Game Draft Hall of Fame

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Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Vom păstra aici un istoric al tuturor game draft-urilor care s-au ţinut vreodată pe forumul Level/Nivelul2. Un fel de wiki.

Pentru cei nefamiliarizaţi cu jocul, vom începe cu câteva informaţii de bază.

Ce este un "game draft"?
Jocu' lu' viezure - Un joc foarte intens, alert! Tineti-va palariile domnilor ca aici lucurile se petrec cu o mare repeziciune!
Pe scurt, e un fel de "ţară-ţară vrem ostaşi" cu jocuri. Fiecare participant îşi face o listă cu jocuri (sau cu filme, seriale, în general orice), iar apoi toată lumea (participanţi şi spectatori) votează pentru lista cea mai bună.

(Mă întreb ce ar gândi viezure daca ar şti ca jocul lui încă există :lol:)

Cum se joacă şi care sunt regulile de bază?


RumbleDuel la care participă mai multe liste; de obicei se votează pentru una singură.
Royal RumbleLa fel ca mai sus, participă toate listele.
Winners/Losers' bracketCând se joacă cu Losers' Bracket, cei eliminaţi cad intr-o ramură separată de dueluri, iar câştigătorul primeşte dreptul de a juca în finala cu câştigătorul de pe ramura principală.
Wildcard secret...

Cine şi când organizează un draft?

Cine vrea, când vrea. De obicei se foloseşte threadul Urmatorul draft pentru a posta o idee, iar dacă se adună destui muşterii, jocul poate începe.

Am informaţii despre vechile drafturi, cum pot să contribui?

Threadul e închis pentru editare publică, dar sunt două posibilităţi prin care poţi completa acest thread:

1. Ai ceva de de adăugat sau de modificat punctual? Scrie pe threadul de discuţii şi o să completeze un moderator aici.

2. Dacă ai ceva mai mult de adăugat şi puţin timp la dispoziţie, poţi face asta direct în format copypasta pentru forum, astfel:
  • Pentru informaţiile de bază, e mai bine să foloseşti pagina asta pentru a genera codul phpBB.
  • Pentru restul informaţiilor, respectiv schema turneului şi alte informaţii, porneşte de la un post existent sau de la modelul de mai jos:
Spoiler for model:
IMPORTANT: sablonul de aici e aranjat pentru a fi citit mai usor, dar inainte de postare vor trebui sterse paragrafele dintre tag-urile de tabel (table, row, cell), altfel vor aparea paragrafe goale inainte de tabel; mai pe scurt, tot ce e intre [ table ] si [/table] trebuie sa fie pe un singur rand
Schema turneului pentru jocuri fara losers' bracket

Code: Select all

[spoiler=Runde][table][row][cell=20][color=#c41233]Runda I[/color][/cell][cell=25][color=#c41233][center]———[/center][/color][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row]

[row][cell=20][/cell][cell=25][center]Nume1 ‒ Nume2[/center][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row]
[row][cell=20][/cell][cell=25][center]Nume3 ‒ Nume4[/center][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row]

[row][cell=20][color=#c41233]Runda II (optimi de finală)[/color][/cell][cell=25][color=#c41233][center]———[/center][/color][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row]

[row][cell=20][/cell][cell=25][center]Nume1 ‒ Nume2[/center][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row]
[row][cell=20][/cell][cell=25][center]Nume3 ‒ Nume4[/center][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row]

[row][cell=20][color=#c41233]Runda III (sferturi de finală)[/color][/cell][cell=25][color=#c41233][center]———[/center][/color][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row]

[row][cell=20][/cell][cell=25][center]Nume1 ‒ Nume2[/center][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row]
[row][cell=20][/cell][cell=25][center]Nume3 ‒ Nume4[/center][/cell][cell=55][/cell][/row][/table][/spoiler] 
Schema turneului pentru jocuri cu losers' bracket

Code: Select all

[color=#c41233]Desfăşurare (schema turneu)[/color]
[spoiler=Runde][table][row][cell=20][color=#c41233]Runda I[/color][/cell]
[cell=35][color=#c41233][center][Winners' Bracket][/center][/color][/cell]
[cell=35][color=#c41233][center][Losers' Bracket][/center][/color][/cell][/row]

[cell=35][center]Nume1 ‒ Nume2[/center][/cell][/row]

[cell=35][center]Nume3 ‒ Nume4[/center][/cell][/row]

[cell=35][center]Nume5 ‒ Nume6[/center][/cell][/row]

[cell=35][center]Nume7 ‒ Nume8[/center][/cell][/row]

[row][cell=20][color=#c41233]Runda  II (optimi)[/color][/cell]

[cell=35][center]Nume1 ‒ Nume2[/center][/cell]
[cell][center] | [/center][/cell]
[cell=35][center]Nume4 ‒ Nume5[/center][/cell][/row]

[cell=35][center]Nume3 ‒ Nume4[/center][/cell]
[cell][center] | [/center][/cell]
[cell=35][center]Nume5 ‒ Nume6[/center][/cell][/row]

Informaţii extra (imagini, citate, alte linkuri etc;

Code: Select all

[spoiler=Extra]Extra info[/spoiler]
3. Dacă ai informaţii mai multe, dar nu ai timp de postat, trimite un PM unui admin, lui TG sau mie, de exemplu.

Cam asta ar fi lista de priorităţi:
  1. lista completă şi ordinea tuturor drafturilor, preferabil şi cu perioada în care s-au desfăşurat
  2. informaţiile de bază despre drafturi
  3. listele de participanţi şi alegerile
  4. descrierile
Plus orice alte informaţii, ca de exemplu ceva de completat la postul ăsta introductiv.

Vom actualiza threadul ăsta cu informaţiile pe care le avem, în principal cele care sunt deja în threadul cu drafturi vechi.

Dar pentru început, ar fi bine dacă am putea reconstitui primele drafturi, care se pierd în negura timpului, hăt în 2008. Deci dacă vă mai aduceţi aminte diverse detalii, sau dacă aveţi materiale, contribuiţi. Sau dacă aveţi puţin timp, cu ajutorul WaybackMachine se pot reconstitui cât de cât şi drafturile vechi, cel puţin perioada, participantii şi o parte dintre dueluri. Ba chiar, dacă ne uitam în sursă (sau mouse over pe threaduri) s-au pastrat şi fragmente din liste. Sau, uneori, chiar şi câte o pagină întreagă, depinde de snapshot. Păcat însă că sunt goluri mari în snapshoturi. Pe măsură ce completăm informaţiile lipsă, vom face câte un post separat pentru fiecare draft, în ordine cronologică.
Spoiler for Thread changelog:
- primul post, template, info GD IV Adventure, lista drafts
- completat info GD VIII Monsters, GD XIII Beautiful Places, VD I Movies
- [3.04.17] posturi separate pentru fiecare draft
- [12.08.17]completat GD XII Gaming Moments; rearanjat cuprins drafturi
- [19.08.17]completat GD XIV Hate Draft
- [27.03.19]completat GD XV Best Games of the Decade
- [17.11.24]completat Music Draft I & II
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Drafts
II.RPG(2008 - 2009)
VI.Indie(2011 - 2012)
IX.All Stars(2012 - 2013)
X.The Powerdraft(2013)
XI.Game Music
XII.Greatest Gaming Moments(2014)
XIII.Beautiful (Virtual) Places(2015)
XIV.Hate(2016 - 2017)
XV.Best Games of the Decade (2009-2018)(2019)
XVI.Best Intros(2020)
Music Drafts
I.Albums(2012 - 2013)
IV.Music Videos(2020)
Video Drafts
I.Movies(2011 - 2012)
II.TV shows(2012)
Last edited by TG on 12 Feb 2017, 20:53, edited 1 time in total.
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft I: FPS (2008)

