Command & Conquer Remastered

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Command & Conquer Remastered

Post by joonior_bmf »

C&C Update from EA
Fellow Command & Conquer fans,

My name is Jim Vessella, and I’m a Producer at Electronic Arts. Ten years ago I had the pleasure of being on the production team for Command & Conquer 3 and Red Alert 3, along with being the Lead Producer on Kane’s Wrath. During those years, some of my favorite moments were interacting with our passionate community, whether at our onsite Community Summits, on the forums, or while attending various events such as Gamescom.

As most of you may know, we recently announced Command & Conquer: Rivals, a mobile game set in the Command & Conquer universe. Following the reveal of Rivals, we heard you loud and clear: the Command & Conquer community also wants to see the franchise return to PC. And as a fan of C&C for over 20 years, I couldn’t agree more. With that in mind we’ve been exploring some exciting ideas regarding remastering the classic PC games, and already have the ball rolling on our first effort to celebrate the upcoming 25th Year Anniversary.

We are eager to hear your feedback to help influence our current thoughts for PC and what comes next. Over the next few weeks we’ll be talking to fans in a variety of ways. In the meantime, please share your thoughts here on the subreddit.

As a long time C&C fan and developer, I am just as passionate about the C&C franchise as you are, and look forward to hearing your thoughts as they help us shape the future of C&C at EA!

Thanks! ... e_from_ea/
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Re: Despre jocuri

Post by tnt »

In sfarsit niste vesti bune de la astia.
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Re: Despre jocuri

Post by DarthZombie »

Dar tot de la EA o sa fie, so why be optimistic? Sper sa nu uitam ca Westwood e una din primele lor victime.
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Re: Despre jocuri

Post by TG »

Ironic cum veștile bune sunt versiuni remastered la jocuri aparținând celui mai brain dead dintre genurile clasice. Am iubit multe dintre ele, dar să mor de nu sunt perfecte pentru audiența de cookie cutteri profesioniști care înjură de mamă când dau headshot-uri în ultimul Call of Duty.

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Re: Despre jocuri

Post by sebas »

MOBAs killed RTS games. Fără ceva gimmick, gen FPS topping ca în cazul Dragon Commander sau a mai vechilor Uprising sau Battlezone, there's nothing bringing them back. Not even nostalgia.
dump CHA
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Re: Despre jocuri

Post by tnt »

Eu sunt de parere ca lucrurile-s ciclice. Ramane de vazut odata cu AoE4 daca genul se va intoarce sau nu, devreme ce va fi primul RTS clasic de la Starcrat 2 incoace in care se investeste masiv (ma rog, asta daca-l fac si acatarii). Pana acum am avut pe ici colo doar semi-incercari limitate de buget sau decizii neinspirate de design.

Cat despre astfel de remasters, ele sunt mai mult destinate vechilor fani si sunt binevenite, de ce nu. Cele de la AoE au succes si au aratat si ca e suficient interes pt o continuare.
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Re: Despre jocuri

Post by DarthZombie »

Nu MOBA-urile au omorat jocurile RTS, genul s-a omorat singur pompand ani de zile jocuri care n-au facut destul ca sa-l "revolutioneze". Iar cand genul se anchilozeaza nu are alta directie in care sa se duca decat inspre a deveni o nisa. Acum 10-15 ani asta era principala critica lansata la adresa genului RTS, ca nu evolua aproape deloc si dadea senzatia ca si-a atins limita in materie de ce se poate face. Adventure-urile au avut cam aceeasi soarta.
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Re: Despre jocuri

Post by McWilliams »

"Succesul" AoE este foarte discutabil. Daca un RTS este publicat de alde EA, Ubisoft, Activision, apai acel RTS ar trebui sa faca - vorba lui Jim Fucking Sterling Son - ALL THE MONEY. Not some money. Not a lot of money. Not most of the money. BUT ALL OF THE MONEY IN THE WORLD!

Un joc vechi adus in epoca moderna inseamna cheltuieli consistente - grafica, AI, marketing, design etc. De unde si scuza ca "games are too expensive to make". Asa ca, daca nu este un joc de tip live service, sa aiba o ciclicitate de genul open-world sau MMO/MOBA, nu o sa poti pastra oamenii interesati de joc pe termen nelimitat. Or asta contrazice orice strategie de dezvoltare marca EA/Ubisoft/Activision.

Da, jocul poate sa fie excelent, de calibrul ultimului DOOM. Dar daca peste 6-12 luni nu mai mulg nimic din acel joc, EA/Ubisoft/Activision o sa prefere sa-si concentreze banii in versiuni de jocuri care accepta loot-boxes, premium currency, skins and the likes, unde sa poata rumega la masa de players (si la portofelele lor) constant, pana iese versiunea X+1 a aceluiasi joc, intr-un an-doi.

Deci putem spera la RTS-uri bune, insa nu de categorie flagship. Unless you want to unlock the Mammoth Tank for 24 hour with the best value pack of $9.99.
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Re: Command & Conquer Remastered

Post by Cristan »

Out into the foggy street. Turn your collar up.
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Re: Command & Conquer Remastered

Post by tnt »

E timpul sa cautam cratesuri.
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