Stiri interesante

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Stiri interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Am facut un topic separat pentru stiri ca sa nu mai postez la politica.

Incep eu: Donald Trump Chicago rally cancelled after violent clashes between supporters and protesters
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cancelled one of his signature rallies on Friday, calling off the event due to safety concerns after protesters packed the arena where he was scheduled to speak.

Anti-Trump Crowd Flies A Communist Flag During Protest

Inteleg ca mai multi dintre protestatari erau sustinatorii lui Bernie Sanders si suporteri ai miscarii Black lives matter, care nu sunt la primul incident de genul asta.

Oh boy, and I thought Trump supporters are bad.
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Apollyon »

The Telegraph: Syrian army retakes ancient city of Palmyra from ISIS
400 Islamic State fighters die in bloody battle for Palmyra, their biggest single defeat since it declared a caliphate in areas of Syria and Iraq in 2014

Syrian regime forces backed by heavy Russian airstrikes have recaptured the ancient city of Palmyra from Islamic State fighters, in what monitors said was the single biggest defeat for the jihadists since 2014.

On Saturday, Russia’s defence ministry said the strikes hit 158 Isil targets, killing more than 100 fighters.

Victory was declared on Syrian television early on Sunday morning, the army describing it as a "mortal blow" to the jihadists who seized the city last year and dynamited its ancient temples.

"Palmyra will be the central base to broaden operations... against Daesh in numerous areas, primarily Deir Ezzor and Raqqa," the army said, vowing to "end" the terrorist group in its stronghold.

The recapture of Palmyra, a strategic oasis city and UNESCO World Heritage site known as "the pearl of the desert", follows a three week offensive backed by Russian fighter jets and helicopters, despite Moscow having announced the withdrawal of most of its forces a fortnight ago.
Urmeaza Raqqa.
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Lahore blast: 65 killed and at least 300 injured outside public park in eastern Pakistan
Officials say the explosion took place as Christian families gathered in the park to celebrate Easter
At least 65 people have been killed and another 300 injured in a blast outside a public park in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore.

It is believed that the bomb detonated on Sunday evening in local time, when many Christian families were visiting the Gulshan-e-Iqbal park area to celebrate Easter. The bomb detonated as families were leaving the park and the majority of victims are believed to be women and children. It is believed to have detonated close to children's swings.

Pakistan has suffered regular incidents of Taliban-related violence, sectarian strife and criminal gang activity.

Meanwhile in the capital, Islamabad, police fired tear gas at thousands of protesters who marched in support of Islamist gunman Mumtaz Qadri, who they see as a religious hero.

Qadri was hanged last month for the murder of Punjab governor Salman Taseer five years ago.

Mr Taseer had defended a Christian woman jailed on blasphemy charges.
Kind of not safe to be a christian in a muslim country these days.
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by vulp »

Si musulmanii aia mai au si nucleare.
unde dai si unde doare unde dai si unde doare
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Daca mai era vreun dubiu:
The splinter group Jamaatul Ahrar, a faction of the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack and said it had deliberately targeted Christians on Easter Sunday.

“We claim responsibility for the attack on Christians as they were celebrating Easter,” a spokesperson for the terrorist group said.

“It was part of our annual martyrdom attacks we have started this year,” he said and warned that more attacks would follow.

“We had been waiting for this occasion... we want to convey... to the prime minister that we we have arrived in Punjab and we will reach you."

"He can do what he wants but he won't be able to stop us. Our suicide bombers will continue these attacks." - sursa
Atentate doar in luna asta: 2 Turcia, 1 Coasta de Fildes, 1 Mali, 1 Nigeria, 1 Bruxelles, acum 3 in Pakistan.

Desigur, e o coincidenta nefericita ca toate au fost comise de islamisti.
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Doc »

A mai fost si un atentat in Iraq, intr-un stadion de fotbal, dar ala e ok, a fost intre islamisti.

Da, si eu regret ca ETA, IRA, FARC, raketii ucranieni si bulgari si restul dementilor crestini estici si vestici s-au potolit nitel.
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Reuters: Syrian forces seize Islamic State-held town near Palmyra
Syrian and allied forces backed by Russian air strikes drove Islamic State militants out of the town of al-Qaryatain on Sunday after encircling it over the past few days, Syria's military command said.

Al-Qaryatain had been held by the militant group since late August. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been trying to retake al-Qaryatain and other pockets of Islamic State control to reduce the jihadist group's ability to project military power into the heavily populated western region of Syria, where Damascus and other main cities are located.

Syrian state television said the army and its allies "fully restored security and stability to al-Qaryatain after killing the last remaining groups of Daesh terrorists" in the town, using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State.
In ritmul asta ISIS nu mai prinde 2017.

Independent: Syrian al-Nusra Front leader, Abu Firas, 'killed in air strike'
Abu Firas al-Suri was killed 'alongside at least 20 other militants'

A prominent leader in Syrian al-Qaida offshoot al-Nusra Front was killed on Sunday in an air raid in the rebel held north-west province of Idlib alongside at least 20 other militants including foreign jihadists, rebels and a monitoring group have said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which tracks violence in the country, confirmed reports on websites by militant sympathisers that Abu Firas, known as “the Syrian”, was killed in a suspected Syrian or Russian air raid on a village north-west of the city of Idlib.

The militant died alongside his son and other foreign jihadists in a strike also targeting the militant Jund al Aqasa group in the village of Kafr Jales, according to the monitoring group.

