Mr Self Destruct (The Downward Spiral, 1994)
5. Son Lux - Easy ( Lanterns - 2014)
6. Cigarettes After Sex - Affection (2015)
7. Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep (Ten New Songs, 2011)
8. Silversun Pickups - Circadian Rhythm (Better Nature, 2015)
9. LP - Other People (Lost on You, 2016)
10. The Neighbourhood - Alleyways (I Love You, 2013)
11. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand
12. Exitmusic - The Night (Passage, 2012)
13. Ruelle - Deep End (2016)
14. Tom Waits - Invitation to the Blues (Small Change, 1976)
1. The Stone Roses - I am the Resurrection
2. Tool - Forty Six & 2
3. Joy Division - Wilderness
4. Duke Williams & The Extremes - Area 51
5. Across the Rubicon - State of Fear
6. Chiasm - Isolated
1. The Last Shadow Puppets - Les Cactus
2. Ross from Friends - Talk to Me You'll Understand
3. Mechanimal - Funny
4. Equip - D U N G E O N (I Dreamed of a Palace in the Sky)
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
Posts: 3770
Joined: 2 Mar 2014, 16:16

Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft XV: The Best Games of the Decade
DescriereJocurile din deceniul 2009-2018
Perioadafebruarie - martie 2019
LinkuriThread discuţii
Thread alegeri
Thread descrieri
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)10 alegeri; fără versiuni remasterizate
Game MasterMahdi
Număr participanţi16
ParticipanţiMcWilliams, Azad, Triggerix, marvas, cg1700, Mahdi, ne0lith, TG, Cristan, ola small dickie, Ferrrrrrrrrdinand, Michilangelo, sebas, TaikoKaira, joonior_bmf, DarthZombie
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
1. Azad
2. TG
3. Mahdi
4. Cristan
5. joonior_bmf
6. McWilliams
7. Michilangelo
8. marvas
9. sebas
10. TaikoKaira
11. ne0lith
12. Ferrrrrrrdinand
13. DarthZombie
14. cg1700
15. Triggerix
16. ola small dickie
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)
Shadowrun: Hong Kong (2015)
This War of Mine (2014)
FTL: Faster Than Light (2012)
The Banner Saga (2014)
Enter the Gungeon (2016)
Cities: Skylines (2015)
Grim Dawn (2016)
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (2011)
Primordia (2012)
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (2013)
Shadowrun: Dragonfall (2014)
Total War: Shogun 2 (2011)
Sleeping Dogs (2012)
Bastion (2011)
Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga (2011)
Tyranny (2016)
Technobabylon (2015)
Trine 2 (2011)
Left4Dead 2 (2009)
Telltale's The Walking Dead (2012)
SOMA (2015)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015)
Outlast (2013)
Tales from the Borderlands (2014)
Dying Light (2015)
Spec Ops: The Line (2012)
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure (2014)
State of Decay (2013)
Portal 2 (2011)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)
Super Mario Odyssey (2017)
Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013)
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse (2013)
The Talos Principle (2014)
Rocket League (2015)
Inside (2016)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
God of War (2018)
Hollow Knight (2017)
DOOM (2016)
Cuphead (2017)
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance (2013)
Nier (2010)
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (2014)
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors (2009)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (2009)
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (2011)
Sonic Mania (2017)
Dark Souls (2011)
Crusader Kings 2 (2012)
Fallout: New Vegas (2010)
Civilization V (2010)
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (2014)
Serious Sam 3: BFE (2011)
Wasteland 2 (2014)
Prey (2017)
Samorost 3 (2016)
Undertale (2015)
Kentucky Route Zero (2013)
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (2016)
Mount and Blade Warband (2010)
Firewatch (2016)
Hitman (2016)
Subnautica (2018)
Cradle (2015)
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy (2011)
Borderlands 2 (2012)
Far Cry 4 (2014)
Underrail (2015)
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (2011)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011)
Europa Universalis IV (2013)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (2009)
Machinarium (2009)
Alpha Protocol (2010)
The Saboteur (2009)
Mark of the Ninja (2012)
Portal 2 (2011)
Divinity: Original Sin (2014)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012)
Dishonored (2012)
Stardew Valley (2016)
To the Moon (2011)
Rayman Legends (2013)
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (2010)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey (2018)
Superhot (2016)
ola small dickie
Grand Theft Auto V (2013)
The Blackwell Epiphany (2014)
Tales of Monkey Island (2009)
