Windows 9, adica 10

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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by Waaagh! »

Viata e mult mai simpla cand ai dezactivat automatic updates.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

Windows 10: CNIL publicly serves formal notice to Microsoft Corporation to comply with the French Data Protection Act within three months
Following the launch of the new operating system, Windows 10, in July 2015, the CNIL was alerted by the media and political parties to the possibility that Microsoft Corporation was collecting excessive personal data. Meanwhile, a Contact group was created within the G29 (working party including national data protection agencies in Europe) to examine the issue and conduct investigations in the various member states concerned. It is within this context that the CNIL carried out seven on-line observations in April and June 2016 and questioned Microsoft Corporation on certain points of its privacy policy to check that Windows 10 complied with the French Data Protection Act.

This has revealed many failures :

Irrelevant or excessive data collected:

The CNIL found that the company was collecting diagnostic and usage data via its telemetry service, which uses such data, among other things, to identify problems and to improve products. To this purpose, Microsoft Corporation processes, for instance, Windows app and Windows Store usage data, providing information, among other things, on all the apps downloaded and installed on the system by a user and the time spent on each one. Therefore, the company is collecting excessive data, as these data are not necessary for the operation of the service.

A lack of security:

The company allows users to choose a four characters PIN to authenticate themselves for all its on-line services, notably to access to their Microsoft account, which lists purchases made in the store and the payment instruments used, but the number of attempts to enter the PIN is not limited, which means that user data is not secure or confidential.

Lack of individual consent:

An advertising ID is activated by default when Windows 10 is installed, enabling Windows apps and other parties’ apps to monitor user browsing and to offer targeted advertising without obtaining users’ consent.

Lack of information and no option to block cookies:

The company puts advertising cookies on users’ terminals without properly informing them of this in advance or enabling them to oppose this.

Data still being transferred outside EU on a “safe harbour” basis:

The company is transferring its account holders’ personal data to the United States on a “safe harbour” basis but this has not been possible since the decision issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union on 6th October 2015.

Given the above, the Chair of the CNIL has decided to issue a formal notice to Microsoft Corporation to comply with the Act within three months. This proceedings only commits French Data protection authority. The other data protection authorities belonging to the WP29 Contact group are continuing their investigations within their respective national procedures.

The purpose of the notice is not to prohibit any advertising on the company’s services but, rather, to enable users to make their choice freely, having been properly informed of their rights.

It has been decided to make the formal notice public due to, among other reasons, the seriousness of the breaches and the number of individuals concerned (more than ten million Windows users on French territory).
For the record, the CNIL wishes to state that formal notices are not sanctions and no further action will be taken if the company complies with the Act within the specified timescale, in which case the notice proceedings will be closed and this decision will also be made public.

Should Microsoft Corporation fail to comply with the formal notice within the specified timescale, the Chair may appoint an internal investigator, who may draw up a report proposing that the CNIL’s restricted committee responsible for examining breaches of the Data Protection Act issue a sanction against the company.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

Microsoft's war against Chrome battery life now includes Windows 10 notifications
Microsoft decided to target Google's Chrome browser back in June with a new campaign designed to highlight how bad the browser is for your laptop battery life. While Microsoft's marketing effort was initially limited to a YouTube video and associated website, the software maker has started to take things a step further in its battery battle in recent weeks.

Windows 10 users are reporting that the tips feature of the OS is generating notifications to try and convince people to switch away from using Google's Chrome browser. "Chrome is draining your battery faster," reads the notification. "Switch to Microsoft Edge for up to 36 percent more browsing time," it advises. The alerts started appearing in early July for both Chrome and Firefox users, but not everyone using Windows 10 is receiving them. I personally received an alert this morning, and was surprised Microsoft was using Windows itself to convince me to ditch Chrome.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

Snagging creds from locked machines
If you think, a locked Windows (or OS X) PC is secure, think again. Anyone with physical access to the device could apparently snag your credentials in a matter of seconds. Rob Fuller, also knows as mubix was able to do just that by plugging in a USB stick, that in reality was a small computer. Using this device, that appears to the PC as a network device he was able to get the PC to respond to DHCP and thereby change DNS servers and gateway information. In less than 20 seconds, the locked Windows PC redirected network traffic through the USB device, which then requested authentification and was presented with the login credentials of the currently logged in user.

Even if Windows did not give out the password in clear text but as a hash, this just caused a small delay. According to Rob, this worked with every Windows version up to Windows 10. He said, that he was also successful on OS X using the same technique but so far there is no proof on that yet. At the moment he is working to see if Linux is susceptible to this kind of attack as well. It is difficult to answer the obvious question, how you could prevent an attack like that? If someone has physical access to your PC and the necessary knowledge, he will succeed one way or another. An attack like this could obviously be prevented by disabling USB or DHCP but who does that?
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

Windows 10 now actually losing market share
In September though, according to NetMarketShare, Windows 10 didn’t just show slower growth, it actually went into reverse gear and lost usage share. Yes, you read that right.