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft II: RPG (2008 - 2009)

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft III: RTS (2009)

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft IV: Adventure
DescriereJocuri de aventură, point'n click, questuri etc.
Perioadadecembrie 2009 - iulie 2010
LinkuriDiscuţii (N/A - vechiul forum Level)
Alegeri (N/A - idem)
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)Cu Losers' Bracket.
Game Master????
Număr participanţi16
ParticipanţiZuluf, Marar, marvas, Jaunty, TG, unugeorge, sebas, cartofu, Stokkolm, RaptoR, juve3332, GhostyAbudy, TripleH, Hi-Tek, Ze_Sniper, viezure
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1. The Secret of Monkey Island (1990)
2. Loom (1990)
3. Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (1987)
4. Stupid Invaders (2000)
5. Hopkins FBI (1998 )
6. Legend of Kyrandia (1992)
7. Omnicron Conspiracy (1995)
8. King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (1988 )
9. Omikron: The Nomad Soul
10. Jack Orlando (1998)
1. Grim Fandango (1998 )
2. Syberia 2 3. Maniac Manision (1987)
3. Maniac Manision (1987) (2004)
4. Sam & Max: Season Two (2008 )
5. Ben There, Dan That! (2008 )
6. 78641 - A Targ Adventure (2009)
7. The Blackwell Convergence (2009)
8. Spellbound Dizzy (1991)
9. Sleep Is Death (2010)
10. Ripper (1996)
1. Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror (1997)
2. Beneath a Steel Sky (1994)
3. Discworld (1995)
4. Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity (1995)
5. Runaway 2: The Dream of The Turtle (2006)
6. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (2006)
7. Lure of The Temptress (1992)
8. Journey to The Center of The Earth (2003)
9. Flight of The Amazon Queen (1995)
10. Fable (1996)
1. The Curse of Monkey Island (1997)
2. The Last Express (1997)
3. Discworld Noir (1999)
4. Zork: Grand Inquizitor (1997)
5: Myst IV: Revelation (2004)
6. Gobliiins (1991)
7. Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy (1998 )
8. Duckman (1997)
9. Pilgrim: Faith as a Weapon (1997)
10. Zero: Critical (1998)
1. The Secret of Monkey Island (1990)
2. Simon the Sorcerer (1993)
3. The Black Mirror (2003)
4. Still Life (2005)
5. Under a Killing Moon (1994)
6. The Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate (1993)
7. Runaway 3: A Twist of Fate (2009)
8. Secret Files - Tunguska (2006)
9. The 7th Guest (1993)
10. 5 Days a Stranger (2003)
1. Sanitarium (1998 )
2. Fahrenheit (2005)
3.Runaway: A Road Adventure (2003)
4. Policenauts (1994)
5. Sam & Max Save the World, aka Season One (2006)
6. Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! (1993)
7. Shadow of Memories/Shadow of Destiny (2001)
8.Dark Fall: The Journal (2002)
9.Scratches (2006)
10. Clock Tower (1995)
1. Day of the Tentacle (1993)
2. Faust - Seven games of the Soul (1999)
3. Shivers (1995)
4. Dune (1992)
5. A Vampyre Story (2008 )
6. Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of The City of Gold (1999)
7. Shivers II: Harvest of Souls (1997)
8. Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria (1995)
9. Bioscopia: Where Science conquers Evil (2001)
1. Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (1996)
2. Full Throttle (1995)
3. Tales of Monkey Island (2009)
4. The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo (1996)
5. Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals! (1989)
6. Myst III: Exile (2001)
7. Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe (1995)
8. Professor Layton and the Curious Village (2008 )
9. Shenmue (2000)
10. Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island (2010)
1. Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis (1992)
2. Gabriel Knight: The Sins of the Fathers (1993)
3. Heavy Rain (2010)
4. Snatcher (1994)
5. Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (2003)
6. Bioforge (1995)
7. Zork: The Great Underground Empire (1980)
8. Samorost (2003)
9. Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (2006)
10. Bible Black (2000)
1. Day of the Tentacle (1993)
2. Machinarium (2009)
3. The Whispered World (2010)
4. Neighbors from Hell (2003)
5. Return to Mysterious Island (2004)
6.The Da Vinci Code (2006)
7. Bad Mojo (1996)
8. The Colonel's Bequest: A Laura Bow Mystery (1989)
9. Equinox (1994)
10. Still Life 2 (2009)
1. Grim Fandango (1998 )
2. The Dig (1995)
3. Little Big Adventure 2 (1997)
4. I have no mouth and I must scream (1995)
5. Toonstruck (1996)
6. The Neverhood (1996)
7. Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths (1997)
8. Black Dahlia (1998 )
9. The Riddle of Master Lu (1995)
10. Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist (1993)
1. Day of the Tentacle (1993)
2. Myst (1995)
3.The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes : The Case of the Serrated Scalpel 4. The Void (2009)
5. Tex Murphy : The Pandora Directive (1996)
6. Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero? (1992)
7. Journeyman Project 2 (1995)
8. Bone: The Great Cow Race (2006)
9. Ankh (2006)
1. Sanitarium (1998 )
2. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991)
3. Space Quest 6: The Spinal Frontier (1995)
4. Ceville (2009)
5. Jack Keane (2008 )
6. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2001)
7. Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (2007)
8. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness ( 2008 )
9. Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures (2009)
10. Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures (2005)
1. Sam & Max Hit the Road (1993)
2. Blade Runner (1997)
3.Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (1995)
4. Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail! (1996)
5.Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders ( 1988 )
6. Call of Cthulhu : Shadow of the Comet (1993)
7. The Dark Eye (1995)
8. The Quivering (1998 )
9. Emerald City Confidential (2009)
10. In Memoriam (2003)
1. Day of the Tentacle (1993)
2. The Longest Journey (2000)
3. Pepper's Adventures in Time (1993)
4. King's Quest I - Quest For The Crown (1983)
5. Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (1991)
6. Myst V: End of Ages (2005)
7. Earthrise (1991)
8. The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble (1994)
9. Martian Memorandum (1991)
10. Eric the Unready (1993)
1. Day of the Tentacle (1993)
2. Syberia (2002)
3. King's Quest VI (1992)
4. Riven: The Sequel to Myst (1997)
5. Escape from Monkey Island (2000)
6. Zork Nemesis (1996)
7. Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned (1999)
8. Broken Sword: The Angel Of Death (2007)
9. Time Gentlemen, Please! (2009)
10. Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation (1993)
Link către postul cu descrieri de aici din thread
Desfăşurare (schema turneu)
Spoiler for Runde:
Runda I
[Winners' Bracket]
[Losers' Bracket]
unugeorge ‒ cartofu
TripleH ‒ sebas
marvas ‒ Mărar
RoptaR ‒ juve3332
viezure ‒ Hi-Tek
Zuluf ‒ Ze_Sniper
Jaunty ‒ Stokkolm
GhostyAbudy ‒ TG
Runda II
cartofu ‒ TripleH
RoptaR ‒ Hi-Tek
marvas ‒ juve3332
sebas ‒ Zuluf
viezure ‒ Ze_Sniper
Mărar ‒ GhostyAbudy
Jaunty ‒ TG
Stokkolm ‒ unugeorge
Runda III
TripleH ‒ Hi-Tek
marvas ‒ Zuluf
Ze_Sniper ‒ Mărar
TG ‒ Stokkolm
Runda IV
cartofu ‒ juve3332
TripleH ‒ marvas
viezure ‒ Jaunty
Mărar ‒ TG
Runda V
juve3332 ‒ viezure
cartofu ‒ ??? (TripleH/marvas)
Jaunty ‒ ??? (Mărar/TG])
Runda VI
viezure ‒ ???
Runda VII (finala)
juve3332 ‒ ???
Spoiler for Extra:
Schema turneu