Thimbleweed Park (2017)
Gemini Rue (2011)
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City (2009)
I fell from Grace (2017)
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (2010)
Blackwood Crossing (2017)
The Mind of Marlo (2017)
Hotline Miami (2012)
Papers, Please (2013)
The Wolf Among Us (2013)
Metro 2033 (2010)
The Stanley Parable (2013)
Gone Home (2013)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)
Five Nights at Freddy (2014)
Devil Daggers (2016)
Cupid (2016)
Risen (2009)
Expeditions: Viking (2017)
The Forest (2014)
Blood Bowl (2009)
Transistor (2014)
Endless Legend (2014)
Return of the Obra Dinn (2018)
The Last Guardian (2016)
Anno 1404 (2009)
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (2017)
Underrail (2015)
Unavowed (2018)
Path of Exile (2013)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide (2015)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
Shadow Warrior (2013)
Mass Effect 2 (2010)
Lords of Xulima (2014)
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (2013)
Grand Theft Auto V (2013)
L.A. Noire (2011)
A Way Out (2018)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2013)
What Remains of Edith Finch (2017)
Far Cry 3 (2012)
Gorogoa (2017)
Outlast 2 (2017)
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) (2014)
Broforce (2015)
Don't Starve Together (2016)
Divinity Original Sin 2 (2017)
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery (2011)
Pillars of Eternity (2015)
Dragon Age: Origins (2009)
Gunpoint (2013)
Darkest Dungeon (2016)
Shovel Knight (2014)
Mortal Kombat (2011)
Slay the Spire (2019)
Hotline Miami (2012)
Assassin's Creed 2 (2009)
Frozen Synapse (2012)
Insurgency (2014)
Risk of Rain (2013)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance (2018)
Dirt Rally (2015)
King's Bounty: Armored Princess (2009)
Rainbow Six Siege (2015)
Minecraft (2009)

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Mahdi »

Music Video Draft
Descriere"Prima ediție a Music Video Draft, unde vom trece în revistă cele mai bune videoclipuri muzicale din toate timpurile și vom face mișto unii de alții."
Perioadamartie - aprilie 2020
LinkuriThread discuţii
Thread alegeri
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe) 10 alegeri, din care prima la liber (deci nu trebuie să fie unică) și 9 unice. Nu mai mult de un videoclip / artist.
Game MasterMahdi
Număr participanţi13
Participanţijuve3332, TG, Triggerix, Ferrrrrrrrdinand, Fular, Marvas, Stokkolm, Mahdi, Azad, joonior_bmf, ola small dickie, Flashbat03, ne0lith
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
  1. juve3332
  2. TG
  3. Triggerix
  4. Ferrrrrrrrdinand
  5. Fular
  6. Marvas
  7. Stokkolm
  8. Mahdi
  9. Azad
  10. joonior_bmf
  11. ola small dickie
  12. Flashbat03
  13. ne0lith
Image - Fular
  1. The Knife - Marble House
  2. Oren Lavie - Her morning elegance
  3. Queens of the Stone Age - Go with the Flow
  4. Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama
  5. The Cardigans - My Favorite Game
  6. Șuie Paparude - Pentru inimi
  7. The Killers - Bones
  8. The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist
  9. Gotye - Heart's a mess
  10. Slick Rick - Behind Bars
Image - joonior_bmf
  1. The Cranberries - Zombie
  2. The Uncluded - Organs
  3. Michael Jackson - Black or white
  4. Queens Of The Stone Age - My God Is The Sun
  5. Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill
  6. Hooverphonic - Mad about you
  7. Tom Waits - Hell Broke Luce
  8. Mitski - Happy
  9. Igorrr - Very noise
  10. DyE - Fantasy
Image - juve3332
  1. Daft Punk - Da Funk
  2. The Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up
  3. Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice
  4. M.I.A. - Born Free
  5. UNKLE feat. Nick Cave - Money and Run
  6. Beastie Boys - Sabotage
  7. Paul Kalkrenner - Cloud Rider
  8. Massive Attack - Live with Me
  9. Michelle Gurevitch - Lovers are strangers
  10. Edward Sharpe & Magnetic Zeros - Wake Up the Sun
Image - TG
  1. R.E.M. - Losing My Religion
  2. UNKLE - Rabbit In Your Headlights
  3. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
  4. Pearl Jam - Do the Evolution
  5. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
  6. Nine Inch Nails - Closer
  7. MONDO GROSSO - False Sympathy
  8. TOOL - Sober
  9. Gesaffelstein - PURSUIT
  10. Epik High - Map the Soul
Image - Azad
  1. Leonard Cohen - Moving On
  2. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Henry Lee
  3. MONDO GROSSO - ラビリンス
  4. Catherine Feeny - Mr. Blue
  5. Alexandrina - Orasul Umbre
  6. DJ MUGGS x MF DOOM - Death Wish
  7. Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.