According to the figures, Windows 10 went from 22.99 percent globally, to 22.53 percent, a drop of 0.46 percentage points. It’s important to remember that NetMarketShare measures usage (people actually using the operating system, rather than having it installed), and that isn’t a precise science. Even so, Windows 10 losing share is a big surprise. When Windows 8.x did it two years ago, it came after months of dwindling growth. Here, NetMarketShare is showing us a healthy growing operating system coming to a dramatic and sudden stop, and then actually rolling backwards a bit. Are the figures to be believed? Well, while it wouldn’t be the first time that NetMarketShare has released usage numbers and then revised them a few days later, rival usage share monitoring firm StatCounter has similar findings.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

A small but powerful portable tool working via Windows API. WPD is the most convenient and proper way to customize privacy related settings in Windows.

Privacy management
Customize Group Policy, Services, Tasks and other settings responsible for data collection and transmission.

Firewall rules
Block telemetry IP's using firewall rules from the @crazy-max repository.

Appx uninstaller
Easy remove pre-installed Microsoft Store garbage or any other app.

Supported OS
Windows 10 Enterprise 1809, 1803, 1709, 1703, 1607
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019, 2016, 2015
Windows 10 Education 1809, 1803, 1709
Windows 10 Pro 1809, 1803, 1709, 1703, 1607
Windows 10 Home 1809, 1803, 1709, 1703
Windows Server Standard 2016, 2019
Windows 8-8.1
Windows 7
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by stef »

Observ ca Windows 7 apare ultimul pe lista mai in toate specificatiile de OS supported, asadar ma intrebam oare cat timp va mai rezista si cand o va lua pe urmele lui XP, adica sa dispara si sa inceapa toata lumea sa migreze pe Win10?
Oricum, sunt deja obisnuit cu el de la munca unde toate sistemele au win10. Totusi acasa tot pe 7 stau, parca nu-mi vine sa-l parasesc :)
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by Magicake »

MS a oprit deja support-ul pentru Win 7 din 2015, pentru mainstream users. Corporate mai au support pana in 2020. E un OS antic oricum ai lua-o, poate noua nu ni se pare antic pentru ca am folosit XP (unii din noi si 95 si 98, sau mai vechi) :lol:

Si eu tot 7 folosesc pe desktop, nu as beneficia de la un upgrade pe sistemul asta, dar la urmatorul PC o sa iau si licenta de win 10.

E suficient de antic incat sa primesc raspunsuri gen "WTF is that?" cand pun screenshot-uri in chatrooms.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by ola small dickie »

De la win 3 1 la win 95 am sarit repede, de la win 95 la win 98 am sarit repede. Win 3 1 si 95 nu meritau sa zabovesti pe ele, de abia asteptai urmatorul sa te scoata totusi din situatie la un alt nivel. Dar dupa aia parca s a schimbat tata. Cu win98 am stat fratica ani buni de il stiam pe de rost treci si pe la win 98 se, win98 l am trait ani de zile pe toate partile. Apoi la xp la fel, pe xp cred ca am stat cel mai mult din toate ferestrele. Apoi win 7 la fel, inca aveam win 7 acasa pana s a bulit pcul. Dar e cam gata si asta. Win 10 de acum si cam asta a fost povestea. Win 98, xp si 7 au fost cele mai durabile pt mine. Si am inceput cu un pc acasa cu ms dos, norton commander si jocuri pe dischete de 1,44mb sau cat erau
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by Stokkolm »

Cand s-a lansat Windows 10 mi-am zis ca n-o sa mi-l instalez niciodata. Intre timp sindromul Stockholm si-a facut efectele si am ajuns sa ma impac cu ideea ca o sa-mi inlocuiesc windows 7 pe viitor.

