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Post by Zulu »

We are very pleased to be announcing that Quantic Dream’s next project is a game called DETROIT
set in the near future where Androids have been invented and are changing the fabric of society.
DETROIT is a PS4 exclusive title developed in partnership with SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT Worldwide Studios.

Some of you might remember our PS3 tech demo that we released in 2012. It was about an android who discovered she could feel emotions and appeared to be sentient. Many people were deeply moved by Kara and felt empathy for this character who just wanted to live…
But everyone had the same question: what happens to Kara when she leaves the factory?
To find out, we imagined a world in a near future where androids like Kara would look, speak and move like real human beings.
We wondered how we –humans- would react if we were confronted with a new form of intelligence, how androids conceived as machines
would be perceived if they started to have emotions.
We didn’t want to do another story on AI (there are already so many great ones), we wanted to talk about what it means to be human
and what it would be like to be in the shoes of an android discovering our world and their own emotions...

We’re some way away from releasing Detroit, but we’re excited to be showing you our new game already.
We look forward to letting you know more when we get closer to its release!
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Re: Detroit

Post by MC »

Cred ca topicul asta mergea mai bine la sectiunea console avand in vedere ca e PS4 exclusive.
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Re: Detroit

Post by Zulu »

Mi se parea cam prea pitit pe acolo, e totusi un proiect ambitios ce merita vizibilitate.
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Re: Detroit

Post by joonior_bmf »

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