  8. Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer
  9. Miki Matsubara - Stay With Me
  10. The Roots - Tip The Scale
Image - FlashBat03
  2. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
  3. 3.BLACKPINK - ‘뚜두뚜두 (DDU-DU DDU-DU)’
  4. Ariana Grande - 7 rings
  5. Doja Cat - Boss B*tch
  6. Jain - Come
  7. Nicole Scherzinger - Poison
  8. Netta - Bassa Sababa
  9. Dua Lipa - Physical
  10. Katy Perry - Roar
Image - Triggerix
  1. Lana del Rey - Ride
  2. Gallant- Talking to myself
  3. BLACKPINK- Whistle
  4. Robin and The Backstabbers - Sat dupa Sat
  5. Freddie Mercury - Living On My Own
  6. Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red
  7. Big Black Delta - Huggin & Kissin
  8. The Black Keys - Fever
  9. Sunmi - Noir
  10. Michael Kiwanuka - Cold Little Heart
Image - Mahdi
  1. David Bowie - The Stars (Are Out Tonight)
  2. Radiohead - Burn the Witch
  3. The Knife - Pass This On
  4. Massive Attack - Voodoo In My Blood
  5. Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
  6. Joy Division - Atmosphere
  7. Chet Faker - Gold
  8. Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?
  9. Daniel Avery - Drone Logic
  10. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Image - marvas
  1. a-ha - Take On Me
  2. Coldplay - Up&Up
  3. The Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl
  4. Alanis Morissette - Thank You
  5. Foo Fighters - Learn To Fly
  6. Positive John - Pressure
  7. Röyksopp - Eple
  8. Audioslave - Show Me How To Live
  9. Lil Dicky - $ave Dat Money
  10. Familjen - Det snurrar i min skalle
Image - Ferrrrrrrrrdinand
  1. Radiohead - Paranoid Android
  2. Modest Mouse - King Rat
  3. Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler
  4. Kashmir - Surfing The Warm Industry
  5. Childish Gambino - This Is America
  6. Stromae - Alors on danse
  7. Kendrick Lamar - These Walls
  8. Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
  9. OutKast - Ms. Jackson
  10. Alex Gaudino feat. Crystal Waters - Destination Calabria
Image - Stokkolm
  1. Björk - All Is Full of Love
  2. Muse - Knights of Cydonia
  3. The Prodigy - Firestarter
  4. Rammstein - Sonne
  5. Sia - Elastic Heart
  6. Katy Perry - Dark Horse
  7. GRUM - Through The Night
  8. Die Antwoord - Evil Boy
  9. Faydee feat. Antonia - Trika Trika
  10. Korn - Freak On a Leash
Image - ola small dickie
  1. Enigma - Return To Innocence
  2. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
  3. Beck - Loser
  4. The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight
  5. Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity
  6. Busta Rhymes - Gimme Some More
  7. Daft Punk - Around the World
  8. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
  9. The Last Shadow Puppets - Miracle Aligner
  10. George Michael - Outside
Image - ne0lith
  1. Nine Inch Nails - Only
  2. Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust
  3. Travis - Sing
  4. The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
  5. Blur - Coffee and TV
  6. Chemical Brothers - Believe
  7. Bloodhoung Gang - The Bad Touch
  8. Tool - Stinkfist
  9. The Weeknd - False Alarm
  10. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Mahdi »

Game Draft XVI: Best Intros
DescriereCele mai bune intro-uri din jocuri
Perioadaaprilie - mai 2020
LinkuriThread discuţii
Thread alegeri
Thread descrieri
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)Intro poate să însemne fie filmul care apare prima dată când lansezi jocul, fie primul cutscene când dai new game, înainte să preiei controlul în joc. Se califică atât filmulețele pre-renderizate/live action cât și cele derulate în engine-ul jocului.
