Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by Stokkolm »

Eu ma chinui sa termin arena la 2-3, si la 0-2 intalnesc tipi cu combo-uri de deck constructed.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by Foxman »

Stokkolm wrote:Eu ma chinui sa termin arena la 2-3, si la 0-2 intalnesc tipi cu combo-uri de deck constructed.
Asta pentru ca joci arena. Constructed e mult mai bun. Acolo toata lumea are o colectie intreaga la dispozitie din care sa-si faca acelasi netdeck ad infinitum.
Praise be to the muffalo tree.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by TG »

...apoi să nu treacă de rank 5 și să zică că ar putea fi legend dar nu au destul timp liber.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by joonior_bmf »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by Cimitri »

Astazi am avut parte de prima mea arena finalizata cu 12 victorii. Ironia sortii e ca am castigat cu o clasa (rogue) de care nu pot sa zic ca o stapanesc prea bine insa am avut noroc mare la draft.



Win, win! YAY!!!!

Si rewards:

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by joonior_bmf »

Se pare ca urmatorul expansion va fi in Gadgetzan:
http://www.hearthhead.com/news/the-gadg ... one-teaser
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by joonior_bmf »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by DarthZombie »

Pe mine ma cam enerveaza cartile din expansionul asta. Aproape toate se bazeaza pe mecanica asta de "da +x/+x la un minion din mana" care mi se pare pe de-o parte o mecanica destul de plictisitoare si pe de alta va face varza cu carne din tempo
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by Ludicus »

La cat de mult s-a pus accentul pe Don Han'Cho, ma asteptam la ceva mai interesant. Inteleg ca e flavor-ul ala de dumb muscle, da' ar fi putut fi Dopplegangster de exemplu...
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by joonior_bmf »


Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by adriano13 »

joonior_bmf wrote:
Mda, asta mai lipsea, de parca nu avea magu` suficiente chestii sa te faca sa te gandesti de cel putin 2 ori inainte de a juca/ataca cu un minion...
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by DarthZombie »

Hai lasa, macar Blizzard au recunoscut ca e prea puternic magul in Arena asa ca le-a dat un AOE de 2 damage pentru 3 mana in slotul de rare ca sa compenseze situatia...
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by joonior_bmf »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by joonior_bmf »

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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by DarthZombie »

Lansarea de 1 decembrie!

Sunt destul de faine gimmick-urile gasite de Blizzard, in special cu minionii de tipul "if you have no two identical copies of each card in your deck". Dar mi-e taaare teama de Arena si de balance din cauza cartilor din setul Grimy Goons [si toate cele cu mecanica "buff a random minion from your hand"] dar mai ales din cauza cartilor cu Jade Golem. Marea problema cu Arena in prezent e ca jocul se transforma practic intr-un Curvestone, in care ala care isi joaca early-game-ul on curve, fara ture moarte si fara mana lasata necheltuita castiga aproape automat meciul pentru ca poate inunda masa cu minioni iar adversarul ar fi incapabil sa mai stavileasca avalansa. Cartile cu mecanica Jade Golem vor aduce aceasta problema de 10 ori mai grav daca Blizzard face prostia sa puna offering bonus la toate cartile noi si/sau nu le elimina din drafting.

Motivul pentru care spun asta e faptul ca sinergia cartilor astora necesita aproape zero strategie in privinta ordinii in care le joci. In afara de o carte absolut toate pot fi jucate dupa bunul plac, si cel mai grav, aduc o pierdere de tempo minimala atunci cand sunt prima carte JG jucata. Practic fiecare carte JG jucata iti da un buff de +1/+1 tuturor cartilor viitoare de acest tip jucate, iar daca ai si norocul sa strangi 5-6 carti de acest gen buff-ul total devine ridicol de mare pentru acest mod de joc.
Spoiler for o lista pe care am scris-o in alta parte pe tema asta, hence the english:
Many of these cards aren't much of a tempo loss to be honest, and they are already half decent if you summon a 2/2. Remember, a JG card buffs all the other by +1/+1, which stack according by how many cards you get to play. Let me break it down:

Jade Blossom is a 3 mana spell that gives you a JG and an empty mana crystal. So it's basically a Wild Growth + at least a 1/1, making it a slight tempo loss if it's the first card played, and if it's a 2/2 it's at most a 0.5 mana overcost. In topdeck mode this card is waaaay better than WG assuming you have played at least 1 more JG card until then.