Principala problema era compatibilitatea cu jocurile mai vechi. Acum cativa ani la un lan party un shau a venit cu laptop cu windows 10, nu i-a mers nici Starcraft, nici CS 1.6, nici Red Alert 2. Din cate am auzit intre timp lucrurile s-au mai imbunatatit.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by stef »

Pai da, asta e principala problema, peste cateva versiuni va exista o mare probabilitate ca jocurile vechi sa nu mai ruleze (maybe just with complex & sophisticated workaround) ceea ce e ceva normal din punct de vedere evolutiv. Insa momentan ele nu au murit, dar sunt pe moarte.
Vom prinde aceasta tranzitie de la existenta la nefiinta a multor capodopere din trecut ce vor deveni relicve ale Genezei tehnologice, artefacte sacre ce vor putrezi ca sa poata ajunge statui pe piedestaluri de marmura, reprezentand inceputul plin de glorie al unei perioade infloritoare. Totusi acest proces e relativ si pe o perioada nedeterminata de timp, avand in vedere ca pentru altii aceasta perioada a avut alte puncte de reper ca intervale de timp.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by Magicake »

Adobe nu pare sa mai vrea sa updateze la ultima versiune de Creative Cloud pe Win 7 — un big player in industrie care a anulat suportul pentru Win 7.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by Magicake »

Am inceput sa folosesc One Commander ca sa am ceva similar cu column view din Finder de pe Mac. Ca si functionalitate este excelent, mai ales ca suporta si tab-uri multiple, dar as fi preferat sa foloseasca ceva mai de bun simt in spate, gen nush, native UI in loc de WPF. Nu de alta dar se simte jerky comparativ cu explorer si mai au si un loading screen de vreo 2 secunde la startup. Pretentii, I guess.


E bun.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

Microsoft is building a Chromium-powered web browser that will replace Edge on Windows 10
Microsoft's Edge web browser has seen little success since its debut on Windows 10 back in 2015. Built from the ground up with a new rendering engine known as EdgeHTML, Microsoft Edge was designed to be fast, lightweight, and secure, but launched with a plethora of issues which resulted in users rejecting it early on. Edge has since struggled to gain any traction, thanks to its continued instability and lack of mindshare, from users and web developers.

Because of this, I'm told that Microsoft is throwing in the towel with EdgeHTML and is instead building a new web browser powered by Chromium, a rendering engine first popularized by Google's Chrome browser. Codenamed Anaheim, this new web browser for Windows 10 will replace Edge as the default browser on the platform. It's unknown at this time if Anaheim will use the Edge brand or a new brand, or if the user interface between Edge and Anaheim is different. One thing is for sure, however; EdgeHTML in Windows 10's default browser is dead.

Many will be happy to hear that Microsoft is finally adopting a different rendering engine for the default web browser on Windows 10. Using Chromium means websites should behave just like they do on Google Chrome in Microsoft's new Anaheim browser, meaning users shouldn't suffer from the same instability and performance issues found in Edge today. This is the first step towards revitalizing Windows 10's built-in web browser for users across PC and phone. Edge on iOS and Android already use rendering engines native to those platforms, so not much will be changing on that front.

Microsoft engineers were recently spotted committing code to the Chromium project, further suggesting that Microsoft is working on its own Chromium powered browser for Windows 10.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

Windows Sandbox is a new lightweight desktop environment tailored for safely running applications in isolation
Windows Sandbox has the following properties:

Part of Windows – everything required for this feature ships with Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise. No need to download a VHD!
Pristine – every time Windows Sandbox runs, it’s as clean as a brand-new installation of Windows
Disposable – nothing persists on the device; everything is discarded after you close the application
Secure – uses hardware-based virtualization for kernel isolation, which relies on the Microsoft’s hypervisor to run a separate kernel which isolates Windows Sandbox from the host
Efficient – uses integrated kernel scheduler, smart memory management, and virtual GPU

Prerequisites for using the feature

Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise Insider build 18305 or later
AMD64 architecture
Virtualization capabilities enabled in BIOS
At least 4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
At least 1 GB of free disk space (SSD recommended)
At least 2 CPU cores (4 cores with hyperthreading recommended)
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by zme-ul »

The next version of Windows 10 will reserve at least 7GB of storage for updates
Beginning with the next feature update to Windows 10, currently known as 19H1, Microsoft will introduce a feature called Reserved Storage. The feature will hold space on your PC for temporary files created by apps and services, and it's designed to make Windows updates more seamless. As it stands right now, if you try to install updates but don't have enough storage, you'll get an error.

Now, when it's time to update your PC, the temporary files in your Reserved Storage will be deleted, to make room for the update. Microsoft noted that if that's not enough, Windows 10 will instruct you to expand your storage with a USB drive or free up space.
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by ola small dickie »

ba da windows 10 asta e optimizat bine. doar ce l-am instalat pe un computer cu un procesor intel din 2008 (E5200), 4gb ram si un hdd. se misca bine. sa vad cum se misca dupa ce instalez antivirusul
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Re: Windows 9, adica 10

Post by Magicake »

Windows 10 merge bine peste tot, da. La un moment dat o sa mearga mai prost dar o sa-si revina din senin dupa un update si o sa fie buttery smooth, deoarece pentru unele update-uri majore tactica Win 10 e clean reinstall :lol: Ultima oara mi s-a intamplat asta vara, parca.
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