Scheme Winners' Bracket:
Premiul învingătorului:
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
Posts: 3752
Joined: 2 Mar 2014, 16:16

Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft V: Characters (2010)

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
Posts: 3752
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft VI: Indie (2011 - 2012)

octombrie 2011 - ???? 2012

Duel semifinală NighySheen - Jaunty (cu descrieri)
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Video Draft I: Movies
DescriereMovie Draft - The Beginning
Perioadaoctombrie 2011 - ianuarie 2012
LinkuriThread alegeri
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)• Turneu tip Swiss tournament
• 6 runde, cu acumulare de puncte
Game MasterRaptoR
Număr participanţi14
ParticipanţiMahdi, Marar, Zniper, Un_Zombie_Bun, Cartofu, Fular, Sebas, RaptoR, NighySheen, .chester, juve3332, TG, Michilangelo, jimmyking
Grand Winner - Mahdi
Winner of Royal Rumble - juve3332
Most Votes - Stokkolm
Biggest VD - TG
"It's not all about winning" - jimmyking

1. Mahdi
2. Zniper
3. TG
4-5 Fular | juve3332
Stokkolm ???
8-9: Marar | Zombie
10. ???
11-12: Michilangelo | Cartofu
13. ???
14. jimmyking
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1.Snatch (2000)
2.Reservoir Dogs (1992)
3.Full Metal Jacket (1987)
4.The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966)
5.Eraserhead (1977)
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.2001: A Space Odyssey (1968 )
2.Apocalypse Now (1979)
3.Network (1976)
4.The Great Dictator (1940)
5.Das Leben der Anderen
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.Alien (1979)
2.The Thing (1982)
3. Сталкер (Stalker - 1979)
4.Schindler's List (1993)
5.Jacob's Ladder (1990)
6.The Elephant Man (1980)
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.Casablanca (1942)
1.V for Vendetta (2006)
2.Leon: The Professional (1994)
3.Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
4.Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
5.Back to...
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.Fight Club (1999)
2.The Kid (1921)
3.Requiem for a Dream de Darren Aronofsky (2000)
4.Trainspotting de Danny Boyle (1996)
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.Metropolis (1927/2002)
2.The Godfather (1972)
3.Citizen Kane (1941)
4.12 Angry Men (1957)
5.Psycho (1960)
6.The Prestige (2006)
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.Shawshank Redemption (1994)
2.Braveheart (1995)
3.Star Wars (1977)
4.The Sixth Sense (1999)
5.The Others (2001)
6.The Exorcist
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.L'avventura de Michelangelo Antonioni (1960)
2.Solaris de Andrey Tarkovski (1972)
3.A Clockwork Orange de Stanley Kubrick (1971)
5. ???
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.Oldboy (2003)
2.Goodfellas (1990)
3.Shichinin no samurai (Seven Samurai - 1954)
4.C'era una volta il West (Once Upon a Time in the West
5. ???
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1.Dr. Strangelove (1964)
2.City of God (2002)
3.Taxi Driver (1976)
4.Dances with Wolves (1990)
5.The Big Lebowski (1998 )
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
1. Jerry Maguire (1996)
2. Platoon (1986)
3. Invictus (2009)
4. Apocalypto (2006)
5. 300
6. Philadelphia (1993)
7.Ocean`s Eleven (2001)
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
Spoiler for Extra info:
Regulament complet
Wayback Machine()

Ilustraţii bonusuri-malusuri
De completat info suplimentar: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=45&p=95393#p95393
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
Posts: 3752
Joined: 2 Mar 2014, 16:16

Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft VII: Action/Stealth (2012)

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
Posts: 3752
Joined: 2 Mar 2014, 16:16

Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft VIII: Monsters
DescriereMonştri şi inamici din jocuri; the bad guys.
Perioadamai - august 2012
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)Fără "boşi".
O rundă nouă de alegeri după fiecare rundă de dueluri.
Game Master???
Număr participanţi16
Participanţimarvas, Cristan, juve3332, Mărar, Un_Zombie_Bun, 2mauS, GMK, Stokkolm, cg1700, Patrunjelu', rdo, Xristina, Michilangelo, RaptoR, ola small dickie, TG
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1. Space Invaders (Space Invaders)
2. Headcrabs (Half-Life series)
3. Headless Kamikaze (Serious Sam series)
4. Grunts (Halo series)
5. Regular Zombies (Plants vs Zombies)
6. German soldiers (Commandos)
7. The Charr (Guild Wars series)
8. Golems (Prince of Persia: Warrior Within)
9. Rabbits (Braid)
10. Ghouls (Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi)
11. The Crows (Battletoads)
1. Xenomorphs/aliens (Aliens vs. Predator 2)
2. Howlers (Clive Barker's Undying)
3. Extraterestrii/gardienii (Another World)
4. Hydralisk (Starcraft series)
5. Vacile din Secret Cow Level (Diablo II)
6. HECU Marines (Half-Life 1)
7. G-Men (Psychonauts)
8. Splicers (Bioshock)
9. ""Paianjenii"" (Botanicula)
10. Politia (Need for Speed: Most Wanted)
11. Death Knight (Warcraft II)
12. Civil Protection (Half-Life 2)
13. Golden Saints (Morrowind)
14. Boulders (Rock of Ages)
1. Big Daddy (Bioshock)
2. The Slig (Abe series)
3. Hammer Haunts (Thief)
4. Pig Cop (Duke Nukem)
5. Dark Archon (Starcraft)
6. The Mercats Family (Cpt. Claw)
7. Druid of the Claw (Warcraft III)
8. Sea Reapers (Giant: Citizen Kabuto)
9. Skaarj Warrior (Unreal)
10. Turrets (Portal series)
11. Tentaculat (X-Com: Terror from the Deep)
12. Wizards (Magic Carpet)
1. Fast Zombie (Half-Life 2)
2. Gatherers (Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
3. Chryssalid (X-COM: UFO Defense)
4. Librarian (Metro 2033)
5. Mind Worms (Alpha Centaury)
6. Grue (Zork series)
7. Necron Warrior (Warhammer 40k)
8. Sandworms (Dune 2)
9. Cranium Rats (Planescape: Torment)
10. Dragons (Drakan)
11. Men in Black (Deus Ex)
12. Zephonim (Soul Reaver)
13. Shamans (Populous: The Beginning)
14. Livingstone (Rayman)
1. Cyberdemon (Doom, Doom 2)
2. Arch-Vile (Doom 2)
3. Ancient Behemoths (Heroes III)
4. Zealot (Starcraft 1)
5. Shambler (Quake 1)
6. Cherub (Doom 3)
7. Cataphracts (Rome: Total War)
8. Niste nord-coreeni dintr-un fps (nu mai tin minte jocul)
9. The Stroggs (Quake 2)
10. Gruntz (Gruntz)
11. Lost Soul (Doom series)
12. Pagans (Thief series)
1. Slayer (The Suffering)
2. Goomba (Super Mario Bros.)
3. Antlion (Half-Life 2)
4. SS Soldier (Wolfenstein 3D)
5. The Witch (Left 4 Dead)
6. Piratii (Port Royale 2)
7. Bloody Unicorn (Overlord)
8. Rancor (Star wars series)
9. Diggle (Dungeons of Dredmor)
10. Strider (Half-Life 2)
11. Teroristii (Delta Force Land Warrior)
1. Creeper (Minecraft)
2. Assault Commander (Duke Nukem 3D)
3. Snork (S.T.A.L.K.E.R)
4. Flood Carrier (Halo)
5. Mutants (Far Cry)
6. Spike Beast (Prince of Persia: Warrior Within)
7. Amputee (Painkiller)
8. Ram (Dead Island)
9. Police (GTA Series)
10. Nazi Zombies (CoD World at War/Black Ops)
11. Barnacle (Half-Life series)
12. Skag (Borderlands)
1. Steel Lord (Diablo)
2. Imp (Doom, Doom 2)
3. Titan (Heroes of Might & Magic II,III)
4. Kirov Airship (Red Alert 2)
5. Priest (Age of Empires)
6. Paramite (Abe's Oddysee)
7. Hammerite Guard (Thief)
8. Undead Warrior (Heretic)
9. l33t crew (Counter Strike)
10. Tiamat (Disciples 2)
11. Thunder Crash (Unreal Tournament 2004)
12. Unraveller (Diablo 2)
13. Wanamingos (Fallout 2)
1. Fast Zombie (Half Life 2)
2. Kleer Skeleton - Serious Sam
3. Puppets (Thief Deadly Shadows)
4. Iron Maiden (Resident Evil 4)
5. Medusa Heads (Castlevania)
6. Slime (Dragon Quest)
7. Cyborg Midwife (System Shock 2)
8. Ghosts (Fatal Frame)
9. F.O.E. (Etrian Oddisey)
10. Pixie (Shin Megami Tensei)
11. Big Eye (Megaman)
12. Vortigaunt (Half Life)
1. Deathclaws (Fallout series)
2. The Hellmouth (Sacrifice)
3. Pinkies (Doom)
4. Super mutants (Fallout series)
5. Ura (Bastion)
6. Hobgoblins (Baldur's Gate)
7. Dremora Lords (The Elder Scrolls)
8. Swordsmen (Stronghold series)
9. Orcs (Gothic series)
10. Ylsides (Arx Fatalis)
11. Giant Frog (Universul D&D, sau mai specific, The Temple of Elemental Evil)
12. Wights (Blood Bowl; Universul Warhammer)
13. Dragoni (Sacred)
1. Zergling (Starcraft)
2. Black dragon (Heroes III)
3. Ghosts (Pac-Man)
4. Assassins (Half-Life 1)
5. Cliff Racer (The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind)
6. Succubus (Diablo I)
7. Carthage soldiers (Caesar III)
8. Alien invaders (Volfied)
9. Enemy ships (Silent Hunter 5)
10. Hammer brothers (Super Mario Bros.)
11. Cazador (Fallout: New Vegas)
12. The Flood Ranged form (Halo series)
13. Mammoth Mk II (C&C: Tiberian Sun)
1. Nurse (Silent Hill)
2. Jawas (Star Wars)
3. Abonimation (Warcraft III)
4. Wailing Death plague victims (NWN 1)
5. Geth (Mass Effect series)
6. Mutalisk (Starcraft series)
7. Houndeye (Half-Life)
8. Dueling Monkeys (Monkey Island 4)
9. Marshlands Infected (Left 4 Dead 2)
10. Cyclops Tyrant (God of War)
11. Thug (Dead Island)
12. Nebelwerfer 41 (Company of Heroes)
1. Undead Orc Shamans (Gothic)
2. The Dogs (Penumbra: Overture)
3. The Children (Limbo)
4. Marked Man Opponents (Burnout Paradise)
5. Grag'ohr/Orcs (Blackthorne)
6. Archangels (Heroes III)
7. Infernals (Warcraft III)
8. Marksmen (The Suffering)
9. Reticulans (UFO: Aftermath)
10. Crow Master (Prince of Persia: Warrior Within)
11. The Guards (Lode Runner)
12. Skeletons (Gothic 1 si 2)
13. Fort (Age of Empires Series)
1. Lemmings (Lemmings)
2. The Worms (Worms series)
3. Fetish Flayer (Diablo II)
4. Kobold (Dungeon Defenders)
5. Cyborg (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun)
6. The Ducks (Duck Hunt)
7. Dreadnought (Red Alert 2)
8. Scissors (Supaplex)
9. Crypt Fiend (Warcraft III)
10. Predators (Alien vs Predator 2)
11. The Bombermen (Bomberman series)
12. The Creatures (Spore)
13. Gainile (Chicken Invaders)
ola small dickie
1. Abominable Snow Monster (SkiFree)
2. Cainele (Alley Cat)
3. Soldatii germani (No One Lives Forever)
4. Coolies (Shadow Warrior)
5. Garzile (Prince of Persia)
6. Pietonii (Carmageddon)
7. Necromancerii (Rage Of Mages 2: Necromancer)
8. Ogre (Quake 1)
9. Politia (Carmageddon)
10. Agentii patogeni ai bolilor cu transmitere sexuala (acum si in VGA) - Leisure Suit Larry 1
11. Patrick prezentatorul de la Roata Norocului si colegul lui (Little Big Adventure 2)
1. Shadowbeast (Gothic)
2. Replica Forces (F.E.A.R)
3. Insult Swordfighting Pirates (The Secret of Monkey Island)
4. Barghest (The Witcher)
5. Bloodsucker (S.T.A.L.K.E.R)
6. Ogre (Warcraft II)
7. Abomination (Dragon Age)
8. The Mongols (Medieval II: Total War)
9. Apocalypse tank (Red Alert 2)
10. Canyon/Sofia Martines (Flatout)
11. Midgar Zolom (Final Fantasy VII)
12. Lizardmen (Risen)
13. Polar Bears (King’s Bounty)
14. Fell troll (Neverwinter Nights 2, D&D universe, sau internet în general)
Spoiler for Extra:
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Video Draft II: TV shows (2012)

septembrie - decembrie 2012
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft IX: All Stars (2012 - 2013)

