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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by Mărar »

In the Apple Case, a Debate Over Data Hits Home
Now, people are beginning to understand that their smartphones are just the beginning. Smart televisions, Google cars, Nest thermostats and web-enabled Barbie dolls are next. The resolution of the legal fight between Apple and the government may help decide whether the information in those devices is really private, or whether the F.B.I. and the N.S.A. are entering a golden age of surveillance in which they have far more data available than they could have imagined 20 years ago.
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by zme-ul »

Big-name sites hit by rash of malicious ads spreading crypto ransomware
Mainstream websites, including those published by The New York Times, the BBC, MSN, and AOL, are falling victim to a new rash of malicious ads that attempt to surreptitiously install crypto ransomware and other malware on the computers of unsuspecting visitors, security firms warned.

The tainted ads may have exposed tens of thousands of people over the past 24 hours alone, according to a blog post published Monday by Trend Micro. The new campaign started last week when "Angler," a toolkit that sells exploits for Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and other widely used Internet software, started pushing laced banner ads through a compromised ad network.

According to a separate blog post from Trustwave's SpiderLabs group, one JSON-based file being served in the ads has more than 12,000 lines of heavily obfuscated code. When researchers deciphered the code, they discovered it enumerated a long list of security products and tools it avoided in an attempt to remain undetected.
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by zme-ul »

Intel’s ‘Tick-Tock’ dead, becomes ‘Process-Architecture-Optimization’
As reported at The Motley Fool, Intel’s latest 10-K / annual report filing would seem to suggest that the ‘Tick-Tock’ strategy of introducing a new lithographic process note in one product cycle (a ‘tick’) and then an upgraded microarchitecture the next product cycle (a ‘tock’) is going to fall by the wayside for the next two lithographic nodes at a minimum, to be replaced with a three element cycle known as ‘Process-Architecture-Optimization’.

Intel’s Tick-Tock strategy has been the bedrock of their microprocessor dominance of the last decade. Throughout the tenure, every other year Intel would upgrade their fabrication plants to be able to produce processors with a smaller feature set, improving die area, power consumption, and slight optimizations of the microarchitecture, and in the years between the upgrades would launch a new set of processors based on a wholly new (sometimes paradigm shifting) microarchitecture for large performance upgrades. However, due to the difficulty of implementing a ‘tick’, the ever decreasing process node size and complexity therein, as reported previously with 14nm and the introduction of Kaby Lake, Intel’s latest filing would suggest that 10nm will follow a similar pattern as 14nm by introducing a third stage to the cadence.

From Intel's report: As part of our R&D efforts, we plan to introduce a new Intel Core microarchitecture for desktops, notebooks (including Ultrabook devices and 2 in 1 systems), and Intel Xeon processors on a regular cadence. We expect to lengthen the amount of time we will utilize our 14nm and our next generation 10nm process technologies, further optimizing our products and process technologies while meeting the yearly market cadence for product introductions.
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Re: Software/Hardware news

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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by KodrutZ »

Tick-Tock-Cha-Ching, Madafacka!!! Daca inca se poate mulge dintr-o tehnologie invechita, de ce nu? Deja de ceva ani pe partea de desktop computing mai ales, nevoile de ceva nou sint in cele mai multe cazuri induse artificial de marketing.
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by Mărar »

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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by zme-ul »

daca "sistemul juridic" american ar fi pe bune, FBI ar fi trebuit cercetat pentru fals in declaratii
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by Mărar »

Microsoft sues the US government for the right to tell customers when the government is looking at their emails
Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) has sued the U.S. government for the right to tell its customers when a federal agency is looking at their emails, the latest in a series of clashes over privacy between the technology industry and Washington.

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday in federal court in Seattle, argues that the government is violating the U.S. Constitution by preventing Microsoft from notifying thousands of customers about government requests for their emails and other documents.