Game MasterMahdi
Număr participanţi16
Participanţijoonior_bmf, Azad, TG, TaikoKaira, ne0lith, juve3332, Stokkolm, ola small dickie, Mahdi, Triggerix, Edgar, Waaagh!, Pătrunjelu', Flashbat03, marvas, Ferrrrrrrrrdinand
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
  1. joonior_bmf
  2. Azad
  3. TG
  4. TaikoKaira
  5. ne0lith
  6. juve3332
  7. Stokkolm
  8. ola small dickie
  9. Mahdi
  10. Triggerix
  11. Edgar
  12. Waaagh!
  13. Pătrunjelu'
  14. Flashbat03
  15. marvas
  16. Ferrrrrrrrrdinand
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
  1. Half-Life (1998)
  2. Mafia (2002)
  3. Max Payne 2 (2003)
  4. Rome: Total War (2004)
  5. Fahrenheit (2005)
  6. Borderlands 2 (2012)
  7. Pathologic (2005)
  8. Arx Fatalis (2002)
  9. Red Dead Redemption (2010)
  10. Darkwood (2017)
  1. Silent Hill (1999)
  2. Planescape: Torment (1999)
  3. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002)
  4. Grim Fandango (1998)
  5. Space Hulk: Deathwing (2016)
  6. Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide (2015)
  7. Warhammer: Vermintide II (2019)
  8. Warhammer 40.000: Mechanicus (2018)
  9. Scratches (2006)
  10. Alone in the Dark (1992)
  1. Ghost Master (2003)
  2. Far Cry 4 (2014)
  3. Darksiders II (2012)
  4. Lollipop Chainsaw (2012)
  5. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019)
  6. Resident Evil 4 (2005)
  7. Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020)
  8. Batman Arkham Asylum (2009)
  9. Sonic Mania (2017)
  10. Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)
  1. Syberia (2002)
  2. Thief (1998)
  3. Starcraft: Brood War (1998)
  4. Monkey Island 3 (1997)
  5. Unreal (1998)
  6. Dune (1992)
  7. Full Throttle Remastered (2017)
  8. Post Mortem (2002)
  9. L.A. Noire (2011)
  10. Cryostasis (2009)
  1. Half Life 2 (2004)
  2. The Witcher 2 Assassins Of Kings (2011)
  3. Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011)
  4. Metro Exodus (2019)
  5. Fable III (2010)
  6. Horizon Zero Dawn (2017)
  7. The Binding Of Isaac (2011)
  8. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017)
  9. The Witcher (2007)
  10. Ghost In The Shell (1997)
  1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)
  2. No One Lives Forever (2000)
  3. Far Cry 3 (2012)
  4. Max Payne (2001)
  5. Mafia 2 (2010)
  6. Alan Wake (2010)
  7. Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings (1999)
  8. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)
  9. The Long Dark (2017)
  10. Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001)
  1. Guilty Gear Xrd SIGN (2014)
  2. Metal Gear Solid 4 (2008)
  3. Devil May Cry 4 (2008)
  4. Devil May Cry 5 (2019)
  5. Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain (2015)
  6. Red Alert 3 (2008)
  7. Devil May Cry 3 (2005)
  8. Mortal Kombat 4 (1997)
  9. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004)
  10. Silent Hill 3 (2003)
  1. Fallout 3 (2008)
  2. Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (1996)
  3. Zero Wing (1991)
  4. Homeworld (1999)
  5. FIFA 98: Road to World Cup (1997)
  6. Wing Commander 3 (1994)
  7. Assassin's Creed (2007)
  8. Blade Runner (1997)
  9. Deadpool (2013)
  10. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (2013)
  1. Thief II: The Metal Age (2000)
  2. Icewind Dale (2000)
  3. Warcraft 3 (2002)
  4. Control (2019)
  5. Deadly Premonition (2010)
  6. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (2014)
  7. Dark Souls 2 (2014)
  8. Shadow of the Colossus (2005)
  9. American McGee's Alice (2000)
  10. Eye of the Beholder 2 (1991)
  1. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006)
  2. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (2001)
  3. Patrician 2 (2000)
  4. The Devil Inside (2000)
  5. Diablo (1997)
  6. Heroes of Might and Magic IV (2002)
  7. Napoleon: Total War (2010)
  8. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (1998)
  9. Persona 5 Royal (2020)
  10. Stronghold (2001)
ola small dickie
  1. Day Of The Tentacle (1993)
  2. Carmageddon (1997)
  3. Outlaws (1997)
  4. Grand Theft Auto V (2013)
  5. Little Big Adventure 2 (1997)
  6. Prince of Persia (1989)
  7. Quake II (1997)
  8. Sam & Max Hit the Road (1993)
  9. Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist (1993)
  10. Duke Nukem Forever (2011)
  1. Syberia (2002)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas (2010)
  3. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (1999)
