Nobody Wants to Die

Tot ce se poate spune despre boala noastră cea mai gravă.
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Dremora Lord
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Joined: 3 Mar 2014, 00:11

Nobody Wants to Die

Post by MC »

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Lose yourself in the world of New York, 2329, where immortality comes at a price that someone has to pay. Following a near-death experience, Detective James Karra takes an off-the-books case from his chief with only the help of a young police liaison, Sara Kai, to assist him. Time reveals all as they risk everything in pursuit of a killer, uncovering the dark secrets of the city's elite.
Experience a noir adventure in an alternate future of New York City in 2329; technology has advanced to offer humans eternal life, allowing consciousness to be stored in memory banks or transferred from one body to another. That is, if you can afford the subscription.
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