An Islamist source said Abu Firas was a founding member of al-Nusra Front who fought in Afghanistan in the 1980s and was a senior member of its Shura Council. He is also understood to have worked with Osama bin Laden.
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by ola small dickie »




Ministerul Culturii a deschis în data de 8 aprilie conturile subscripției naționale pentru achiziția operei lui Constantin Brâncuși „Cumințenia Pământului”. În urma deciziei Guvernului României și a Ministerului Culturii, achiziția operei „Cumințenia Pământului” se va face printr-un efort conjugat al statului român și al cetățenilor, respectiv suma de 5 milioane de euro va fi alocată de Guvern și 6 milioane de euro vor fi colectate prin intermediul contribuțiilor voluntare ale persoanelor private și cele juridice."
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Doc »

Dupa ce mi-au marit din pix de 30 de ori impozitul pe un teren, sa astepte ei subscriptie...
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by sekaba »

Sa intelegem ca antena3 nu face campanie pentru subscriptie?
Cetateanu » Sat May 23, 2015 8:39 pm wrote:mda, penibil, uninstalled
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Doc »

Sa intelegem ca subscriptia e o mizerie - daca ai bani sa cumperi o statuie o cumperi, daca nu, nu.

Bugetul de stat e 23.5 miliarde EUR, alocarile din TVA catre bugetele locale sunt cam 4 mld eur, Fondul de rezerva al primului ministru e in jur de 500 mil. EUR. Chiar nu se gaseau banii astia pe undeva?

Nu mai vorbim de faptul ca putea fi achizitia imbracata intr-un proiect cultural si/sau turistic si cumparata cu bani europeni...
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Apollyon »

Saudi Arabia threatens to sell off US assets if Congress passes 9/11 bill
Officials in Saudi Arabia have reportedly told the Obama administration they will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars of American assets if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible for any role in the September 11 attacks.
Fifteen of the nineteen men who hijacked four planes and flew them into targets in New York and Washington in 2001 were Saudi citizens, though Riyadh has always denied having any role in the attacks.

A US commission established in the aftermath of the attacks also concluded there was no evidence of official Saudi connivance. However, the White House has been under pressure to declassify a 28-page section of the report that was never published on the grounds of national security.

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who has read the report, and Senator Bob Graham, who co-chaired the joint congressional inquiry, have said the victims’ families deserved to read the report before Mr Obama visits the Middle East next week.

The families have been trying to use the courts to hold responsible members of the Saudi royal family, Saudi banks and charities. Yet these efforts have been largely blocked because of a 1976 law that gives foreign nations some immunity from lawsuits in American courts.

The newspaper said the Senate bill was intended to make clear that the immunity given to foreign nations under the law should not apply in cases where nations are found culpable for terror attacks that kill Americans on United States soil.

If the bill were to pass both houses of Congress and be signed by the president, it could clear a path for the role of the Saudi government to be examined in the September 11 lawsuits.
Why am I not surprised.
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Doc »

Deci sauditii vor sa vanda bunuri de 750 de miliarde.
Intrebarea e la ce pret, pentru ca alti descreierati care sa aiba in conturi 750 de miliarde nu cred ca mai sunt...
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by rdo »

^ have you ever heard of Mother Russia?
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Doc »

Mother Russia cea cu probleme economice, rubla devalorizata, deficite samd.? Sigur, am auzit.
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Doc »

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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Waaagh! »


Premiile alea se dau cu tot cu chitanta efectuarii platii. Nu mai stiu cat sunt scorurile, dar sunt destul de piperate, mii de $ sau chiar mai mult daca vrei unul sau mai multe trofee serioase. E bine. O fi gusterul la racoare, dar banii tot vin. :lol:
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by ne0lith »

a3 nu trebuie sa se duca in america sa fie recunoscuta ca cea mai buna televiziune de stiri chiar nu mi pasa ce spun americani despre televiziuni ptr ca oricum mint sau spun ceva de cum au interesul limbajul dublu al politicii americane va devenii un bumerang care se va intoarca impotriva lor tot ce se intampla in tara astazi se datoreaza acestor monstri care au spalat creierele multor romani azi asistam neputinciosi si vedem cyum se schimba clasa politica fara ajutorul cetatenilo cineva se substituie votului tare ma tem ca ongeurile lui soros vor da candidatii si la presedentie si la primarii pana nu se scot in afara legii aceste oficine de spionaj si manipulare a maselor in tara nu vom mai avea nimic care sa ne reprezinte uitti va la nicusor dan cum i se face culoar ptr primaria capitalei nu are candidat oponent singura ar fi firea dar cum imbecilii din bucuresti sunt majoritari anti psd ca stiu ei ca ne dau la rusi si sunt cei mai mari hoti din galaxie sigur va iesi nicusor dan
"da" - chestrony, 2016
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by .chester »

Reportajele echipei "În Premieră" se întoarce acasă cu patru premii.
Pacat ca premiile cumparate din America nu te invata acordul subiectului cu predicatul. :lol:
I'm livin' in a love shadow
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Re: Stiri interesante

Post by Doc »

Waaagh! wrote::lol:

Premiile alea se dau cu tot cu chitanta efectuarii platii. Nu mai stiu cat sunt scorurile, dar sunt destul de piperate, mii de $ sau chiar mai mult daca vrei unul sau mai multe trofee serioase. E bine. O fi gusterul la racoare, dar banii tot vin. :lol:
Pareai om cu tiglele pe casa, nicidecum genul care repeta tampeniile unora gen strugurii sunt acri. Exista o taxa de inscriere, toti participantii o platesc, dar in rest?

Sau la fel ti-ai luat si tu premiile de pe la Moscova? stii cum se face? :lol:
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