Despre jocuri adventure

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Despre jocuri adventure

Post by Azad »

Din pasiune pentru gen am vrut sa fac un topic in care sa adunam diverse articole, filmulete etc. despre jocurile adventure.

Incep prin a posta un interviu cu Sam Dyer, tipul care a realizat cartea "The Art of Point-and-Click Adventure Games". Cartea este superba si o recomand si celor care nu sunt pasionati de jocurile astea.

Mai adaug si o serie de filmulete despre istoria genului, realizate de AdventureAdvocate, un canal de yt grecesc specializat pe poin&clicks.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by Azad »

Nu am vazut asta postata pe aici dar intr-un interviu din aprilie 2017 am gasit mentionat "Syberia 4".
When we spoke about Syberia 3 at GDC, you vaguely alluded to something about questions about Kate Walker's sexuality. Could you expand on that?

All stories are love stories. So I do not imagine that the adventures of Kate Walker could never benefit from a romantic engine as powerful as love and sexuality. I am currently creating for Kate Walker a love story that will take place in Syberia 4. What will be her ups and downs? The directions she will be taking? it's probably a bit early to say. But Kate Walker is an intelligent and free woman: her motto is “Adventure!”, which is included in her love choices... I can only imagine that these will never be final or stopped. ... career.php

Nu stiu cat adevar e in chestia asta, mai ales ca Syberia 3 a fost un dezastru, mai mult sau mai putin. Aflandu-ma aproape de finalul lui Syberia 2 nu pot sa fiu de acord cu ce spune Sokal. Seria asta e una de aventura, da, dar e despre locurile pe care le descoperi si despre atmosfera superba, nu despre sexualitatea lui Kate Walker. Nu as avea nimic impotriva daca ar fi ceva frumos si realizat elegant, dar sa nu-mi fie bagat pe gat de-a lungul jocului. In orice caz, sper la un Syberia 4 bun.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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The Odd History of the First Erotic Computer Game

Released in 1981, Softporn was controversial, cheesy, and earnest to a fault. It also presaged today's ongoing debates about who computers and games are for. ... me/383114/

si da, in piscina sunt 2 angajate Sierra plus Roberta Williams :) Nice!
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by Azad »

Unul dintre devii din spatele Primordia, despre puzzleuri, pe /adventuregames:
Wormwood Studios wrote:Thanks for the kind words everyone! I've given up on the notion of calling puzzles "logical," even though I acquiesced (and maybe even participated) in advertising Primordia that way.

The truth is that what seems painfully obvious and commonsense to one person may seem absurd to another; outside of formal logic (and as @notimeforathrowawayy suggests, maybe even INSIDE of formal logic), what we're really talking about is something more like intuition, which is itself a product of experience.

I think it is easier, though highly unhelpful, to talk about designer intent -- namely, whether the designer has attempted to structure a puzzle around predictable rules or demonstrated functions, or whether the designer is just thinking, "Here's what items are in play, how can I arbitrarily link them to a puzzle?" The problem is that good intentions don't make a good puzzle.

Calibrating difficulty level is even trickier. It's easy to make very obvious puzzles, but surprisingly hard to design difficult ones. As I've mentioned elsewhere, one of the real troubles with adventure games is that the most common way players get stuck (even in very good adventures) is that they've missed a point of interaction. Unlike with "Tower of Hanoi" type or hidden circuit board puzzles, where the player just needs to study and figure out the rules, then reverse-engineer a solution, my lifelong experience is that I get stuck because a metaphorical puzzle pieces slipped under a metaphorical rug while I wasn't paying attention. I don't really have a great solution; if you nudge a player too hard, you ruin the puzzle.

The problem is further complicated that often the player is unaware what he is trying to do -- he's unaware of a lock, and the key slipped under the rug. That's not a particularly fun experience, nor is it a cerebral one. To the extent it feels rewarding, that is mostly because of the same part of our brain that gets tickled by "achievement unlocked."

The truly great puzzles -- Monkey Island 2's stand out in this respect -- are fair, predictable, and well-sequenced. But puzzle design is a science as well as an art, and unfortunately very few adventure game developers these days last more than one or two games (and very few bother including real puzzles), so the science has been lost. God knows, I don't have it. :/

Anyway, thanks again! It's wonderful that after all these years, people are still talking about our little game in this or that corner of the internet. ... primordia/

De altfel, daca pot sa fac putina reclama, recomand oricarui pasionat sa arunce o vizita peste /adventuregames. Avem saptamanal discutii despre cate un joc adventure unde se strang opinii interesante si care merita citite. Precum si un thread lunar de "ce va jucati". Momentan lucrez la wiki dar cand o sa fie gata o sa fie un punct de plecare pentru cine vrea sa se apuce de jocurile astea. Anyway, e ceva modest, dar se strang discutii frumoase.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by Azad »

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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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Seria Quest For Glory mi-a placut tare mult. Le-am terminat de la 1 pana la 3. Am ramas la shadows of darkness. O sa-l reiau candva ca si ala pare misto.