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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Music Draft I - Albums
DescriereAsa cum e normal cand incepem o noua serie de Draft-uri pornim de la componenta ei cea mai importanta, in cazul nostru albumul.
Perioadaseptembrie 2012 - ianuarie 2013
LinkuriThread discuţii și alegeri (reconstituire 2024)
Google doc alegeri
Snapshot Wayback Machine (15 mai 2013)
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)Fara compilatii. Un singur album pe formatie. Fara soundtracks. Fara clasica. in prima runda vom elimina doar 4 jucatori folosind dueluri de cate 3, urmand ca dupa aceea sa trecem la sistemul clasic prin eliminare. Dupa fiecare runda de duleuri participantii au dreptul la inca o alegere.
Game MasterMărar
Număr participanţi12
Participanţi.chester, marvas, Mafio, Zniper, Mărar, Deathstrike, Edeph, Mahdi, unugeorge, Stokkolm, ola small dickie, Michilangelo
CâştigătorMafio (?)
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
1. Mafio
2. Mărar
3-4. .chester, Mahdi
5-6. Stokkolm, ola small dickie, Edeph, Zniper
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1. Arctic Monkeys - Suck It and See (2011)
2. Tenacious D - Tenacious D (2001)
3. Graveyard - Hisingen Blues (2011)
4. Cynic - Focus (1993)
5. Linkin Park - Meteora (2003)
6. The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Traveller (2003)
7. Impetigo - The Horror of the Zombies (1992)
8. GG Allin & The Murder Junkies - Brutality and Bloodshed For All (1993)
9. Mac Lethal - North Korean BBQ (2011)
10. Mediocracy - Asoma (2011)
1. ATB - Addicted to Music (2003)
2. BT - These Hopeful Machines (2010)
3. Above & Beyond - Tri-State (2006)
4. Chicane - Behind the Sun (2000)
5. Scooter - The Stadium Techno Experience (2003)
6. John O'Callaghan - Never Fade Away (2009)
7. Eco - M(You)sic (2011)
8. Tiesto - Just Be (2004)
9. Oceanlab - Sirens of The Sea (2008)
10. 4 Strings - Believe (2002)
1. Tom Waits - Bad as Me (2011)
2. The Strokes - Is This It (2001)
3. The Beatles - The White Album (1968)
4. Radiohead - OK Computer (1997)
5. PJ Harvey - Let England Shake (2011)
6. The Black Keys - Brothers (2010)
7. Arcade Fire - The Suburbs (2010)
8. Them Crooked Vultures - Them Crooked Vultures (2009)
9. The Libertines - Up The Bracket (2002)
10. Wu Tang Clan - Enter The Wu Tang (36 Chambers) (1993)
1. Tool - Lateralus (2001)
2. Porcupine Tree - Deadwing (2005)
3. R.E.M. - Out of Time (1991)
4. Genesis - Invisible Touch (1986)
5. Opeth - Blackwater Park (2001)
6. Rammstein - Sehnsucht (1997)
7. Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile (1999)
8. Combichrist - Today We Are All Demons (2009)
10. Gojira - L'Enfant Sauvage (2012)
1. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (1975)
2. Harmonium - Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison (1975)
3. Van der Graaf Generator - Still Life (1976)
4. Genesis - Selling England by the Pound (1973)
5. Miles Davis - Kind of Blue (1959)
6. Dead Can Dance - Toward The Within (1994)
7. Gazpacho - Night (2007)
8. Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden (1988)
9. The Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed (1967)
10. Pheonix - Cantafabule (1975)
11. Balanescu Quartet - Maria T (2005)
1. Ghost - Opus Eponymous (2010)
2. The Moon and The Nightspirit - Rego Rejtem (2007)
3. Nox Arcana - Necronomicon (2004)
4. Summoning - Oath Bound (2006)
5. Between The Buried and Me - Alaska (2005)
6. Atmosphere - Overcast (1997)
7. Tom Waits - Mule Variations (2007)
8. Empyrium - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays (1999)
9. Orphaned Land - The Never Ending Way of ORWarriOR (2010)
10. Kontrust - Second Hand Wonderland (2012)
11. King Crimson - Lizard (1970)
1. Pink Floyd - The Wall (1979)
2. Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet (2007)
3. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication (1999)
4. Black Sabbath - Paranoid (1970)
5. The Prodigy - Fat of the Land (1997)
6. The Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream (1993)
7. Gojira - From Mars to Sirius (2005)
8. Blue Stahli - Antisleep Vol. 1 (2008)
9. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced (1967)
10. ZZ Top - Recycler (1990)
11. Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms (1985)
1. Pink Floyd - Animals (1977)
2. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (1971)
3. Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Out (1959)
4. Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Sunset Mission (2000)
5. Mono - You Are There (2006)
6. Esbjörn Svensson Trio - Viaticum (2005)
7. Current 93 - All the Pretty Little Horses: The Inmost Light (1996)
8. Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull (2008)
9. Bill Evans Trio - Everybody Digs Bill Evans (1958)
10. Mississippi John Hurt - DC Blues (1963)
11. Ulver - Perdition City: Music to an Interior Film (2000)
1. Opeth - Still Life (1999)
2. This Will Destroy You - Young Mountain (2006)
3. Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain (2006)
4. Sigur Rós - Ágætis Byrjun (1999)
5. Beirut - The Flying Club Cup (2007)
6. Ulver - Kveldssanger (1995)
7. The National - Alligator (2005)
8. Nana Grizol - Ruth (2010)
9. Kazi Ploae şi Specii - Imperiul Lianelor (2009)
10. Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Black Earth (2002)
11. Ólafur Arnalds - ...And They Have Escaped The Weight Of Darkness (2010)
1. Daft Punk - Discovery (2001)
2. Ratatat - Classics (2006)
3. Burial - Untrue (2007)
4. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Dig, Lazarus Dig!!! (2008)
5. Ladytron - Velocifero (2008)
6. Björk - Homogenic (1997)
7. Dr. Dre - 2001 (1999)
8. Dizzee Rascal - Boy in da Corner (2003)
9. Justice - † (2007)
10. Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours (2008)
11. David Deejay feat. Dony - Popcorn (2010)
ola small dickie
1. Arctic Monkeys - Humbug (2009)
2. The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses (1989)
3. Richard Hawley - Coles Corner (2005)
4. Dion - Born to Be with You (1975)
5. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River (1969)
6. David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972)
7. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
8. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland (1968)
9. The Last Shadow Puppets - The Age of the Understatement (2008)
10. Joy Division - Substance (1988)
11. The Smiths - Singles (1995)
1. Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006)
2. Nirvana - Nevermind (1991)
3. Gorillaz - Demon Days (2004)
4. The Oscar Peterson Trio - Night Train (1962)
5. Johnny Watson & Larry Williams - Two for the Price of One (1967)
6. Michael Jackson - Bad (1987)
7. Nas & Damien Marley - Distant Relatives (2010)
8. Dub FX - Everythinks a Ripple (2009)
9. Faramita Lambru - La calul balan (1976)
10. Bob Marley - Exodus (1977)
11. Awolnation - Megalithic Symphony (2011)
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft X: The Powerdraft (2013)