Jade Idol is a 1 mana spell that summons a JG or shuffles 3 copies of the card in your deck. This is maybe one of the weaker cards for arena since you can't rely on a fatigue war, and a 1 mana 1/1 isn't exactly good, while a 2/2 is only good if it's played on turn 1 [only possible if you have 2 of them and a coin in the starting hand, leading to a 3/3 split into 2 bodies turn 1]

Jade Behemoth is a 6 mana 3/6 with Taunt which summons a JG. So basically it's a Fen Creeper 1 mana more expensive which also summons at least a 1/1. A tempo loss, but not a big one, but at the 2nd minion it's basically a Bog Creeper for 1 less mana and a -1/-1 in stats, which is ok.

Jade Spirit is a 4 mana 2/3 which summons a JG. If it's the 1st JG it's a tempo loss, but at the 2nd JG you basically play a yeti split in 2 different bodies which can be good or bad depending on the circumstance.

Aya Blackpaw is a 6 mana 5/3 which summons a JG on the battlecry and another on the deathrattle. This is a legendary so it won't be very often seen, but even by itself it's basically a 8/6 split into 3 bodies for 6 mana which is not too shabby. If it's silenced you'd only have a 6/4 which is indeed a tempo loss. If it's the 2nd JG played it gets insane value, turning into a potential 10/8 for 6 mana or a 7/5 if silenced. Again, it's a Legendary so it doesn't matter too much in the end.

Jade Shuriken is 2 mana spell that deals 2 damage and summons a JG on a combo. Even played without a combo it's a decent card for a rogue and it's not that hard to combo. It's at least a "deal 2 damage, summon a 1/1" which offers a value of 1 mana [holy smite/arcane shot] + a 0 mana minion, so you only overpay with 1 mana. Rogue in arena is already pretty potent, so this card being a common is not something to take lightly. When you summon a 2/2 it's already a very good value imho.

Jade Swarmer is a 2 mana 1/1 Stealth which summons a JG on a deathrattle. So it's at most an even price [the Warlock possessed villager costs only 1 but doesn't have stealth]. From 2/2 onwards it's actually good value considering that Hunter has Kindly Grandma for 2 mana 1/1 without Stealth and a 3/2 on Deathrattle.

Jade Lightning is a 4 mana spell that deals 4 damage [including enemy heroes] and summons a JG. So basically this is a Stormcrack that has no Overload, can be targeted on the enemy hero and summons at least a 1/1, so in this circumstance it would be overpriced by between 0.5 and 1 mana. Summoning a 2/2 is even better, since assuming you're playing it on curve there are no spells which would allow you to kill a 4 health minion and play a 2/2 inside the mana cost.

Jade Chieftan is a 7 mana 5/5 that summons a JG with Taunt. If it summons a 1/1 it would be a Boulderfist Ogre with 1 less health split into 2 bodies, with the 1/1 being basically useless against mage/rogue/druid, so it would be a slight tempo loss. At the 2nd JG it's a 5 mana 7/7, which is above average.

Jade Claws is a 2 mana 2/2 weapon which summons a JG and overloads by 1. So basically it trades 1 durability of a Stormforge Axe [which is a big thing] for at least a 1/1, so this is a tempo loss by itself. At the 2nd minion you basically have the equivalent of a Stormforge Axe

I do not think that these cards are a huge tempo loss on their own. The Grimy Goons have the same issue on raw stats, but in their case the synergies are in fact weaker since you need the cards in a certain order to get the maximum value and there's the random factor which means the buffs could easily land on a minion you don't want or 1 minion gets all the buffs, making it a prime silence target. In the case of JG cards, except for the Jade Behemoth which gives the JG a Taunt, cards can be played in any order you please since there's little to no drawback. As I've shown above, at 2 JG cards you kinda break even and from 3 onwards you get a ton of value. If you reach the point of 5-6 cards you can have absolutely broken turns as far as arena is concerned, with potential 3 JG cards played which would give you a 4/4, 5/5 and a 6/6, which is as snowbally as it sounds.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by joonior_bmf »

57 packs. 2 legendaries. meh.
Ma gandesc sa craftuiesc Patches sau Aya Blackpaw. Pirate rogue pare bun ca aggro, dar jade druid parca ar fi mai fun.
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Re: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Post by DarthZombie »

Bai, in general ma astept ca la 2-1 in arena sa dau de deck-uri asa si asa. In schimb ma trezesc vs un Walock literalmente dat naibii. Ironia face insa ca doua ture in care a luat decizii inexplicabile i-au smuls o victorie care altfel ii era garantata la ce tot arunca in directia mea.

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