  4. System Shock (1994)
  5. I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995)
  6. Blood Bowl (2009)
  7. Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed (2000)
  8. Discworld Noir (1999)
  9. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2015)
  10. Psychonauts (2005)
  1. Silent Hill (1999)
  2. Death Stranding (2019)
  3. Left 4 Dead (2008)
  4. Silent Hill 2 (2001)
  5. Borderlands 3 (2019)
  6. Total War: Shogun 2 (2011)
  7. Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure (2014)
  8. Murdered: Soul Suspect (2014)
  9. Mass Effect 2 (2010)
  10. Manhunt (2003)
  1. Half Life (1998)
  2. Deus Ex (2000)
  3. Dark Souls (2011)
  4. System Shock 2 (1999)
  5. The Void (2008)
  6. F.E.A.R (2005)
  7. Brutal Legend (2009)
  8. Hitman: Contracts (2004)
  9. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002)
  10. Wild Arms (1996)
  1. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (2004)
  2. Heroes of Might and Magic III (1999)
  3. The Suffering (2004)
  4. Age of Mythology (2002)
  5. Penumbra Overture (2007)
  6. Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (1992)
  7. The Cat Lady (2012)
  8. Metro Last Light (2013)
  9. Mad Max (2015)
  10. Hollow Knight (2017)
  1. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (1998)
  2. Policenauts (1996)
  3. Fallout (1997)
  4. Armored Core: For Answer (2008)
  5. World of Warcraft (2004)
  6. Another World (1991)
  7. Final Fantasy VI (1994)
  8. Hard Truck 2 (2000)
  9. Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)
  10. Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010)
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Music Draft IV - Songs
Perioadanoiembrie 2024 - ianuarie 2025
LinkuriThread discuţii
Thread alegeri
Lista alegerilor (Google Docs)
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)(la fel ca la Music Draft III)
Game MasterTG
Număr participanţi11
Participanţimarvas, juve3332, joonior_bmf, TG, Triggerix, Mahdi, ola small dickie, sebas, ne0lith, Mărar, Iavo
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
1. joonior_bmf
2. Mahdi
3-4. Triggerix, Iavo
5-8. ne0lith, TG, juve3332, marvas
9-11. ola small dickie, sebas, Mărar
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
marvas (playlist)
1. Alone At Parties & Adame Wolf - Another Car (marvas & bobisch Bootleg) (2004)
2. GLUE - OPAL (2017)
3. Lange - Nearly Home (2007)
4. Exolight & Suncatcher - Coral Blue (2024)
5. TDJ - Addictive/Predictive (2022)
6. Dario G - Dream To Me (2001)
7. Jonas Steur - Silent Waves (2005)
8. Loredana - Suflet Drag (2003)
9. Highasakite - My Name Is Liar (2016)
10. marvas ai - burnout (2024)
11. SoFTT - Kiero K Me Kieras (2023)
juve3332 (playlist)
1. Baxter Dury - Miami
2. Moby - All Visible Objects (2020)
3. The Comet is Coming - Blood of the Past (2019)
4. Hania Rani - Dancing with Ghosts (2022, recording)
5. Disclosure ft. Lorde - Magnets (Jon Hopkins mix) (2015)
6. Khruangbin & Leon Bridges - Texas Sun (2020)
7. Juno Reactor - Final Frontier (2013)
8. The Weeknd (feat. Swedish House Mafia) - Sacrifice (2022)
9. Boyz in the Oud - Cosmique Arabe (2013)
10. Aphex Twin - Actium (1992)
11. The Black Keys - Crawling Kingsnake (2021)
joonior_bmf (playlist)
1. Cobrah - Brand new bitch
2. Muse - Supermassive black hole
3. Haddaway - What is love (slowed/reverb)
4. La Femme - Divine creature
5. Ken Ashcorp - Absolute territory
6. Mansfield.TYA - Auf wiedersehen
7. Queens of the Stone Age - Emotion sickness
8. Kompromat feat. Adele Haenel - De mon ame a ton ame
9. black midi - ducter
10. Indila - Tourner dans le vide
11. Gil Scott-Heron - Me and the Devil
12. Groove Armada - Look me in the eye sister (White Light version)
13. Xiu Xiu - Botanica de Los Angeles
TG (playlist)
1. Manchester Orchestra - The Silence
2. Solo Ansamblis - Moteris
3. Franco Ricciardi - Primmavera
4. RÜFÜS DU SOL - Innerbloom
5. Them Crooked Vultures - No One Loves Me and Neither Do I
6. Tricky - The Only Way
7. Royksopp – Here She Comes Again
8. My Brightest Diamond - Black Sheep
10. Måneskin - Coraline
11. Agar Agar - I Am That Guy
Triggerix (playlist)
1. Asaf Avidan - 900 Days
2. Arctic Monkeys - Sculptures Of Anything Goes
3. The Black Keys - These Days
4. Thom Yorke - Hearing Damage
5. Puscifer - Bread & Circus
6. Rossi - Your God
8. Indukti - Shade
9. And One - Military Fashion Show
10. Big Black Delta - Capsize
11. Eartha Kitt - I don't care
12. Pixel Grip - Stamina
Mahdi (playlist)
