Arctic Monkeys

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by ola small dickie »

kostyka wrote: 1 Dec 2018, 21:59
Si bonus, interviu Mike Dolbear - Helders. On a nice, super british setee! E mai vechi, de dinainte de lansarea albumului dar whatever, e Helders. Inainte sa-l cunoastem la tobe, lucra la un call center, aparent la deranjamente gen gaz si apa, cred! Nice

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m-am uitat acum la clipul asta. super nice. mike dolbear nu stiu cine e, din ce am vazut acum pe google are ceva legatura cu tobele. mi-a placut helders, pretty nice and cool guy. deci shaul in timp ce lucra la call center raspunzand la intrebari de tipul de ce nu am gaz acasa se uita pe revista nme unde scriau prima recenzie despre un concert al lor. uau :lol:
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

Mike Dolbear a fost/este tobosar dar eu il stiu mai mult pentru interviuri/emisiuni; nu cred ca a fost tobosar de mare succes, se mai plangea in interviuri ca nu a facut niciodata bani din asta; oleaca ironic, pentru ca ia interviuri la tobosari care nu prea au avut problema asta. :D Pe de alta parte e un nene sufletist gen. l-a ajutat la un moment dat si pe Helders cu o problema la o mana, se accidentase de la batut toba incorect. Acum are o revista online si un vlog pe youtube.

Versurile alea, hmm..

"Devising methods to both have and eat your cake
Mmm, just like the ones that Mother Nature used to bake"

Turner e inginer cu luatul de fraze si expresii uzuale dar pe care le intoarce el, sau le reinprospateaza, le scoate din uzul lor normal unde, pt. ca au fost folosite si rasfolosite, nu prea mai inseamna nimic.

Cum e de exemplu cu "who wants to sleep in a city that never wakes up" din "Old Yellow Bricks", expesia pe care o jongleaza fiind "I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps" din "New York, New York", varianta pe care o stim mai toti fiind cea a piesei cantate de Sinatra.

Sensul in varianta lui Turner e nou, dar nu revolutionar, e mai important faptul ca te face sa te gandesti la o fraza folosita si rasfolosita si poate ii vezi si intelesul, mai mult decat sonoritatea lipsita de orice altceva. Dar e si antiteza dintre cele doua imagini importanta aici, indiferent cum o interpretezi. Eu o vad ca o critica la stilul de viata nocturn si decadent, care nu te lasa sa-ti tragi sufletul, comparat cu originalul unde orasul care nu doarme niciodata e vazut fara ironie, ca un lucru de valoare la care oricine ar trebui sa aspire.

Acum, in "Anyways"

"Both have and eat your cake", asta sigur stii, e o expresie uzuala, insemna sa vrei ceva dar sa nu fii dispus sa sacrifici nimic pt. a dobandi respectivul lucru.

Cred ca te racaie continuarea pt. ca e un nonsens acolo, natura nu face nimic fara un cost si nici nu sufera de dorinte pentru care nu vrea sa faca un efort. De fapt nu sufera de dorinte de fel, fiind, evident, un sistem automat.

Daca e o critica asupra mentalitatii "both have and eat your cake" e poate o critica asupra celor pentru care genul asta de mod de a gandi a devenit normal, natural, ca si cand pentru genul asta de oameni natura s-ar comporta la fel. Ceea ce e absurd, evident, si poate de aia e asa de icky! Sau si mai bine, poate ca Turner himself se vede din ce in ce mai mult in tabara asta, poate e autocritica acolo!

Eu cum am vazut cantecul a fi si o critica la adresa toga party kind of people, adica gen poate mai superficiali, care sunt pusi doar pe amuzament, poate e un comentariu asupra lor.

In orice caz, nu poti nici sa dai la o parte ca poate e doar o imagine care i-a rasarit in minte lui Turner drept o continuare clever pt. expresia initiala, si poate nici el nu avea un scop clar in spatele ei.

Dar si daca te face sa te gandesti la expresia initiala cu ochi noi poate si-a zis ca e suficient.