ianuarie - aprilie 2013
... ... Game-Draft (snapshot 15 mai 2013)
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
Posts: 3752
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Music Draft II - Songs
DescriereCântece. Se pot pune și melodii din diverse coloane sonore
Perioadaseptembrie - ??? (2013)
LinkuriThread discuţii și alegeri (reconstituire 2024)
Spotify playlist
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)O singura melodie pe formatie pentru fiecare lista. Fara clasica. Sistemul clasic de eliminare, fara loser's bracket.
Game Master???
Număr participanţijuve3332 / Unt
ParticipanţiFular, ola small dickie, juve3332, Michilangelo, marvas, Mafio, Unt, RaptoR, Stokkolm, Marar, TG, 2mauS, Zniper, Jaunty, .chester, Mahdi
Câştigătorjuve3332 / Unt
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
1-2. juve3332, Unt
3-4. Mafio, Mahdi
5-8. ola small dickie, Michilangelo, TG, .chester
9-16. Fular, marvas, RaptoR, Stokkolm, Mărar, 2mauS, Zniper, Jaunty
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1. Rage Against the Machine - Wake Up (1992)
2. Sublime - Let's Go Get Stoned (1992)
3. Social Distortion - California (Hustle and Flow) (2011)
4. Deftones - Back to School (2001)
5. Cro - Easy (2012)
6. The Smiths - Rubber Ring (1987)
7. Swingin' Utters - Next in line (1996)
8. Pixies - Wave of Mutilation (1989)
9. The White Stripes - Ball and Biscuit (2003)
10. Sick of it All - Uprising Nation (2006)
11. Team Sleep - Blvd. Knights (2005)
12. Massive Attack - Dissolved Girl (1998)
13. The Black Keys - She's long gone (2010)
ola small dickie
1. Joy Division - Atmosphere (1980)
2. Arctic Monkeys - I Wanna Be Yours (2013)
3. Richard Hawley - Born Under a Bad Sign (2005)
4. The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset (1967)
5. Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention - Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance (1969)
6. Harry Chapin - Mail Order Annie (1973)
7. Dion - Only You Know (1975)
8. JJ Cale - I Got the Same Old Blues (1974)
9. The Beatles - In My Life (1965)
10. The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter (1969)
11. Alex Turner - Stuck On The Puzzle (2011)
12. Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere (1987)
13. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Into My Arms (1997)
14. The Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize (1996)
1. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - God is in the House (2001)
2. Kenji Kawai - Floating Museum (1995)
3. Tangerine Dream - Rubycon Part One (1975)
4. Kraftwerk - The Model (1978)
5. Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene 4 (1976)
6. Einsturzende Neubauten - Sabrina (2000)
7. The Cure - Charlotte Sometimes (1981)
8. David Bowie - Heroes (1977)
9. Eduard Artemyev - Siberiade theme (1979)
10. Pet Shop Boys - Axis (2013)
11. Mark Knopfler & Sonny Landreth - Gravy Train (1996)
12. Infected Mushroom - Montoya (1998)
13. Moby & Sinead O'Connor - Harbour (2002)
14. Shpongle - Around the World in a Tea Daze (2001)
15. Mad Season - Wake Up (1995)
16. Destroyer - Libby's First Sunrise (2008)
1. Radiohead - Creep (1993)
2. Kavinsky - Nightcall (2013)
3. Jethro Tull - A New Day Yesterday (1969)
4. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Little Empty Boat (1997)
5. Queens of the Stone Age - I Appear Missing (2013)
6. Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (2010)
7. Alexandrina - Noi Doi (2009)
8. Florence + The Machine - What The Water Gave Me (2011)
9. Burial, Four Tet & Thom Yorke - Ego/Mirror (2011)
10. Chet Faker - I'm Into You (2012)
11. The Kills - Future Starts Slow (2011)
12. Tom Waits - Old Shoes (1993)
13. Mono - Halcyon (Beautiful Days) (2004)
14. Nightmares on Wax - Pipes Honour (1995)
1. Freak Power - Song #6 (1996)
2. Røyksopp - So Easy (2001)
3. Bent - Kisses (2000)
4. Familjen - Det snurrar i min skalle (2007)
5. Stromae - Formidable (2013)
6. The Future Sound of London — Papua New Guinea (1991)
7. The Shaking Sensations - The Obsidian Sea (2011)
8. Lusine - Two Dots (2009)
9. Laszlo - Mr. Sunshine (2011)
10. The Shins - New Slang (2001)
11. Michael Gray - The Weekend (2004)
12. Eco feat Eller Van Buuren - My Name is you(th) (2011)
13. Ștefan Hrușcă - Junelu-i tinerelu' (2000)
1. John Lennon - Watching The Wheels (1981)
2. EL-P - Drones Over BKLYN (2012)
3. The Beatles - I Am The Walrus (1967)
4. Tom Waits - Depot, Depot (1977)
5. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Stop (2003)
6. Morphine - Buena (1993)
7. Modest Mouse - The Whale Song (2009)
8. Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot - Bonnie and Clyde (1968)
9. Funkadelic - Maggot Brain (1971)
10. Arcade Fire - Ready to Start (2010)
11. Portishead - Humming (1997)
12. Modwheelmood - Sunday Morning (2008)
13. Graveyard - Hisingen Blues (2011)
14. Fly-Bi-Nites - Found Love (1967)
15. Shining (NOR) - I Won't Forget (2013)
1. Kate Bush - Get Out of My House (1982)
2. Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three Different Ones) (1977)
3. Bjork feat. Thom Yorke - I've Seen It All (2000)
4. Lou Reed - Take A Walk on The Wild Side (1972)
5. John Lee Hooker - Annie Mae (1995)
6. Rodriguez - I'll Slip Away (1967)
7. Fever Ray - Keep The Streets Empty for Me (2009)
8. Suuns - 2020 (2013)
9. Massive Attack - Mezzanine (1998)
10. Oasis - Champagne Supernova (1995)
11. Eduard Artemyev - Train (~1979)
12. The Dust Brothers - This Is Your Life (1999)