The government’s actions contravene the Fourth Amendment, which establishes the right for people and businesses to know if the government searches or seizes their property, the suit argues, and Microsoft's First Amendment right to free speech.
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by DarthZombie »

Well this place is as good as any to post this

PC Garage a fost achizitionat de catre eMag
Stirea zile este cel mai probabil achizitia PC Garage de catre eMag. Aceasta achizitie a venit pe neasteptate, din pacate nu se cunoaste suma cu care acestia au fost cumparati, dar eMag promite pastrarea comunitatii si formatul actual. Mai jos puteti gasi comunicatul oficial.
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by KodrutZ »

Oh, da. So long PCG. Bine ca mai exista de-alde MediaDot, Vexio, chiar si Altex/MediaGalaxy/Flanco au inceput sa aiba stocuri si mai ales preturi decente la capitolul componente, fara nesimtirea specifica eMag.
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by sekaba »

De ce e nesimțire când un magazin vinde mai scump ca altul?
Cetateanu » Sat May 23, 2015 8:39 pm wrote:mda, penibil, uninstalled
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by zme-ul » ... -complaint
The European Union has notified Google of formal antitrust charges against the company relating to its Android mobile operating system. The charge sheet focuses on the company's prioritizing of its own services on Android devices, including practices that mean that Google Search is "pre-installed and set as the default, or exclusive, search service on most Android devices sold in Europe." The EU's investigation, which was originally opened last April, claims that this and other measures prevent companies from effectively competing with Android.

"Our preliminary view is that Google has abused its dominant position," said the European commissioner for competition, Margrethe Vestager, in a press conference. Vestager said that Google's licensing practices mean that "tablet and smartphone manufacturers [are] not free to choose which search engines and which browsers to install on their devices. This hampers competing browser and search providers."
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by Doc »

^^Parca si PC Garage cumparase, la randul lui

Traiam cu impresia ca e-magul e cel mai ieftin!? au intrat altii sub el?
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by KodrutZ »

Traiai cu impresia, emagul nu a fost niciodata cel mai ieftin per total. A avut UNEORI oferte foarte bune, dar stii cum e de regula... te bucuri ca vezi ceva ieftin, ajungi sa mai cumperi inca ceva, si la ce nu esti atent te arzi de nu te vezi. MediaDot, Vexio, sint ok si cu preturi foarte bune. Vexio de exemplu sint singurii care dau garantie 3 ani la unele modele de harduri la care toti ceilalti dau 2, si chiar daca nu au transportul inclus in pret, tot iesi mai ieftin ca la concurenta. Si sa nu uitam si de Altex/MediaGalaxy, au de multe ori oferte extraordinar de bune la hardware (si nu numai).
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by TG »

Nu există magazin ”cel mai ieftin”, variază în funcție de produse. Și PCG au avut oferte foarte bune.
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by Doc »

^^Nici n-auzisem de Vexio pana la postul tau :) Mersi.
Damn, trebuie sa-mi fac niste update-uri...
LE: teste, cu ce ma intereseaza pe termen scurt.
Vexio/emag, DVD-Writer - cu 16% mai ieftin, un boiler, 11% mai ieftin. :D
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by vulp » ... mes-longer
Instead of lithium, researchers at UC Irvine have used gold nanowires to store electricity, and have found that their system is able to far outlast traditional lithium battery construction. The Irvine team's system cycled through 200,000 recharges without significant corrosion or decline.

However, they don't exactly know why. The original idea of the experiment was to make a solid-state battery: one that uses an electrolyte gel, rather than liquid, to help hold charge. Liquid batteries, like the common lithium variety, are extremely combustible and sensitive to temperature. The Irvine team was experimenting by substituting a much thicker gel.
Acuma acumulatoarele chinezesti o sa tina mai mult de un an! Rejoyce!
unde dai si unde doare unde dai si unde doare
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by caleb »

Doc wrote:^^Nici n-auzisem de Vexio pana la postul tau :) Mersi.
Damn, trebuie sa-mi fac niste update-uri...
LE: teste, cu ce ma intereseaza pe termen scurt.
Vexio/emag, DVD-Writer - cu 16% mai ieftin, un boiler, 11% mai ieftin. :D
Subscriu cu mediadot (marketonline dealtfel) și altele asemenea. La emag plătești servicii mai bune, în teorie. Dar tot mi se par mari prețurile, în ideea în care volumul și rulajul de acolo sunt extrem de mari comparativ cu alte buticuri - > ar trebui să aibă contracte foarte avantajoase de aprovizionare cu produse, cel puțin cele pe care le vînd ei direct. Cred că numai la reduceri maximale prețul se apropie de ce ar cam trebui să fie în mod obișnuit.
În practică, de exemplu, pentru căutat anumite produse pe criterii tehnice, filtrele folosite de PC Garage mi s-au părut net superioare - > te scutesc de controbăit prin situri oficiale and whatnot - așa am ajuns să și cumpăr de la ei - și a fost ok și acolo.