De asemenea, imagini si idei care nu coaguleaza precis ar fi in ton cu multe din versurile de pe album, care sunt si despre incoerenta vietii moderne, gandeste-te la -

"She looks like fun"

"Good morning
(She looks like fun)
(She looks like fun)
(She looks like)"

Zice internetul ca ar reprezenta pe cineva care face browsing pe social media, si lucrurile nu se leaga.
Cel putin aici e clar scopul lui Turner, gen arata cu degetul, cum ar fi zice, this shit is not cool.
Droguri, hmm, tot ce e posibil, dar cantecul per total nu cred ca sustine idea. Cred ca in mare e despre viata fragmentara si in graba, si cum nu avem timp sa punem ideile si intamplarile unei zile cap la cap, sa le dam coerenta, terminam discutii cu anyways, adica o schimbare brusca si violenta de subiect, pentru ca ia prea mult efort sa incerci sa oferi evenimentelor un inteles mai adanc, sa creezi o naratiune mai temeinica cu ele.

Sau pentru ca nu are rost pentru ca nimeni nu are timp si/sau nu e interesat serios, vezi:

"Sharing secrets I was taking to the grave
Nosebleeds from epiphanies I took full in the face
Oh, come all by the fire, babe, let’s all participate
In yet another race to anyways"

Adica omul isi varsa sufletul, imparte cu lumea momente de claritate dar discutia tot in anyways se terminat! Care anyways e doar la un pas de whatever, care e gen, nepasare totala!

"Devising methods to both have and eat your cake
Mmm, just like the ones that Mother Nature used to bake"

Coane, putea si mai bine Turner in definitiv, dupa toata expozitia aia de mai sus, tot nu mi-e mai clar nici mie ce-a vrut sa spuna autorul. :D Sau poate ne scapa vre-o referinta/inteles dar nu cred.
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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daca Mother Nature e o placintarie cu iaurt si braga intr-un cartier din Sheffield bat la el ca la fasole

in alta ordine de idei, ghici ce casti mi-am cumparat?


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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

Hope you like them, 'cause they're more like reference/studio monitoring phones, nu o sa te rupa in delectare muzicala, da' nu o sa-ti mai scape nici un detaliu! Nu ai nici bas sa-ti zdrangane plombele, s-ar putea chiar si sa te dezamageasca daca ce aveai inaite era gen cu bass boost sau whatever, dar ce are e claritate si definitie. Si sunt si oleaca incomode, dar te obisnuiesti. Si sa nu asculti in ele ca nesatulu' toata ziua, au tendinta sa fie obositoare pentru urechi, se poate lasa si cu tiuiala! Altfel, sunt casti meseriase! Enjoy them! Lasi review, sunt curios cum iti plac.

"Mother Nature e o placintarie cu iaurt si braga" You're.. weird! :D
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Nu ma pricep la tehnicalitati audio, le-am desfacut aseara si am bagat de pe mobil niste flacuri de pe tranquility base hotel & casino. In mod nesurprinzator mi s-a parut total altceva fata tot ce ascultasem pana acum in casti. Bine, nici n-am avut cine stie ce casti, doar ultimele cat cat, niste jbl-uri care s-au rupt repede. Dar am ramas hipnotizat cat de misto se aud, sunete noi de pe album pe care nu le banghisem. De abia astept sa mai bag. Si din ce am frunzarit pe net recenzii am vazut ca-s foarte laudate. De abia astept si un joc cu ele. Ce m-a excitat in afara de sunet: 2 fire, firul lung de 3 metri, imi place ca e atat de lung. imi place ca se conecteaza in casti printr-o rotire dupa ce-l infigi, se fixeaza. mi s-au parut mai comfortabile decat jbl-urile dar nu le-am tinut mult timp pe cap aseara. mi-au mai dat un fir din ala ondulat ca de telefon fix care la capat are o mufa jack si mai mare, impresionanta :lol: care presupun ca se baga in ceva echipamente ce nu detin eu. mi-a placut ca mi-au dat si o borseta. m-a excitat si modul de potrivire a dimensiunii castilor, foarte elegant. si ca-s flexibile, ca se intorc in toate pozitiile. pana acum sunt foarte multumit

later edit: mufa aia jack mai mare de fapt e un adaptor
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

Io-n borseta aia tin bani marunti gen! Castile le tin aninate intr-un cui! :D Si absolut, nu o sa-ti scape detalii cu astea, ceea ce poate fi obositor. Foloseste-le sporadic, iti recomand ceva in genul asta pentru uz zilnic:

Detaliate, dar nu overwhelming, un bas relaxat, nu foarte prezent dar suficient. Io personal urasc castile izolante fonic care-ti intra in canalul urechii, nu le sufar; astea de mai sus in schimb sunt cele mai misto casti mici gen in ear, sau mai degraba on ear, iti dai seama din poza cum se ataseaza; sunt cele mai bune pe care le-am incercat eu, dar fara sistemul ala de sigilare prin presiune, fara musticuc gen. Si sunt si suficient de ieftine sa nu-ti para rau de ele daca le uiti pe undeva, dar mult mai bune decat 99% din tot ce inseamna casti buds fara sigilare.
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Multumesc si pentru recomandarea asta, kostyka. O pastrez in vedere.

Oricum nu cred ca o sa ajunga sa ma oboseasca m40x-urile pentru ca oricum nu pup prea des momente acasa de a sta cu castile. Si cand prind momente nu sunt foarte lungi.
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

Post by kostyka »

Ok boss!

Extra bonus:

Doua variante Arabella, difera considerabil spre final, au interpuse un segment extra super misto, in ambele variante, Helders plus Jamie se dau in spectacol tare!

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Sweet ass action!
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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aici download pdf interviul din revista de mai sus: ... -download/

si un interviu mai mic in Mojo ianuarie 2019

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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niste imagini de prin 2006

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Lars Ulrich :lol: :

Are you listening to any new music that is really inspiring you?

When I'm working out or driving from point A to point B, I listen more to the Arctic Monkeys than anything else. Their new album that came out in May is just an incredible record. It just makes you want to go back and revisit their whole catalog because each record is so different. You'd go back and revisit things from previous records and fall in love with them for different reasons than you did five years ago or eight years ago. I would say when I think of 2018, the main musical mainstay is definitely the Arctic Monkeys for me. 
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Arctic Monkeys - Come Together (Beatles Cover) - Live At London 2012 | Music Monday Olympic

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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"Happy Birthday Sir Alex Turner!

He could have steered his bands to the safety of the middle of the road, writing the same album three more times, each one a more concentrated, tamer version of that initial explosion. That would have satisfied people; the mainstream would have lapped it up and frothed at the mouth at the unsuccessful recreation of something that used to be sacred. The deep lying, Springsteenesque urge for romanticising a time and a place while simultaneously straining to escape it would have been lost, and without that desire there would have been no album to start with. Fortunately, though, Alex Turner, is not concerned with satisfying the masses. Indeed, in an interview he claimed that

‘We want to get better rather than bigger.’

There was undoubted talent, that was clear to see. To communicate so articulately with that many people on such basic a subject as what we get up to on nights out demonstrates the touch of a gifted writer. But simply capturing a zeitgeist does not a genius make. In the preceding decade, Damon Albarn, Noel Gallagher, and to a lesser extent, Jarvis Cocker, all captured the hedonistic glory of the mid 1990s.
The same mantra has been serving to Alex particularly well, helping him forge lengthy, varied careers of experimentation, reinvention and seemingly nonchalant revolution.

To date, Alex Turner has been the voice of the bored working class teenager, a storyteller, a balladeer, and a poet of many forms. Some of the songs and images he spins leave you lost in a maze in the depths of night, wondering which turn will come next and where it will lead you when it appears. You cannot second guess it, and when you do finally get to the end you feel an exhilaration, followed by an immediate urge to throw yourself back in and do it all over again to see if there was anything you missed. The given impression is that Alex Turner can be whatever he wants to be, it just depends which whim holds his imagination for long enough. Whichever route he takes, though, will undoubtedly be graced by this modern genius.

January 6th, 1986.

He's 33 years old today."

Shau a facut 33 de ani,in curand o sa arate ca zz top si o sa merg sa l vad in concert la tecuci

Dar bineinteles ca glumesc, nu asta e calea lor
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Arctic Monkeys on Austin City Limits "The Ultracheese"

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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Josh Homme
Producing Arctic Monkeys
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Re: Arctic Monkeys

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Arctic Monkeys on Austin City Limits "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino" (Web Exclusive)

Arctic Monkeys on Austin City Limits "Do I Wanna Know?" (Web Exclusive)

Arctic Monkeys on Austin City Limits "R U Mine?"

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