... Olden_Era/Heroes of Might & Magic Olden Era is a new installment of the renowed series of turn-based strategy games, where action takes place in Enroth, on the continent of Jadame, mentioned but never explored in a Heroes of Might & Magic game before. Traverse a vibrant and living fantasy world full of wonders and dangers, build magnificent capital cities, raise massive armies and clash in epic, highly tactical battles of heroes and mythical creatures.
Play solo with a new campaign, multiple single maps and limitless randomly generated scenarios, or engage in battle of wits and magic with other players — rivals or allies — in multiplayer mode. There is also an option to build your own story with the map editor tool, which you may make available to all the players around the world or keep to yourself.
Enjoy the challenge whether you are a veteran of Heroes of Might & Magic, or a newcomer to the series and the turn based strategy genre.
Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
O sa-l urmaresc cu atentie.
Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
iese un trailer de asta si milioane de est europeni se imbata si fac copii
Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Cel mai interesant si neasteptat anunt al anului.
Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Daca le iese bine promit sa nu mai scriu "muie Ubi" ori de cate ori vad mentionat numele lor pe undeva. Dar tare mi-e ca il fut ei cumva...
Pe de alta pare, cate de bine arate in screenshot-urile alea de pe steam
Am gasit niste gameplay
Pe de alta pare, cate de bine arate in screenshot-urile alea de pe steam

Am gasit niste gameplay
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Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
O fi ceva tot in genul la PoP-ul 2D, M&M X, o bucata mai mica de ubisoft decide sa faca ceva pentru o nisa. E interesant ca scot un HoMM nou in universul pe care l-au explodat cand au luat drepturile pentru HoMM.
Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Good find, cheers!
Nu prea ma incanta stilul grafic mai inspre cartoony, dar daca la gameplay le iese ceva aproape de Heroes 3, pot trece peste.
Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Cumva mi se pare ca arata mai apetisant in ss-uri decat in realitate cand e in miscare. Intr-adevar stilul acesta mai cartoony duce un pic a joc de mobile...
Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Au angajat composerul din Heroes3
Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Ce swole e Paul Romero zici ca-i Vin Diesel sau ceva 

- joonior_bmf
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Re: Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Mai important e ca au angajat composerul din Heroes 4
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