13. Paul Simon - 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (1975)
14. A Silver Mt. Zion - 13 Angels Standing Guard 'round the Side of Your Bed (2000)
15. The Weeknd - High For This (2011)
16. Wise Blood - Alarm (2013)
1. Nightwish - Wishmaster (2000)
2. Catamenia - Flames (2002)
3. Arch Enemy - We will rise (2003)
4. Marilyn Manson - Coma White (1999)
5. Metallica - Carpe Diem Baby (1997)
6. Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine (2004)
7. Oomph! - Augen Auf (2004)
8. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Dreams of Candlelight (2000)
9. Maná - Mariposa Traicionera (2002)
10. Cedry2k - Alchimia veninului (2007)
11. Bitza - Aripi frante (2005)
12. Roxette - Milk and toast and honey (2001)
13. DMX - No sunshine (2001)
1. Jai Paul - Jasmine (2012)
2. Visage - Fade to Grey (1980)
3. Beyoncé - Crazy In Love ft. Jay Z (2003)
4. Dr. Dre - Nuthin but a 'G' Thang feat. Snoop Dogg (1992)
5. The Prodigy - No Good (1994)
6. Salem - King Night (2010)
7. TNGHT - Bugg'n (2012)
8. Burial - Ashtray Wasp (2012)
9. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - The Mercy Seat (1988)
10. Joker - Digidesign (2009)
11. Rui Da Silva - Touch Me (2000)
12. Maktone - Big Blunts (1999)
13. Frank Ocean - Bad Religion (2012)
1. Íon - Adoration (2010)
2. It's a Beautiful Day - White Bird (1969)
3. Steely Dan - Do It Again (1972)
4. Bill Haley & His Comets - Thirteen Women (And Only One Man in Town) (1954)
5. Renaissance - Song of Scheherazade (1975)
6. Leonard Cohen - Waiting for the Miracle (1992)
7. Jon Brion - Little Person (2008)
8. The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a Home (2007)
9. UNKLE feat. Thom Yorke - Rabbit In Your Headlights (1998)
10. Isao Tomita - The Sea named Solaris (1978)
11. Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill (1977)
12. Lemon Jelly - Nice Weather for Ducks (2002)
13. Esbjörn Svensson Trio - Dolores in a Shoestand (2007)
1. Tom Waits - Christmas Card From a Hooker In Minneapolis (1978)
2. Blue Öyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper (1976)
3. Dio - Rainbow in the Dark (1983)
4. Joe Hisaishi - The Rain (2001)
5. Massive Attack - Angel (1998 )
6. Miles Davis - Flamenco Sketches (1959)
7. Amorphis - Her Alone (2007)
8. Nirvana - In Bloom (1992)
9. Poets of the Fall - Roses (2006)
10. Steve Conte & The Seatbelts - Call me, Call me (1999)
11. Perturbator - I Am The Night (2012)
12. Ennio Morricone - Man With A Harmonica (1972)
13. Foo Fighters - Aurora (1999)
14. The White Buffalo - I Am the Light (2012)
1. Lou Reed - Perfect Day (1972)
2. Emerson, Lake and Palmer - The Sage (1971)
3. Big Star - September Gurls (1974)
4. The Kinks - Dead End Street (1966)
5. Bauhaus - She's in Parties (1983)
6. Budgie - Parents (1973)
7. Neil Young - Old Man (1972)
8. The Stooges - Down on the Street (1970)
9. Zager & Evans - In the year 2525 (1969)
10. Jefferson Airplane - Comin' back to me (1967)
11. Goran Bregovic & Iggy Pop - TV Screen (1993)
12. The Clash - Ghetto Defendant (1982)
13. Echo & the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon (1984)
1. Tiamat - Whatever That Hurts (1994)
2. Acid Bath - Scream Of The Butterfly (1994)
3. Gojira - The Heaviest Matter Of The Universe (2012)
4. Opeth - Coil (2008)
5. Porcupine Tree - Open Car (2005)
6. Pink Floyd - Welcome To The Machine (1975)
7. Lamb of God - Blacken The Cursed Sun (2007)
8. Rage Against The Machine - Born Of A Broken Man (1999)
9. Bad Religion - Generator (1992)
10. Riverside - Out Of Myself (2003)
11. Anathema - Pulled Under at 2000 Metres a Second (2004)
12. Massive Attack - Atlas Air (2010)
13. Nine Inch Nails - The Big Come Down (1999)
1. Scott Walker & Ute Lemper - Scope J (2000)
2. Gene Clark - Strength Of Strings (1974)
3. King Missile - Ed (1994)
4. Mr. Bungle - Goodbye Sober Day (1999)
5. The Beatles- A Day in the Life (1967)
6. Soap&Skin - Vater (2012)
7. The Cardigans - And Then You Kissed Me (2003)
8. The Knife, Mt. Sims - Colouring of Pigeons (2010)
9. Steve Fitch - For You Too & Maledictorian (2012)
10. Dorin Liviu Zaharia - Cântecul toboșarului (1973)
11. John Frusciante - Untitled #11 (1994)
12. Krishna Das & Sting - Mountain Hare Krishna (1998)
13. Carla Kihlstedt & Matthias Bossi - The Curious One (2012)
1. Death Grips - Get Got (2012)
2. Perturbator - Sexualizer (2013)
3. Touche Amore - Harbor (2013)
4. Ghost B.C. - Monstrance Clock (2013)
5. Deafheaven - Violet (Roads to Judah, 2011)
6. King Dude - Barbara Anne (2012)
7. Cloudeater - Purge (2013)
8. Nicki Minaj - Beez in the Trap (ft. 2 Chainz) (2012)
9. Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) (2013)
10. City Lights - Leaving Here (2013)
11. Defiler - Cryomancer (2010)
12. The Ocean - Bathyalpelagic II: The Wish in Dreams (2013)
13. GERM - Asteroid of Sorrow (2012)
14. Specii - Candy 2 (2011)
1. Scott Walker & Ute Lemper - Scope J (2000)
2. Pink Floyd - Echoes (1971)
3. Current 93 - Judas as Black Moth (1999)
4. Grinderman - Rise (2007)
5. Jamie n Commons - The Preacher (2011)
6. Velvet Underground - Venus in furs (1967)
7. Placebo - Running up that hill (2003)
8. Mahavishnu Orchestra - You Know You Know
9. Fields of the Nephilim - Endemoniada
10. The Evpatoria Project - Eighteen Robins Road
11. Jaco Pastorius - Portrait of Tracy
12. Ambrose Field & John Potter - Ma Belle Dame Souveraine
13. Popol Vuh - Spirit of Peace (part III)
14. John Coltrane - My Favorite Things (1961)
15. Mihály Vig - Kész Az Egész (1988)

