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Total War’s leadership assumed they would get Rome II right the first time, but they got many things badly wrong. The project had more time and resources than previous games and we were starting from the solid foundation of Shogun 2, meaning that we had a real opportunity to produce a polished game worthy of succeeding the beloved Rome: Total War. Instead, these resources were spent on a long list of dubious new features and changes to the formula that I believe made the game worse, complicated its development, and forced us to throw away hard-won progress from previous titles. Worse still, management gave priority to marketing efforts during development that diverted resources towards producing trailers that should have been focused on the development of the game itself. These problems could have been easily avoided had leadership heeded warnings and advice from the wider development team, but instead it made crucial decisions in a vacuum and also later failed to take accountability for them.
I’ll share details of the most significant of these problems, including those common to Total War projects as well as those that were unique to Rome II. I’ll then share my experiences in the aftermath and how these failures were addressed by management. Finally, I’ll give an account of my experiences during the development of Total War: Attila, which led me to quit the studio.
Cu siguranță dezvoltatorii de jocuri sînt conduși de colective tembele de manageri care nu au nimic de a face cu jocurile.
S-au lăudat trepădușii de marketing ai Creative Assembly și SEGA că Rome II a avut alocat cel mai mare buget din istoria seriei Total War. LOL!!! Ce fîssss! Ce irosire! Cîtă imbecilitate!
Agravant, marketingul a lucrat, însă, eficient, pentru a stoarce bani de la jucători, pe care i-a înșelat cu nerușinare prin media, folosindu-se cu succes de intrumentul precomenzii.
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