Descriere | Top 10+1 Destinaţii Virtuale |
Perioada | august - octombrie 2015 |
Linkuri | Thread discuţii Thread alegeri |
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe) | • Wildcard secret; • Losers' rumble pentru al 4-lea loc in semifinală |
Game Master | Cristan |
Număr participanţi | 9 |
Participanţi | Pătrunjelu', Mahdi, marvas, McWilliams, Michilangelo, ola small dickie, TG, Cristan, Mafio |
Câştigător | Cristan |
Clasament | 1. Cristan 2. Michilangelo 3-4. TG, Mahdi 5-6. marvas, McWilliams 7-9. ola small dickie, Pătrunjelu', Mafio |
Spoiler for Alegeri:
Pătrunjelu' 1. Skellige - Ard Skellig (Witcher 3) 2. Flotsam (Witcher 2) 3. The Bastion (Bastion) 4. Arkham City (Batman: Arkham City) 5. Castle Karstaag (Bloodmoon) 6. Venice (at night while afloat) (Assassin's Creed 2) 7. The City (Thief) 8. Rook Islands (Far Cry 3) 9. Persephone's Realm (any island) (Sacrifice) 10. Arx (Arx Fatalis) 11. Morthal (Skyrim) | Mahdi 1. Anor Londo (Dark Souls) 2. Loc Muinne (Witcher 2) 3. The City (Thief: The Dark Project) 4. Wyrm's Tooth Glacier (Icewind Dale) 5. Lost Armada (Dear Esther) 6. Marquez Farmhouse (Kentucky Route Zero) 7. Castle Nali (Unreal) 8. Lady Boyle's Mansion (Dishonored) 9. Ust Natha (Baldur's Gate 2) 10. The Dam (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter) 11. Majula (Dark Souls 2) | marvas 1. Padurea (Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood) 2. Ierusalim (Assassin's Creed) 3. Acoperisurile (Mirror's Edge) 4. Andergast (The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav) 5. Plunder Island (The Curse of Monkey Island) 6. Baloane si mori de vant (Prince of Persia) 7. Satul Dyrford (Pillars of Eternity) 8. Centrul orasului (Machinarium) 9. Neo Paris (Remember Me) 10. Londra (The Order 1886) 11. Wasteland (Mad Max) |
McWilliams 1. Castle of the Valley of Mines (Gothic 2) 2. Church (Metro Last Light Redux) 3. X-COM HQ (X-COM Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within) 4. The rooftops of Dubai (Spec Ops: The Line) 5. Pillars of Nosgoth (Legacy of Kain: Defiance) 6. Roscoe Street Station (Max Payne) 7. Order of the Sword HQ (Devil May Cry 4) 8. London Nautica (Wolfenstein The New Order) 9. Town of Chapter 7 (Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood) 10. Crystal Cruiser, Layout A (FTL: Faster Than Light) 11. Space Hulk Map (Warhammer 40'000: Space Marine, Exterminatus mode) | Michilangelo 1. Rubacava (Grim Fandango) 2. Planet (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) 3. Our Shelter (This War of Mine) 4. The Mountains and the Castle (Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons) 5. Trapper's Homestead (The Long Dark) 6. Castle in the Mist (Ico) 7. Snake Pass (Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive) 8. Cloudy Isles (Trine 2: Goblin Menace) 9. Cabin in the Woods (Knock-knock) 10. Café Ankh (Discworld Noir) 11. Christ Church (Gray Matter) | ola small dickie 1. Nontoonyt Island (Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)) 2. Trynton (Wizardry 8) 3. Edison Mansion (Day Of The Tentacle) 4. Paris in Autumn (Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars) 5. Frosty Pass Ski Resort (Carmageddon) 6. Worlds Largest Ball Of Twine (Sam & Max Hit the Road) 7. The Innocent Abandoned (Sanitarium) 8. La Costa Lotta Health Spa (Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!) 9. The White House (Zork I: The Great Underground Empire, Zork Grand Inquisitor) 10. Wizard's Castle (Heroes of Might and Magic II) 11. Winter Nights in New York (Blackwell Epiphany) |
TG 1. Old Mine (Gothic) 2. Lakeside (The Witcher) 3. Rapture (Bioshock) 4. Valadilene (Syberia) 5. Flint County (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) 6. Scumm Bar (The Secret of Monkey Island) 7. Midgar (Final Fantasy VII) 8. Hengsha (Deus Ex: Human Revolution) 9. Boneyard of Myrkul (NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer) 10. World 2: Time and Forgiveness (Braid) 11. Kingdom End (X3: Reunion) | Cristan 1. Citadel (Half-Life 2) 2. Ascadian Isles (Morrowind) 3. Xen (Half-Life) 4. Pripyat (STALKER: Call of Pripyat) 5. Citadel Presidium (Mass Effect) 6. Columbia Town Center (Bioshock Infinite) 7. Milkman Conspiracy Level (Psychonauts) 8. Halstedom (Zeno Clash) 9. Nagrand (WoW Warlords of Draenor) 10. Aralbad (Syberia) 11. Luna (Lunar Flight) | Mafio 1. Vice City (GTA Vice City) 2. Taris (Knights of The Old Republic) 3. Hell's Kitchen (Deus Ex) 4. Undead Burg (Dark Souls) 5. Venice (Metro Last Light) 6. Town (Darkest Dungeon) 7. Mona Sax Fun House (Max Payne 2) 8. Santa Monica (Vampire the Masquerade Bloodines) 9. The House (Gone Home) 10. Heide's Tower of Flame (Dark Souls II) 11. Omega Station (Mass Effect 2) |
Spoiler for Runde:
Runda I | [Normal Bracket] | [2nd Chance Rumble] | |
Grupa A Mafio ‒ marvas ‒ Cristan | |||
Grupa B Mahdi ‒ TG ‒ Pătrunjelu' | |||
Runda II | ——— | ——— | |
Runda III | ——— | ——— | |
Semifinale | ——— | ——— | |
Finala | ——— | ——— | |
Spoiler for Extra:

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