King's Bounty: Dark Side

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Dremora Lord
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King's Bounty: Dark Side

Post by TG »
Time has come to join the dark side. Take a trip to the other side of Teana, to the part of the world that has yet remained unseen to the royal bounty hunters.
For the first time in King’s Bounty history by choosing character players not only assign class, they also chose the race of the hero. Orcs are warriors, the Demoness is a paladin and Vampire is a mage.

Great Orcs lost the decisive battle of Tristrem. Ruthless Elves plunder orcs’ villages, desecrate shrines and butcher green babies. The famous Orc warrior Orc-Baghyr flees with a small group of elite warriors and seeks refuge.
Armies of Human knights invaded Atrixus. After the death of her father the young Demoness Neoleene is now in charge. Together with a small unit of devoted imps she fights her way through the ruthless warriors.
Castle of the ancient Morton clan is about to be besieged by the Vampire hunters. Young Daert leaves home to seek allies among other great races that are on the verge of extinction.

Fates of the three heroes are sealed. In the depths of the sacral Black Cave, where many centuries ago races of light imprisoned the Ancient Evil, they exchange vows and antique artifacts. They gather the remains of their armies and begin the great war for survival. Only together they can stand against the advancing forces of Humans and Elves!
*sigh* Still gonna play it. Doar să nu fie iar 100 de ore ca Warriors of the North, încă mai joc la el. Sunt însă destul de dezamăgit de comportamentul ăsta de vită cretină. Dacă scoteau o continuare când era normal să scoată o continuare, seria putea să înflorească, nu să devină ceva deja ignorat de o bună parte din fanii jocului original.

Măcar de data asta nu vor recicla hărțile.
"Screams of a billion murdered stars give life to the night's peace. While we cling in desperation to the few spinning stones we call worlds."

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Headless Kamikaze
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Re: King's Bounty: Dark Side

Post by Quackers »

Da. So fucking sad. The Legend was fucking great, finished. Warrior Princess am zis fine, macar iti da flying mountul destul de devreme, dar l-am lasat pe final din motive clasice ca nu mai puteam avansa.

Warriors of the North, dupa 15 minute cand am vazut exact acelasi lucru, si /stiam/ clar ce o sa fac urmatoarele 60 de ore am zis, nah, i'm good. Daca si aici ne trezim cu fix aceleasi mecanici..

Chiar foarte pacat, TBSuri are few and far between...
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Dremora Lord
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Re: King's Bounty: Dark Side

Post by TG »

Mă rog, mie AP mi s-a părut mai reușit ca The Legend, dar apoi a venit revamp-ul din Crossworlds și credeam că va fi ultima iterație, un fel de finisări înainte să treacă mai departe.

Și stai că Warriors of the North are și un ditamai DLC de vreo 20 de ore, dar ca să-l joci trebuie să începi campania de la început. :lol:
"Screams of a billion murdered stars give life to the night's peace. While we cling in desperation to the few spinning stones we call worlds."

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Re: King's Bounty: Dark Side

Post by Porkus »

Am sărit peste Crossworlds și am aruncat o privire peste Warriors of the North dar nu mi s-a părut că am motiv să-l joc după AP. Unitățile vikinge erau interesante totuși.
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Dremora Lord
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Re: King's Bounty: Dark Side

Post by TG »

Îmi place atitudinea ”we can't even anymore” dar la ce naiba le trebuie beta release pentru un joc scos deja de 4 ori? Ai zice că s-au prins care-i faza până acum.
"Screams of a billion murdered stars give life to the night's peace. While we cling in desperation to the few spinning stones we call worlds."

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