Sunt curios cum le-a iesit creatorilor seriei acest Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by Azad »

Interviu cu Dave Gilbert, omul din spatele Unavowed, Blacklight, Shardlight etc. Am reusit sa ascult doar cateva minute din interviu pana sa-l inchid, pentru ca nu-mi place deloc cum e realizat. Tipul care ia interviul nu prea s-a documentat si nici nu prea isi da interesul. Poate ai mai multa rabdare ca mine sa-l urmaresti, ola.

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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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The Future of Broken Sword and Revolution Software – An Interview with Charles Cecil
With another trip into the older entries off the cards for now what about Broken Sword 6?

“I’ve said that I’m working on the story. We are working on a new game at the moment, a new adventure game which is super ambitious and I’m really looking forward to talking about it next year.”
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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Am descoperit un tip care face retrospective ale jocurilor Wadjet. A inceput cu The Shivah si a trecut prin majoritatea, mai are doar Lamplight City si Unavowed. It's not that bad, tbh. Link

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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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Dar kathy rain ce legatura are cu wadjet?
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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L-a pus acolo ca un mic detur, pana sa treaca la Unavowed. Probabil exista influente Wadjet in stilul lui KR.

Si o chestie interesanta:
Full English voice acting directed by Wadjet Eye Games' Dave Gilbert
De pe pagina de steam a lui KR.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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A nu stiam de legatura asta :)
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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Ai apucat sa joci Kathy Rain? Stiam de el de ceva vreme dar, din pacate, n-am apucat sa-l joc pana acum. Cei de la AG il lauda:
A remarkable achievement from a first-time developer, Kathy Rain is an unexpectedly personal gem about a heroine who proves she belongs with the genre’s other big names.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

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stiu de el si ca e laudat si e un titlu ce ma tenteaza dar inca n-am apucat sa-l joc
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by Azad »

In celebration of the launch of Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent’s Curse on Nintendo Switch, Charles will be doing an AMA on Reddit at 8am PT; 11am ET; 5pm CEST; 4pm BST. Please join us

AMA-ul va avea loc aici.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by marvas »

Hah, am jucat anul acesta Kathy Rain și mi-a plăcut. Acum dupa ce am parcurs aproape 3 jocuri de la Wadjet pot sa confirm ca e foarte asemănător stilul în care e prezentată povestea.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by ola small dickie »

Wadjet eye deja e pt mine acolo sus cu marile companii faimoase pt genul adventure. Sierra, LucasArts. Poate inca nu la nivelul celor 2 dar e entuziasmant si remarcabil ce au reusit pana acum. Si sunt plin de optimism si curiozitate fata de viitorul lor. Orice joc scos de ei deja e un eveniment pt mine, orice titlu devine o prioritate de cumparat si jucat.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by Azad »

La ce ati spus mai sus, tu si marvas, vreau sa adaug si ca Wadjet deja influenteaza, prin stilul lor original, dezvoltatorii mici de jocuri de adventure. Grundislav Games (Lamplight City), Wormood Studios (Strangeland), Clifftop Games (Kathy Rain) si alte studiouri care probabil imi scapa. Ma astept ca influenta asta sa creasca si peste 10 ani sa vorbim de ei cum vorbim de Sierra si LucasArts. As vrea sa pot spune la fel si despre Daedalic. Meh, I won't start rambling about Daedalic again.

In alta ordine de idei:

Gamescom 2018 round-up: Part 1
Gamescom 2018 round-up: Part 2

Se anunta un viitor bogat in jocuri adventure misto. O sa fac thread-uri pentru cele care m-au impresionat, dar asta nu inseamna ca celelalte sunt mai prejos. Incurajez pe oricine care citeste listele alea sa faca thread-uri despre ce i-a placut.
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Re: Despre jocuri adventure

Post by ola small dickie »

Jane Jensen si Robert Holmes isi vand casa daca sunteti interesati ... mans-farm/

ia uite ce am aflat documentdu-ma despre orasul langa care e casa aia: Mount Joy is often named in lists of "delightfully-named towns" in Pennsylvania Dutch Country, along with Intercourse, Blue Ball, Lititz, Bareville, Bird-in-Hand and Paradise :lol:
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