1. Sloppy Jane ft. Phoebe Bridgers - Claw Machine
2. GGGOLDDD - He Is Not
3. The Leather Nun - F.F.A.
4. Orville Peck - Dead of Night
5. St. Vincent - Los Ageless
6. Chromatics - Ceremony (Joy Division cover)
7. Khruangbin & Leon Bridges - Midnight
8. LCD Soundsystem - Daft Punk Is Playing At My House
9. Trei Parale - Sârba lui Pompieru
10. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Higgs Boson Blues
11. IDER - cbb to b sad
12. Dark Dark Dark - Something Was There
13. (British) Sea Power - Cleaning Out The Rooms
ola small dickie (playlist)
1. The National - Bloodbuzz Ohio
2. Public Image Ltd - Rise
3. Glasvegas - Daddy's Gone
4. Mes Quins ft. Delia - Rock Your Body
5. Arctic Monkeys - Perfect Sense
6. Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday
7. Michael Chapman - You Say
8. MGMT - Kids
9. Future Islands - Seasons (Waiting on You)
10. Lana Del Rey - Video Games
sebas (playlist)
1. Scizzie - aquatic ambience
2. Lindstrøm - I feel space
3. The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Flight of the Psychedelic Bumble Bee
4. The HU - Black Thunder
5. Kavinsky feat. Prudence & Morgan Phalen - Zenith
6. Sky Ferreira - Everything Is Embarrassing
7. John Frusciante - Fanfare
8. Alabama Shakes - Sound and color
9. Then years after - I'd love to change the world
10. Gil Ioniță - Sala de așteptare
ne0lith (playlist)
1. Jonathan Bree - You're So Cool
2. Still Corners - The Trip
3. Heilung - Krigsgaldr
4. Ghost - Square Hammer
5. Earmake - The Mystery of Betelguse
6. TOOL - Stinkfist
7. Halsey - Drive
8. Lana Del Rey - Money, Power, Glory
9. Susie Suh x Robot Koch - Here with me
10. Ewan Dobson - I know your pain
11. Poppy - Girls in Bikinis
Mărar (playlist)
1. Rhadoo - Om Neom
2. Meffert & Sannikow - Konstabler Hill (Arapu Remix)
3. Mihigh - Model 2285
4. Leancă - Yellow Traveller (Tribute to Mort Garson)
5. Suciu - Motive
6. Petre Inspirescu - Cupidon
7. Timofti - Deepinside
8. Dragomir - Lovely Darkness
9. Freneleii (Ari, Broascka, Fein) - Gasca Gangrena
10. Amorf - Recall
Iavo (playlist)
1. Those Poor Bastards- I Walk The Line
2. Alana Henderson- The Tower
3. Matt Elliott - Crisis Apparition
4. Scott Helman- Jockey Full Of Bourbon
5. Ben Caplan- What Love Can Heartbreak Allow?
6. Sinead Lohan- To Ramona
7. Lonesome Wyatt and the Holy Spooks- Loneliness Remains
8. Bonnie Prince Billy- I've seen it all
9. The Amazing Devil- Not Yet\ Love Run
10. Bridge City Sinners- Unholy Hymns
11. Osvaldo Golijov- Wa Habibi
12. heartbeathero- Terminator Theme Disco 1984

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.

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