Ce făceam eu uneori era un custom pc build / utilat cu electrocasnice (din sfera a ceea ce m-ar interesa în mod normal, mă rog, făcut un coș cu același tip de produse pe mai multe situri și comparat, așa văd cam unde apar diferențe semnificative și ce tip de chestii tind să fie mai accesibile într-un loc sau altul. Oricum, senzația mea este că prețurile se află într-o creștere continuă.
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Re: Software/Hardware news <<NVIDIA PASCAL INFO!!!>>

Post by KodrutZ »

@Doc: Cred ca si eu auzisem de ei tot pe un forum sau "word of mouth" si au fost foarte ok. Voi mai cumpara de la ei daca e cazul.
Daca cumva ai nevoie de un DVD Writer pe IDE, am eu unul aproape nefolosit. LG <insert model name here, habar n-am>, alb. Daca te intereseaza, platesti transportul. ;)
@vulp: Depinde mult si de noroc pina la urma. Am un mp3 player SanDisk Sansa e250 de vreo 5 ani si bateria e inca bine-mersi. Nu mai zic de o chinezarie de telefon de doi lei care dupa vreo 4 ani abia - abia ce a inceput bateria sa dea semne de oboseala evidente. Mai degraba a inceput sa oboseasca telefonul (se inchide uneori random, chiar daca foarte rar, touchscreenul merge in proportie de vreo 70% din suprafata...).
@caleb: Nu e doar senzatia ta, si eu am constatat la fel. Interesant e ca veniturile noastre nu sint intr-o crestere continua, in special daca sintem platiti relativ la EUR/USD. Ce de-a hitza-hitza a facut cursul valutar in ultima vreme, nici nu vreau sa ma gindesc cit pierd intr-o luna multumita lu' nea' Isarescu, ca de cistigat...

Ca tot sintem la hardware news, haideti sa va dau un citat dintr-un mail de la unul dintre sefii de la NBC, aparent informatiile astea inca nu sint publice in totalitate (posibil sa fie, habar n-am, nu am stat sa studiez prea detaliat problema):


Nvidia Co-Founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang

Four Things
1. New Art Form

2. New Sound

3. New King

4. New Tech

New Art Form – Nvidia Ansel

In-Game Photography
Worlds first in-game free camera system - Ansel
Built into the driver
Free Camera, Filters (Special Effects), EXR, Super REZ (1000x higher resolution than 4K), full 360 stereo (360 stereo picture for e.g. vive)
With an nvidia App you can look at the 360 picture on the android phone
Coming to games soon

New Sound – Nvidia VRWorks Audio

Path Traced Audio for VR
Worlds first physically modeled audio simulator
Runs on the GPU in real time
Can simulate e.g. stadium, hallway, …
Nvidia VR Funhouse Demo with Physics simulations

GeForce GTX 1080

New architecture - Pascal
R&D budget was several billion dollars
Worlds first 16nm GPU in production
First GDDR5X (G5X) memory, built by Micron
Energy Efficiency
Clean and efficient power delivery.
1080 is faster than 980 sli and faster than titan x
1080 4.4x
vs 3.6x titan x
2.6x gtx 980
180 w power vs 170 w of 980
air cooled
2114 MHz
memory 5508 mhz
2655 MB usage in overwatch character demos
2x the perf and 3x efficiency vs titan x (only for multi-res shading with more viewports)
“cracy amounts of overclockability”
new displayport standard (see video for details)

gtx 1070 faster than a titan x, 8gb gddr5

uncanny valley possible to overcome in a few years

Display Revolution

Simultaneous Multi-Projection
16 independent view-ports, e.g. to use curved displays
all in one pass
what is rendered can be projected into (max) 16 viewports
up to now 1 viewport = screen
if you use e.g. 3 displays and want 3 viewports
pascal … 1 pass for more than 1 viewport
no computational cost and you can bend the monitors inwards and do a c
fixes warp and distortions if monitors are positioned differently and not as a plane

Especially useful for VR as it can do single pass stereo and therefore e.g. increase framerate from 55 to 96 fps (demo)
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Re: Software/Hardware news

Post by Doc »

Multumesc mult, dar s-a rezolvat, pe baza de iepuraș :)

Pana la urma aerul conditionat tot de pe emag l-am luat, la oferta ( ... DVDTCMBBM/), era si in alte parti cu 30-40 de lei mai ieftin, dar fara transport/plata ramburs incluse... care la asa hardughie sigur ar fi costat mai mult.
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