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft XI: Game Music

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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Video Draft III: Horror

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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Video Draft IV: Anime

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Dremora Lord
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Re: Game Draft Hall of Fame

Post by Cristan »

Game Draft XII: Greatest Gaming Moments
DescriereMomente şi întâmplări memorabile din jocuri
Perioadamai - iulie 2014
LinkuriThread discuţii
Reguli (noutăţi/diferenţe)Toate descrierile se pun în spoiler tags.
Game MasterMichilangelo
Număr participanţi12
Participanţine0lith, Mărar, Michilangelo, RaptoR, TG, ola small dickie, Pătrunjelu', Cataclism, Mahdi, Stokkolm, Juve, Mafio
Spoiler for Arată clasament:
1. ne0lith
2. Mărar
3. Michilangelo
4. RaptoR
5. TG
6. ola small dickie
7. Pătrunjelu'
8. Cataclism
9. Mahdi
10. Stokkolm
11. Juve
12. Mafio
Liste alese
Spoiler for Alegeri:
1. Intro (Half Life - 1998)
2. Ending (Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven - 2002)
3. What can change the nature of a man? Last answer (Planescape Torment - 1999)
4. Breakfast Scene (Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut - 2013)
5. Haruspex finding out the truth about the town (Pathologic - 2005)
6. Uta's Grotto (The Void - 2009)
7. Countryside driving (GTA: San Andreas - 2004)
8. A Forest (Kentucky Route Zero Act 2 - 2013)
9. Ending (Portal - 2007)
10. "In Cold Blood" Mission (Carmageddon 2 - 1998)
11. You're in a Computer Game, Max! - (Max Payne - 2001)
1. Apotheosis (Journey - 2013)
2. Drumul catre Balmora (TES: Morrowind - 2002)
3. World 1-1 (Braid - 2008)
4. Attack of the Fishman (Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth - 2005)
5. I'm Free - Free Falling ( Saints Row: The Third - 2011)
6. Cellar Archives (Amnesia: The Dark Descent - 2010)
7. Gravity gun tutorial (Half-Life 2 - 2004)
8. Pripyat (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl - 2007)
9. Asura vs. Wyzen (Asura's Wrath - 2012)
10. Veni Vidi Vici (VVVVVV - 2010)
11. Ending (Dear Esther - 2012)
1. Lupta cu Phalanx (Shadow of the Colossus - 2005)
2. Vista Point in padurile din Myrtana (Gothic 3 - 2006)
3. Foc de tabara noaptea, pe timp de ploaie, si muzica din chitara (Stalker - 2007)
4. The Sunken Armada (Dear Esther - 2012)
5. Primul tău castel (Mount & Blade - 2008)
6. Too Late To Love You (Kentucky Route Zero - 2013)
7. The Making of the Storm Tribe (King of Dragon Pass - 1999)
8. Pianul din arhive (Amnesia: The Dark Descent - 2010)
9. First time in Oneiros (Clive Barker's Undying - 2001)
10. And I said yes (Gone Home - 2013)
11. Surviving the night (Sang-Froid - 2013)
1. Charlie Mops Beer Song (The Bard's Tale - 2004)
2. First Diablo kill on Hell (Diablo 2 - 2000)
3. The first time I played Super Mario World on SNES (SMW - 1990)
4. Atac Ingineresc cu APC subteran (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - 1999)
5. That Perfect Bazooka Kill (Worms - 1995)
6. Demolition Man mission (GTA: Vice City - 2003)
7. The door caving in (Aliens vs Predator 2 - 2001)
8. Cand ai nevoie disperata de o linie in Tetris si intr-un final vine (Tetris - 1987)
9. Getting a Railgun Hit from far away (Quake 2 - 1997)
10. Seeing your creature finally understand (Black and White - 2001)
11. The ending (Bastion - 2011)
1. Drumul dintre Old Camp și Old Mine, noaptea, pentru prima dată (Gothic, 2001)
2. Întâlnirea cu SHODAN (System Shock 2, 1999)
3. LeChuck fight & ending (The Secret of Monkey Island, 1990)
4. Spirit Eater ending (Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, 2007)
5. Aeris Dies (Final Fantasy VII, 1997)
6. Paxton Fettel's death (F.E.A.R, 2005)
7. Go for it fail at touchdown (Blood Bowl, 2009)
8. Arrival (Syberia, 2002)
9. Slutty chest (Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga, 2011)
10. Stay on planet (The Swapper, 2013)
11. Sunset at The Dike (The Witcher, 2007)
ola small dickie
1. Nivelul 2 - Hide and Seek (Sanitarium - 1998)
2. Paying strippers for tits - SHAKE IT BABY! (Duke Nukem 3D - 1996)
3. Sotie, casa, masa (Little Big Adventure - 1994)
4. Cum mi-a murit sotia (The Sims - 2000)
5. De ce isi acunde regele fața (Rage of Mages 2: Necromancer - 1999)
6. Dirty Codephrases (No One Lives Forever - 2000)
7. Despartirea dintre Clementine si Lee ( The Walking Dead - 2012)
8. Intro (Day Of The Tentacle - 1993)
9. Copiii de la gradinita si fratii lor mai mari (Little Big Adventure 2 - 1997)
10. Accidentari si credinta (Championship Manager 01/02 - 2001)
11. Catalina (GTA: San Andreas - 2004)
1. Momentul in care te intorci inapoi intr-un settlement (Gothic - 2001)
2. Momentul in care il bagi pe Bowser in lava (Super Marios Bros - 1985)
3. Intoarcerea in Valley of Mines (Gothic 2 - 2002)
4. Insult swordfight (The Secret of Monkey Island - 1990)
5. Meet the gods (Sacrifice - 2000)
6. Arthas' return (Warcraft 3 - 2002)
7. Momentul cand il intrebi pe Farnham de Butcher (Diablo - 1996)
8. Momentul cand faci rost de un tanc in Vice City, si iesi la un rampage cu el (GTA: Vice City - 2003)
9. Trauma (Hotline Miami - 2012)
10. Momentul cand castezi Armageddon (Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - 1999)
11. Momentul in care pornesti un incendiu in tabara inamica (Stronghold Crusader - 2001)
1. Misiunea Fender Ketchup (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - 2005)
2. Ending-ul (Devil May Cry 3 - 2005)
3. Headcrab in the vent (Half Life - 1998)
4. Casa Bantuita (Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines - 2004)
5. Neon shooting (Splinter Cell - 2003)
6. IT IS A CHAIR!!! (The Book of Unwritten Tales - 2009)
7. Masacrul cu arma melee preferata (Deus Ex - 2000)
8. Dance-off (Stubbs The Zombie - 2005)
9. Intro (Bioshock - 2007)
10. Bow and Arrow (Call of Juarez - 2006)
11. Opera singer boss (No One Lives Forever - 2000)
1. The Sword (Thief: The Dark Project - 1998)
2. Coborârea în Ash Lake (Dark Souls - 2011)
3. Don't trust the skull (Planescape Torment - 1999)
4. Ultimii ani de domnie ai unui rege posedat (Crusader Kings 2 - 2012)
5. Black Sheep Tavern (Betrayal at Krondor - 1993)
6. Veceul din Modoc (Fallout 2 - 1998)
7. Să intri cu călărimea-n arcaşi. Din spate. (Shogun: Total War 2 - 2011)
8. A doua noapte (Scratches - 2006)
9. The chaotic evil ending (Temple of Elemental Evil - 2003)
10. O întâmplare cu un cub albastru (Portal 2 în multiplayer - 20011)
11. Shit gets real in Shalebridge Cradle (Thief 3 - 2004)
1. The Butcher (Diablo - 1996)
2. The SCUMM Bar (The Secret of Monkey Island - 1990)
3. Party confrontation - dark side (Star Wars: KotOR - 2003)
4. Surving the first night (Minecraft - 2010)
5. Dracula's "What is a man?" speech (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night -1997)
6. Hitting an enemy with the knee kick (Double Dragon 2 - 1988)
7. First encounter with Mr.X (Resident Evil 2 - 1998)
8. Intro Cinematic (Another World - 1991)
9. Chasing the assassins (Thief: The Dark Project - 1998)
10. Piggsy Encounter (Manhunt - 2004)
11. Harkonen Ending (Dune 2 - 1992)
1. Football Stadium (Maim Street) (Carmagheddon - 1997)
2. The Hom of Quintus (Thief: The Dark Project - 1998)
3. Saritura la "Adrenalina" pe The Edge (Quake 2 - 1997)
4. Plot Twist (Bioshock - 2007)
5. Cea mai satisfacatoare moarte din superbele meciuri de Worms (Worms Armagheddon - 1999)
6. Cate makes do... (No One Lives For Ever - 2000)
1. My CS:GO rant (Counter-Stike: Global Offensive - 2012)
2. Pripyat Mission (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - 2007)
3. Când te duci să spargi geamurile tuturor magazinelor din mall (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - 2003)
4. Epic Fail, sau cum Mafio își omoară 40 de coechipieri într-un moment de idioțenie (ArmA III - 2013)
5. Prima confruntare cu un Black Knight (Dark Souls - 2011)
6. Bad Luck Mission (Sleeping Dogs - 2012)
7. Când nu mi-am plătit datoria la cămătar și a trimis golanii după mine (Gothic 2 - 2002)
8. Venice (Metro Last Light - 2013)
9. Push It (Mission) (Hotline Miami - 2012)
10. Mona Sax Fun House (Max Payne - 2001)
11. Intro (Giants: Citizen Kabuto - 2000)
Desfăşurare (schema turneu)
Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.

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